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Everything posted by bobzy

  1. Am I missing something in this FactCheck? It seems to state: "While the government have been rolling out the new benefit system, they’ve relaxed the eligibility rules so that all families receiving Universal Credit have been entitled to free school meals, regardless of income or hours worked." ...and then... "No one who is currently eligible for free school meals under Universal Credit will lose their entitlement." So, presumably, everyone receiving Universal Credit will still receive free school meals, as they're currently entitled to them? But then... "In July 2017, junior education minister, Robert Goodwill, said “As an interim measure, all pupils whose parents are in receipt of UC [Universal Credit] are currently entitled to FSM [free school meals].” The key word here is “interim.”" So how can that be an interim measure if everything is to continue as it has been doing and everyone on 'UC' will be eligible for a free school meal? Further, where does the 50,000 more children getting free school meals in 2022 come into it? How can they know?
  2. Genuinely no idea about wallets and ledgers. Is there some sort of fee (there seems to be with everything else!) involved with getting your alt coins from the exchange to a wallet/ledger? What about time lags etc? Or am I missing the point entirely
  3. I should never have mentioned stats! My fault, as they were only there to demonstrate the point - i.e: that Bjarnason plays more considered passes and allows us to build up play better. Jedinak doesn't do this. I mean, he simply doesn't. Perhaps "better passer" is misleading. I'm sure Jedinak is effective enough at passing when playing simple passes to players nearby. He's fairly risk free in that regard.
  4. The last team to beat Cardiff in the league were Q.P.R. Sometimes teams lose matches.
  5. How do Wolves win 3-0 at Leeds then lose 4-1 at Villa. It's football, it happens. We're in fantastic form and have lost a game. We're just unfortunate that Cardiff are on their best run of form for almost 30 years with Fulham also flying.
  6. Fair play Warnock. Manager Of The Season by a mile.
  7. Still not sure what Bjarnason did to not earn this spot. When he played there, we looked effective going forwards and won each game. With Jedinak back, we've basically become a set piece team.
  8. Q.P.R. really aren't very good at all - I feel very confident about this. Will either be a scrappy 1-0 win or a 6-0 battering. Either way, 3 points Villa*. * - sorry in advance for jinxing it guys and gals.
  9. I'm genuinely staggered by that. It's entirely visible in the few games Bjarnason has played at DMC. Bjarnason looks for the ball more and plays more considered passes. Jedinak gets rid quickly, often into the channels (which can be good) but just not the same degree of calm at all. When we had Bjarnason there, we built up attacks and, IMO, looked more of a threat going forward. The team pushed up more. Jedinak is much better at destroying play but almost giving the ball back to the opposition. Against Wolves, the long balls into the channels for Grabban did work well (not sure if this was Jedinak or just everyone, but still). (The stats back it up too, of course. Against Blues as an example, Jedinak made 40 passes with 57.5% accuracy with 7 "long balls", none finding their target. Bjarnason's worst performance in that regard was against Barnsley - 38 passes, 79% accuracy, 4 "long balls", 2 finding their target.) Personally, and as many have said, I think they both have their merits in that DMC role. Jedinak for when we need to fight, Bjarnason against smaller opposition. Jedinak isn't clearly better though. Maybe the Jedinak of 4 years ago would have been, but not now.
  10. Similarly, I have never seen this Mile Jedinak who covers all the ground like an Aussie Vieira.
  11. I think people are confusing having legs with running around a lot, rather than being able to track a runner from midfield. Jedinak cannot do this, he's too old and doesn't have the pace. The same is true of Glenn Whelan. Bjarnason, whilst not being particularly quick, tracks well. I think it's partly why he's been garbage on the left wing - he isn't quick or tricky enough to beat a man (Wolves game aside). So he completely nullified us going forwards. However, when he switched to DMC his relative agility and the fact that he constantly looks forward made us a more effective attacking unit. So, it depends what makes you a "better defensive midfielder". Jedinak is a better tackler, stronger and wins more aerial challenges (probably) but also hoofs the ball away, gets run past more easily and doesn't bring the team up the pitch. Bjarnason is a better passer, looks forward more and can get back to win the ball better however he's easily shrugged off the ball and isn't as good at tackling.
  12. bobzy


