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Everything posted by sheepyvillian

  1. These beastly human beings . And trust me, all the therapy in the world is futile . They are the most manipulative and cunning of people . Having spent many a moon behind bars with these beastly human beings, I can tell you now , jail is the only place for them . All the therapy in the world doesn't mean diddly squat they are the most manipulative and cunning of creatures . I remember being a 16 yr old borstal boy in the Green, and whilst sitting in the church hearing this tremendous hissing noise , it was the normal prisoners letting the nonces know what beasts they are . I remember looking up to the balcony, and seeing those ghastly faces, it still effects me to this day , incidentally, the word nonce is actually a home office acronym : NOT OF NORMAL CRIMINAL ELEMENT . My sentiments exactly .. I strongly believe in mandatory chemical castration, if not, then prison . I can't see an argument against .
  2. Just binged the whole season . And trust me ,it was worth every minute .Is there anyone more ubiquitous than Michael Kenneth Williams ? Great acting from the whole cast . Thanks .
  3. Can you Adam n Eve it , Danny Dyer related to royalty . As long as it isn't Edward the confessor , because, and " lets ave it right " there aint a grass in the Dyer clan . Cringe, cringe and cringe .
  4. Tony Bellew ? About as endearing as a bed of nails . Haye will put him to sleep .
  5. The one thing that undermines the Tyson era is the dearth of any decent challengers to his crown . He had tremendous hand speed with great head movement .and also a very underrated jab .for someone considered small for a heavyweight . Under the tutelage of trainer Kevin Rooney he ,at times looked spell - binding and unbeatable ,that was until Don King weaved his magic spell , and before you know it , he's been knocked out by a diabetic and incarcerated for hairy ape . How can anyone recover from that ? He did get to knock the crap out of Don King , which I imagine was ,for him , a slight crumb of comfort .
  6. Hopefully he's wearing that " fickle proof jacket " ,then ,fingers crossed ,the lad will flourish .
  7. I honestly thought Ward would win without argument ,but having watched the fight ,for me,the Russian should of got the nod . Ward made it his type of fight from the 6th ,but the rounds were still close to call ,put it this way ,if the decision would of gone the other way ,I don't think there would of been any complaints . Ward knows deep down he got lucky .
  8. The same way Ward schooled Froch ,the same way he should school Kovalev , although the naturally smaller man ,I believe Ward has the nous to overcome any obstacles ,that the Russian may bring on the night . I do admire how Kovalev has lit up ,what was for a long time , a poor division .
  9. A lack of pace didn't stop the likes of Hoddle ,or the other wizard at Southampton . And let's not forget the greatest passer of a ball to ever wear the claret and blue , yes ,the legend that is Sid Cowans . Ample evidence my dear friend ,that guile will always compensate .
  10. So does John Stones and look how much he cost . It's called a learning curve .
  11. Really hope this kid goes all the way . What a boost for the Asian community that would be ,and when you consider the large Asian community we have here in Birmingham, well tbh ,it's long overdue . ,
  12. Trumps face ,whilst meeting Obhama in the Whitehouse . " What the hell have I got myself in to " . Obhama ,ever the " cool cat " . milking it for all it's worth .
  13. Penguin walks in to a bar ,says to the barman " have you seen my dad " barman says ," whats he look like " .
  14. Enjoyed " Hell or High Water " . Who does it better than Jeff Bridges ? Pauline Kael once said out of all the actors she had seen ,he seemed the least self _ conscious of them all . Talent without ego .isn't that a rare thing ? Also liked Ben Fosters performance , who ,in my opinion,is a fine actor ,first came across him in 3 :10 to Yuma ,and he more than held his own with Bale and Crowe .
  15. Don't you just hate that pretentious ,we're so clever humour ? About as funny as Sunday mass .
  16. Best football England ever played was under Hoddle ,we actually out passed the likes of France and Italy and began to look like a team who could compete . On reflection ,maybe the FA were a tad impulsive in there decision to sack him . Yes ,I know he upset an awful lot of decent people with all that karma nonsense ,but that's exactly what it was ,nonsense ,and that is exactly what the England team have been ,ever since Hoddle's departure .
  17. Getting all nostalgic about childhood Saturday mornings with the wonderful " Tiswas ".
  18. If he doesn't kick on from here then , it ain't never going to happen . If he is honest to himself he knows he's fortunate to still be donning the claret and blue ,I can only assume .that someone high up at the club had a soft spot for him ,otherwise ,I believe ,he would of been considered surplus to requirements . As it is ,it seems he's now enjoying his football ,under a manager who obviously sees in him something he likes . I remember when he was ripping it up for England U21 and the talk was of the new Gerrard . Fingers crossed ,with a long run of games he can now start fulfilling some of that potential .
  19. Graham Taylor was playing 3 at the back way back when , mind you ,what a decent back 3 it was : God , Mountfield and Nielson . Aston Villa ,leading the way . It was ever thus .
  20. Imagine the worse possible outcome ,that misogynistic buffoon in control of the most powerful nation on Earth . I can see it now . All them inbred red necks celebrating with the burning of books .
  21. Season 4 of Ray Donovan . Loving it . And Mickey Donovan is worth the entrance fee alone ,nice to see John Voight strutting his stuff . " Your a withered tree Mickey " "is that a good thing " . Absolute class .
  22. Rugby players for not celebrating a conversion ,I mean , it is an extra two points .
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