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Everything posted by Sam-AVFC

  1. Cheers all. Currently stuck at the hurdle of choosing a name before I crack on with the logo and website. To be honest I don't mind too much if I have to manually update details as and when as per project it will only be ~5 times a year. I just want to make sure as few existing clients are possible are having to ring for info as it will just be me for the foreseeable future.
  2. I'd recommend searching posts by bickster with 'Corbyn' in them. You'll see it isn't fair to assume that. At least you can see the outcome was a shit show. Depressingly predictable the way this lot would go to.
  3. Possibly, but it still requires her to be tried under British law to follow any procedures we have. Like I mentioned, detention of citizens accused of terrorism charges is very different so it wouldn't surprise me if treason is similar. A quick Google does tell me the last person to be tried for treason in the UK was in 1946, so I would imagine it's a bit of a grey area until it runs through the courts.
  4. Money is money. The idea of human rights being scrapped is a far greater cost imo. Sorry, we're just not going to agree here. The whole point of the law is it is supposed to be applied equally. Terrorists get done on terrorism charges, murderers get charged for murder. It's a slippery slope from saying certain crimes don't deserve due process and people being locked up simply for being accused of particularly bad crimes, which incidentally already happens with terrorism charges.
  5. Agree with this. While I think there were a lot of bad motivations for Brexit you can't possibly assume this of everyone and lump them in with the worst of a group.
  6. I completely understand the strong feelings in this case, but the problem is due process doesn't really work if you pick and choose who to apply it to! It just means our courts will now deal with the case of a British citizen.
  7. Agreed. How slowly we move the ball across the pitch has boiled my piss all season.
  8. Best we've been defensively all season with these 2 playing together since the restart and for me Hause has looked the better of the two. Still mistakes to iron out but I'm a lot more optimistic about his potential now than I was a year ago.
  9. My bad, I mistakenly took you discussing the recent lack of political assassinations over several pages as you trying to make a point they don't happen.
  10. Does it count as an assassination if someone decides to plough a car into anti racism protesters or do they have to target a specific name?
  11. I read everything you posted in the last few pages. Interested to see what I've misunderstood that makes what I said wrong?
  12. Lol. Give someone any address and they can find out whether or not it has planning in under 10 minutes. I'll save you the time on the statue. It doesn't have planning permission.
  13. But El Ghazi is worse based on percentages. See why stats aren't perfect? Particularly when you 'quote' them without bothering to post the actual data.
  14. Serious question. Why do you always write this? Is it because of a marketability angle?
  15. This is a bit of a weird take. I don't get why a 12 year old knowing about the KKK is inconceivable. I remember we watched Mississippi Burning in school when I was 12 or 13. It only takes a place like 4chan being where they find their 'friends' and I'm sure they'd learn about much worse shit.
  16. Cheers guys, looks like I'll be giving Squarespace a go.
  17. Can anyone recommend a good tool to build a website myself? I've found various online lists that put Wix up the top. I've also spoken to a friend who uses SquareSpace and finds it pretty easy to get your head round, though he had someone else build his website and only updates menus etc online so what he is finding easy is basically typing. I'll be building it myself and would like to be able to add features where clients can login in to see a map of their projects and ideally with data fields automatically updating based on spreadsheets. I've got a bit of time to do it so am more than happy to use something that has a bit more of a learning curve if it will ultimately be superior. Thanks!
  18. Oh don't get me wrong, I have no issue with Zaha posting it publicly. I think he's quite right to show people what some people face on a daily basis. The kid obviously **** up badly. My issue is with people thinking they're taking a morally superior position by laying into a child on social media. I don't care what anyone says, none of us grew up in the world these kids have where it's so easy to post something online and it **** you up forever. At 12 I would obviously have known what he did was wrong and wouldn't have done it myself, however I wont pretend for a second I wouldn't have said some pretty horrible shit several years past his age thinking it's funny.
  19. I think that's being a bit generous to be honest. I'm not sure I've ever had a conversation where someone hasn't known who Murdoch is. The point is more about what they write being having transparent motives rather than Murdoch himself though. I do try not to judge as I've met plenty of people who take positions that are insane to me, but are willing to reassess when challenged. I'm not the most patient person all the time and will often just assume they 'get it' and push back. I've always tried to engage but the current state of discourse has given me a shorter tether. Giving people the benefit of the doubt is something I'm working on as I appreciate I'm constantly reading and I do often find myself surprised with people that believe stuff without looking into it themselves. My sister is a good example. It's hard to take these positions without sounding like a snob but I do find it really frustrating how social media and the tabloid press means information is spread through thousands of people that don't critically assess the merits.
  20. Lifetime ban from the club I'm not against as that might teach him a lesson. A 12 year old being publicly named and dragged on twitter makes me really uncomfortable. With someone that age I think it would be great to sit them down with some Villa players to help them understand but it's whether it's justified giving up the time to do it.
  21. Sorry to be a dickhead, but if you read it and don't understand the politics you should probably move to TV news as I'm not sure reading is for you.
  22. Its often the case. There was the video of the guy bullying an autistic kid recently and the mum turned him on and was posting on social media how devestated she was. It obviously can be the parents but with free access to the Internet kids can get into all sorts of shitty rabbit holes being left to do their own thing.
  23. 'Shove a battered Mars bar up my arse and call me Angus' is my best effort.
  24. Really poor by VAR. Looks like Jon Moss is trying to level things out.
  25. Can't even pretend you just buy it for the tits anymore.
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