    As I said earlier, this is the important part - nothing to do with OTT spending (which we have also done). It's very cleverly worded by Radrizzani and very pointed at the authorities too - particularly as he was advised by a lawyer to sell his shares in an agency. Wolves' setup is clearly dodgy. It's obvious because a subsidiary of their owners company has a share in Mendes' agency which, in turn, has many clients at the club. I don't anything will happen based on that, though, which is why their chairman has come out with the "I admit I'm a dodgy ****" comment of it's "laughable". He knows it's dodgy, we know it's dodgy, but the third-party link to Fosun and Mendes can be argued as not having direct influence... even though it is. That said, I hope they get **** over for it. It would be utterly hilarious.
  13. I actually like more stats being involved - they explain much more of the game... ...that being said, I absolutely hate the "expected goals in a game" stat that is shown on MOTD after each game. I mean.... what?
  14. Hey, @VillaChris, I don't feel like we've done any predictions recently... ...who makes the playoffs?!
  15. bobzy


    Their remaining fixtures are: Reading (H) Burton (H) Middlesbrough (A) Hull (H) Cardiff (A) Derby (H) Blues (H) Bolton (A) Sheff Wed (H) Sunderland (A) They're walking to the title IMO. 6 out of their last 10 games at home and they play 7 of the bottom 8 teams in the league. I know people talk about "tough games" against teams "battling to save their status" but, let's face it, they're all down at the bottom because they're poor. Boro and Cardiff away will be tough enough games for them, but I honestly think they'll win all of the others. 100 points, title in the bag.
  16. I seem to remember him constantly saying about "players giving it their all" or "players didn't give it their all" or whatever after games as well. People kept commenting about a lack of tactical nous, how Bruce doesn't do tactics, dinosaur manager etc. etc. but, it turns out, that he just really, really believes in having players giving their all for the team. If you don't do it, you're out. His message is pretty simple and the team have responded massively. Probably the most united Villa squad I've seen, or noticed perhaps, in my lifetime. His man management has been superb. As an aside, I remember a lot of people saying "Bruce is fine for now, but if we go up we should sack him". Now, we're still 3rd and definitely not promoted. But everyone is positive, we're generally playing pretty well, we're certainly a very together group... would anyone who did think this change their mind?
  17. You didn’t get mocked - people disagreed. I’d have started Bjarnason against Wolves FWIW and was about to moan about the lack of him at half time as Wolves were running us all over the shop and Jedinak doesn’t have the legs to keep tracking. Not entirely sure what changed second half, but it became a lot easier.
  18. Should’ve both gone - Hogg’s challenge is so much worse.
  19. Thought he looked really shaky first half tbh - kept dawdling on the ball and got bailed out by others. But yeah, he's generally been solid.
  20. Yeah, Jota didn't have a particularly great game today but he's been excellent this season. Even today, he tried so many interchanges that we were unable to cope with first half. Neves, you're quite right, kept spraying Gerrard passes to the wings. Other than that...? I think Grealish has a good 2 or 3 seasons left at Villa before he contemplates moving, by the way.
  21. Surely he will be sacked off for Lansbury next game. Surely. Only disappointment for me tonight - particularly with his **** ludicrous tackle on Costa. He's been woeful (but, granted, scored a few goals) for a few games now.
  22. It actually annoyed me in the commentary that they said this same thing, in slightly different ways, three times in the game today after he gave the ball away - "Neves with a misplaced pass there... has he ever done that this season?". 10 minutes later "Neves doesn't give the ball away, but he did there" etc. He's good, but allowed our midfield to basically waltz past him today. He'll get better, but give me Grealish (or Jota, or Sessegnon) over him.
  23. Hope they go down. There's real potential this season for Villa to get promoted and West Brom, West Ham, Stoke and Blues to get relegated. Please let it happen!
  24. Brilliant workrate, always hassling, always looking to create. Been an absolute superb loan signing.
  25. ""By far"? Really? Personally, would rather have Grealish anyway.
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