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Everything posted by Mic09

  1. I went to several shops this morning including a big Tesco and everyone still had masks on, maybe with a one or two exceptions. Has anyone seen anything different?
  2. If he leaves they will look like idiots. Jack isn't leaving, but if he was, I don't want my club to comment on speculation and have our dic** hanging out.
  3. If it grows on you, should I go a size up or just buy the regular fit?
  4. I think, from experience, there is a big difference between rowdy English fans and the eastern European/Italian/neo-nazi/hooligan types. The latter are dangerous criminal group, but very much in the underground. They will leave you alone when you have your meal in the centre of Warsaw, and will not cause you issues when walk around Rome. They are often real criminals with a certain sense of "honour" (bullshit in my view) and "rules". The pricks of the highest order but as long as you keep to yourself unlikely to cause you trouble. Rowdy English fans are much more common, and will shit in a fountain, whistle on girls, cause older couples to leave restaurants through their behaviour, be sick after 6 pints of cheap beer. They will walk topless through cities and sing songs about "a fuc**** shithole" they happen to be in. There seems to be more hooligan types in other countries, but many more drunken idiots in England. So I think comparing the two is a bit pointless because they are two different groups.
  5. Nothing wrong with opening a can at 8am. Nothing wrong with having 8 cans before a game, or having vodka shots in a weatherspoons at 11am. It's when you abuse people, shit in a fountain and puke outside Tesco's that the problem starts.
  6. Southgates idea to piss off Grealish.
  7. Why do you want Denmark to have an unfair advantage?
  8. When I'm 6 months behind on my mortgage I will tell my bank it seems counter intuitive to take my house away as it will put me under more financial pressure. Barcelona (and any other business run in a similar fashion) need to pay up.
  9. Long Covid is a very interesting thing, because, well, it's not quantifiable or empirically verifiable. If in 2019 you had a tough cold/flu and spent a week at home in bed, you would likely feel like shit for another 2/3 weeks. Your muscles would ache, your excercise routine would go out of the window, you would likely feel depressed because you didn't enjoy the sun with your mates. It's normal after any ilness. Heck, if I told anyone in 2019 to sit at home and that thousands are dying, you are likely to be depressed and get little sleep, thus feeling rough. So what is Long Covid, and how can it be brought into the discussion? I have a mate who had the virus in May last year, and for 6 months he said he can't run, he gets tired and isn't in best shape. He also eats several bars of chocolate a day, 3 beers a night, and sits in front of a computer working 60 hours a week, often in late evenings. And he has a go at me for questioning his "long covid". I'm sure many people do experience Long Covid - but it's a very slippery discussion to be having.
  10. Does anyone remember the 0-1 loss to Crystal Palace on boxing Day a few years back? Last minute Gayle goal. Horrible boring game, we were dredful. Cold day, last minute loss, more forward passed in a rugby game. I think that was in the height of the Lamber reign.
  11. That baggies kit is nice. But is it a West Brom kit?
  12. Everything given to Italians now. Shame.
  13. I stand corrected, you are right.
  14. I don't mind the shoulders that much. It's different. What I do mind is the different sized claret stripes going down the shirt. It reminds me of the below, and once you see it, you can't unsee it.
  15. Surely there has to be some sort of a fan led focus group into kit preferences? Or does that not happen?
  16. After the Elphick height fiasco I couldn't take us signing Messi.
  17. I'd say more of a Chris Samba. Apart from being a different nationality. And a winger.
  18. What's the Swedish feeling before the game? It's not really a must win, do you think it will be a 100% performance or a bit of a cool down before the knockouts?
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