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This Could Be Rotterdam

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Everything posted by This Could Be Rotterdam

  1. I really hope our social media team are waiting for the tesco carrier bags to announce lambert like they're signing a megastar, and then as soon as that updates we hit post on a photo of adebayor, gestede and verretout.
  2. Everytime I board a plane now it annoys me beyond belief that people can get away with pretty much full size suitcases as hand luggage. Even more so when they insist on squeezing them into the overhead rack while everyone else is left queuing behind them. Just been on a plane (checked baggage allowance was 23kg so hardly restricted with what can be checked into the hold) where someone with one of these ridiculous cases was last on, and went through the whole plane looking into the overhead area, seeing there were no spaces and was obviously waiting for someone to move their normal sized bag for them. It's got to the point now where I will scout out everyone's hand luggage before even boarding the flight, in a state of 'pre-annoyance' and part of me can't wait for the day when the opportunity arises for me to be asked to move my backpack by someone with a ridiculous case, I've had the speech prepared for the last couple of years and just need the moment where I can demand the flight assistant gets a measuring tape and checks the dimensions of the idiots bag.
  3. Full marks to sherwood and our his working behind the scenes, managing to get almost a whole new team worth of players in with the money from two players is an impressive feat. Extremely impressed with the way we've conducted ourselves this window and we really are looking like this seasons surprise package. I'm looking forward to the start of the season for the first time in years!
  4. I can just picture it now. A late Sunday night, sherwood sitting in his living room with his laptop wondering how he's going to recover the mess that is aston villa. So he opens up football manager, hires the very best scouts available, and thinks right, where do I start? I know, I'll search for the name Jordan and see what comes up...
  5. Burnley are getting a good deal for him at £2million. Think if anything, clarks emergence last season has done him no good, best of luck to him because there's potential to be realised.
  6. Wouldn't surprise me if pulis walks at the end of the window. They've done nothing and he lives on his rep of never being relegated.
  7. Bridget jones got a new job by telling the recruiter she'd been sacked for sleeping with her boss and it got awkward. I know that isn't EXACTLY the same situation, but if movies teach you anything it's never give up...(you might find yourself sliding down a fire station pole right onto a camera on live tv, and if that isn't the dream I don't know what is!)
  8. Imagine the reaction on this forum if we signed a player who scored more goals than benteke next season!
  9. If they didn't leave it at least 24 hours before letting you know the decision you have a case right there and you can rightfully claim that they didn't take it fully into consideration and knew what the result would be before the hearing. Definately challenge it even f it's for a nice payout!
  10. Dealt with this with class and after this summers' events we should appreciate that! Wish him the best of luck and hope he gets out of scouseland as soon as possible and on to better things!
  11. Obviously i have kept the text message. I didnt take a witness in, as i read "informal meeting" as 'you're getting a bollocking when you come in' - notes were taken by the 3rd party present in the meeting, and as yet those notes nor copies of the posts I was confronted with have been made available to me. I haven't had any official confirmation that Im currently suspended either - just my manager telling me that that is the case. I asked the staff member who texted me to talk to the store manager about what she had overheard and to ask her to call me I work for a very unionised company, and any disciplinary that even slightly doesn't meet the correct procedures will be thrown out at tribunal, so unless we are certain we have done it by the book it won't end in dismissal. Do you have a union? If they haven't given you a copy of the notes, didn't allow you representation, and haven't formally notified you of suspension then you're already on good ground. I certainly wouldn't request any of this, just make sure you keep a written log of all communications with anyone from work, however small it may seem. If you can show they are acting unfairly and that you haven't had formal notification, at the very least they might dismiss you but pay you off at tribunal and you end up with a nice bonus before starting a nice new job with a company not filled with word removeds!
  12. This is too unbelievable to be true. Therefore, I don't believe it. He will be slaughtered if this is actually happening!
  13. Then I can tell you that there will be news on a player tomorrow. Like I said yesterday we have had news on a player today. Benteke is maybe, possibly leaving. Further news tomorrow on a player. Is tomorrow's news that Benteke is maybe, possible leaving tomorrow aswell? It is isn't it?
  14. Easy solution. Tell them they have 10 minutes and then the runway will reopen regardless if they move or not. I'm sure the sight of a 747 bearing down on them from a great height will motivate them to move pretty sharpish They released expansion plans on the hottest UK July day ever recorded. So you want them to release plans in December only?
  15. Austin wants to stat in London apparently so Tim will have some serious Seducing to do[/quote 'Listen here, sign for us until 2026 and you can get to London in less than an hour on hs2, simples charlie'
  16. These people protesting on the runway at heathrow. Not only is it going to make absolutely no difference, but it will cause a massive loss of money and could well ruin people's holidays that they have been working and saving for all year. The police should just remove them from the site for trespassing and arrest every single one of them!
  17. Townsend removed everything to do with spurs from his twitter profile and has retweeted a photo of him and Delph boarding a plane for England from June. Let the ITK's emerge...
  18. If this goes through I'll never have felt more let down by a footballer. If he hadn't said what he had when he signed the contract we'd all be saying fair play to him for ensuring we got a fee. But he's made a rod for his own back. As soon as he leaves I no longer care about him, pathetic waste of a career when he's sitting on the bench. Genuinely hope he falls out of the England squad!
  19. Anyone watch 'married at first sight' last night? Social experiment or degrading marriage? Actually found it quite interesting, can't see either of the couples lasting but it'll be funny to see their reactions when they meet at the altar and realise they aren't attracted to their husband/wife.
  20. Absolutely love the away kit. It's the kind of kit that you'll see someone wearing on the street in 15 years time and will wish you still had. It'll be a classic!
  21. It seems this has all come from a random guy on twitter who's mate works at the villa and they've just run with it. Not reading too much into it.
  22. So I'll miss the first game of the season just because of some yobs. Brilliant.
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