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Everything posted by Sam-AVFC

  1. Because it's **** stupid. If you ignore x amount of his wins he'd have y amount of wins. What point is being made? Edit - paragraph removed so I'm not sent to the naughty step
  2. Quality. Proper rib cracker that one. I've criticised him plenty and there's plenty there to do it with which is why some of the reaching is laughable. I just find it hilarious you think you can objectively judge he's had the exact right amount of criticism and praise. Try not to be so defensive and making everything 'hurr hurr you're his boyfriend'.
  3. What sterling qualifications for judging how good Bielsa is.
  4. Talking about "classic VT thing(s)". Try to be a bit more original.
  5. You wouldn't be surprised, you'd just pretend you never said it. For someone you don't hate, it's so swell you've still got the energy to give him shit so often 7 months of his injury. A quick search of posts by you with 'Wesley' in brings up 246 results. That's one post every 7 minutes he's played.
  6. Let me know what marking system you use so we can compare notes.
  7. Combined £32m they'll be forced to pay for him and Helder Costa this summer assuming they don't **** it.
  8. It's even worse than that. If you ignore our 7 wins this season we'd be 15 points adrift at the bottom! Unacceptable.
  9. I'd sooner rather drive myself of a cliff and hope for the best that I survive Glad you took the time to calm down.
  10. Is 83 minutes into the game too late to register Barry for the game?
  11. Oh, I read it. You used F1 as an example of a sport where racism can be overcome. I reminded you of a very high profile event with Lewis Hamilton where fans dressed up as monkeys. As recently as this month Bernie Ecclestone denied any knowledge of this incident. I'm not sure he has fully 'overcome' it if the sports big boss doesn't even care enough to remember this incident. I still don't really know what the point is of saying 'it can be overcome' anyway. It means nothing, it's completely vapid. Charles Ignatius Sancho, a well respected member of the arts community and the 1st black man to vote in this country, overcame racism. Slavery still wasn't made illegal in this country until 30 years after his death.
  12. Bernie Ecclestone on Lewis Hamilton facing racism. Interview from the last couple of weeks. What was your point again?
  13. I'd have taken him if he was cheap and we managed to get at least one decent winger in. He'd be absolutely pointless in our current team as he wouldn't score and no one seems to be making forward runs off the ball.
  14. When was the last time you watched him play? He's been decent for a lot of it. His goalscoring is still atrocious but without the way he brings in other players, the likes of Ayew would not be looking so good.
  15. Madness. If I was Utd, knowing he was available at that price, I'd have bid and looked to move Wan Bissaka into the middle.
  16. Fantastic job if the pun is on purpose.
  17. I have no time at all for people who seem to think because they have paid for a particular service/product they own employees and can tell them what to do. I used to work in a wedding venue and we had a bride once that absolutely lost it because my boss wouldn't make one of the serving staff give her a foot rub. "it's my wedding day" "I've paid a lot of money". Yeah, you paid for food and the venue, not some poor bastard on minimum wage to touch your disgusting feet or risk losing their job. Luckily the boss was good at protecting his staff and laughed her away.
  18. What better way to get your hit of undercooked bacon fat, overcooked chicken and synthetic sauce and cheese all rolled into one delicious brown log slopped on the plate.
  19. Ignoring every ingredient bar the chicken, they are incredibly similar
  20. I wouldn't eat that either as I have a functioning palate.
  21. Which statements were taken out of context and what is the mitigating context?
  22. They had 1 shot on target in the 2 games before that so I guess or shows there is still a glimmer of hope.
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