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Everything posted by 7392craig

  1. I think he’ll be in the squad, especially with Maguire out. He deserves it after the season he’s had.
  2. Some of its members, yes. I don’t hold the organisation accountable because of certain individuals, nor do I base my opinion on it.
  3. This is where I think we need to agree to disagree and move back on topic.
  4. The movement and the organisation are not the same. People have trouble separating the two, you can support taking the knee without supporting BLM the organisation.
  5. Group identity politics is where I’m making the Marxism comparisons.
  6. I agree, I think a lot of people have very little trust in BLM, I’m not a fan of group identity politics whichever side you’re on. But most of the players taking the knee won’t be doing it to support BLM, it’ll be because of their individual support towards anti racism. That itself should not be booed.
  7. That may be true. I do believe that taking the knee is purely a gesture based on their want to oppose any racism. The BLM organisation itself I think is where people are having issues. They are at least aligned to some Marxism beliefs, however that doesn’t mean that taking the knee itself is support for the BLM organisation, its support for anti racism.
  8. Great season overall, it’s gonna be an exciting summer. Onwards and upwards. UTV!
  9. He’s better in a free role, he isn’t natural to any position for me. CAM just for his ability to bring us forward 20/30 yards.
  10. He has said himself in the past that he would rather play in the centre, that for me is enough reason to play him there. Keeps Jack happy and gives us a threat outside of the wings.
  11. Great player, I don’t want him near us though. We’ve got a bunch of hard working, likeable players who seem to get along. Zaha would be counter productive to that imo.
  12. You need to be more careful what you say on the internet.
  13. We can beat these with that team they’ve put out. Their bench is decent, mind.
  14. I think Buendia is a great player, would suit us very nicely.
  15. I’d say we’re actually a bit light in the RB department tbf
  16. I agree, we only ever attack down the wings because we aren’t good enough through the middle. Jack at 10 and a specialised LW and we’re in.
  17. I’m happy with the season overall, myself. It’s clear we have a strong 11, but we do really lack depth. 3 high quality players this summer would really push us on as a whole.
  18. We need a 10 desperately, today’s game showed that. Ramsey looks promising, but he’s not our starter. Either spend big (not Barkley), or Jack is played there and we need to buy a LW.
  19. Ruined him going to Liverpool, never been the same since. When he left us I saw him going to Arsenal, since they were always throwing crosses into the box for Giroud. It just seemed they played the football to suit him. Shame he’s never looked the same player.
  20. You can, it can still make no sense. I’m not actually saying you CAN’T say it. Also, that may all be true of tonight’s game. It adds nothing to suggest that McGinn is not that good a footballer. Edit: Sorry, I didn’t see the part in bold. I had no idea you were on the wind up.
  21. To say he isn’t actually that good is a vast overstatement, best player on the pitch first half. You could argue that we can replace him with someone even better, but not that he’s not very good.
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