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Everything posted by 7392craig

  1. I agree, although I’d prioritise a LB as well. I like Targett a lot, but we’ll need someone more akin to Cash on that side if we want to push on.
  2. I’m going 2-0, McGinn and Ollie. No silly mistakes today lads.
  3. My issue really is that he’s just so entertaining to watch. We should have enough to be beating Fulham though, with or without Jack. That’s not to be disrespectful to Fulham, just with the remaining games, it’s one we should be picking up 3 points.
  4. I’ve been looking forward to the game just because I don’t watch the internationals, I need my football fix. But I’ve been looking forward to actually watching Grealish play, I’ll be gutted if he really is out.
  5. 100%. I’ve faith in Wesleys’ potential, but he looks way off. I don’t want him replaced, we should look at a loan next season until we know where he’s at. Davis can’t be back up to Ollie next season.
  6. Looking on the city forum. They seem to be under the impression he’s their top target and are actually looking at him to play in the middle, alongside KDB. Who knows how much of that is true though, or if it’s just some itk bullshit on their end.
  7. I wouldn’t want either of them in our squad tbh. No matter the purple patch, let someone else blow their money on them, Lingard will be back to his spectacular levels of average by next season.
  8. My old man has always told me “any more than a handful is a waste”. After watching that video I don’t know what to say.
  9. It says Grealish and McGinn were in that video, I never noticed.
  10. If Cash and Traore start I think we have a good chance of a win today. I rate Son a lot and with him out that’s a big blow for Spurs. I also fancy Konsa and Mings to have a good chance against Kane, since he should be knackered for this. I don’t like the idea of Bale vs Targett, but he’s played great for us lately and Bale isn’t quite what he was. I also think Sanson should start today ahead of Barkley, he looks like our most likely source of creativity through the middle at the moment. It’s been too obvious that every play is going down the wings with us the last few weeks, it’s not giving Ollie chance to run onto anything.
  11. I think it’s more to do with Sheffield’s form. They really have been awful, they don’t look like they can buy a win at the minute. I agree though, we can’t be too cocky about this game, we’re prone to the odd shite game ourselves.
  12. If Barkley can play to his best, it would almost cover for Jack being out. On his day he’s fantastic. The problem is he hasn’t even looked close to being that player since the injury. I’m tempted to say Sanson should be given his start. As much as we still have to be switched on to beat Sheff, this is a game we ought to be winning comfortably. Closest thing we can give him to an easy start in the prem imo.
  13. Sky commentators seem to have settled on Sonn-Sonn for some reason.
  14. Completely agree. It’s been stale for weeks, why have we signed Sanson when he can’t get a game?
  15. Far too many passengers today, and far too much ball watching.
  16. 3-1 Villa. I think we’ll have a big second half
  17. While we’re at it. That Salah fella seems decent. Wonder if he can play RB?
  18. Not much of a presence in the middle of the pitch, hopefully that changes second half.
  19. If we stay focused, no silly mistakes and are our usual well drilled selves, I think we win this.
  20. Neither. The ball will continue to rise until it leaves earth’s atmosphere, and goes to join the collection of Tonev’s shots that have formed a small cluster of stars on the edge of Jupiter.
  21. Special mention to how s*** Xhaka is. Free kick aside, he was crap and his cynical fouls on Jack over and over just highlight what a poor player he is at times. Edit: Also, Ollie MOTM for me, he was excellent. That run he made to track back in the second half showed what he does in this team even if he isn’t scoring.
  22. Comfortable win tonight I think, 2-0
  23. A Grealish free kick hopefully
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