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Everything posted by sheepyvillian

  1. Draw the curtains , turn the lights out , and weep .
  2. I truly feel for the manager , how embarrassing it must be for this decent man to be held responsible for that load of shit , at the end of the day the buck lies with him , but how can eleven players , to a man have such an heartless and dismissive attitude to my beloved team .
  3. They say root canal treatment is an excruciating experience , well try watching the current Aston Villa side , and you will understand the true meaning of excruciating .
  4. Obviously the relayed words of his agent , another Villa contract debacle .
  5. Allardyce reminds me of the PE teacher from Kes , one big feckin egotistical donut .
  6. You can sense his love for the club . I got nothing but love for the little man .
  7. He has the look of a man whose done six months in solitary . Can we really expect him to stay at such a self - destructive shambles . ?
  8. The lad is Villa through and through and never once has spoke out about his continues exclusion from the team . I really thought he would get a chance this year , but it wasn't to be . L genuinely hope he can still prosper and become a success with us .
  9. You get the feeling he's not very good .
  10. Good players are good players , regardless of the indiviiduals around them . We depratelt need a driving midfielder , in the Ian Taylor mould , and one of them other things , I think you call them strikers .
  11. You can see the " oh **** what have walked in to " , on the poor man's face . Let's have it right , it's a diabolical liberty . He must feel like he's on a sinking ship , and there isn't a lifeboat in sight . It's a crying shame , it really is .
  12. If the reports regarding distasteful chants towards our owner are true , then I'm afraid that can't be condoned . Yes, our demise is heartbreaking , but let's be civilised . We're Villa , and surely better than that .
  13. Just watching them on tv ,you can't help but feel that impending sense of doom . It's a forlorn hope lost in a painful pessimistic fate .
  14. Watching Legend , tad disappointed . Found it a bit too self - indulgent . Could of called it the Tom Hardy show .
  15. I think you will find that most people do .
  16. Worth it , just to see what is his reaction would be .
  17. Makes for a tremendous atmosphere , always had a soft spot for City from back in the day , not so much now since they 've become such spoilt brats' , but I've always been impressed with their loyal following .
  18. We need wins if we are to escape this nightmare , but we don' t look remotely capable of putting the ball in the net , granted we look more solid , but we need some guile , and someone busting a gut to put that ball where it belongs .
  19. Couldn't pick a blade of grass in a meadow . And it seems the problem is far from being addressed . It's mind blowing having to endure this tripe time and tima again .
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