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Everything posted by Sam-AVFC

  1. Just saw their new owners are from Hong Kong, maybe I've been a bit harsh assuming asset strippers. With the security laws going through I wonder if other recent legislative change might have caused this. Edit - previous owner was a listed HK company. Some suggestions the new guy is linked with them and they moved it on to protect their share price.
  2. Wigan is a shitshow. For the "Fit & Proper" test, prospective owners supposedly have to show they have the finances to run the club at least 2 years. Wasn't this deal ratified well into the pandemic, suggesting these guys must have been planning to asset strip all along? Is there anyway at all for there to be restrictions on what a new owner can do? Quite embarrassing for the EFL. You've do feel for the fans...apart from Dave Whelan. I've always felt a wage cap is a better way to deal with FFP, although in that form I'm not sure it would answer much. Assuming it's paired with current FFP rules it largely favours relegated teams. It also means promoted teams have 2 guaranteed windows to sign all those players on their wishlist that they haven't been able to pay the going salary for. Teams that gamble could come down with very big wage budgets knowing it wont effect FFP for a few years, but still risk the overall financial health of the club. You could have 10 failed gambles on ridiculous 5 year contracts only taking up 50% of a teams wage budget. If the point is to protect clubs financially I'm not sold. I guess it would have stopped Mr Xia, and others buying relegated teams, spending big. It could give clubs a little more power to keep key players on big wages if they have a few years on their contracts and the money to pay them is there. It restricts teams chasing promotion for years as not many have a wage bill below this. I'm not sure it makes the league more competitive short term. Maybe long term it would bring wages down in the league without effecting quality as players still want the shot at getting to the PL and will be aware of the wage restrictions. Based on the 2019/20 wage bills I've seen, Brentford would be laughing.
  3. Really interesting map. I felt a bit ignorant for not realising how small Greece was. Having now Googled it and seen their population is less than 11m I feel completely clueless.
  4. Sam-AVFC

    The NSWE Board

    Good point and not sure how I blanked that. Let's just hope they run us cannily enough to not make huge losses. Relying on ongoing investment from owners will always worry me when there's more than one party involved.
  5. Sam-AVFC

    The NSWE Board

    Maybe but cutting investment in a company isn't normally the best way to sell unless you're selling to asset strippers.
  6. Am I right in thinking you're South West or have I imagined that? I'm just about to move back and this is not news I need to hear!
  7. This winds me up because it's yet another private company being over cautious and will only serve to further drive the anti-anti-facist narrative.
  8. Just read why the march was happening in the first place...because the (Democrat) mayor published names and addresses of people who wrote asking to defund the police. A couple of days before a large alt-right meet in the city. Wow.
  9. Apparently they're both personal injury lawyers so they might have just been hoping to drum up business. Having seen a few pictures they don't even know how to hold the guns correctly. I'd be way too scared to stand in front of someone unfamiliar with using guns that has their finger on the trigger and that much fear and anger on their face. For clarity, the guy she's pointing the gun at is carrying a camera, not a gun, right?
  10. Just take the time to play your round and come back when you've got a chance to respond properly and consider what others are saying too. If paraphrasing for brevity is the issue with how some stuff has come out it probably doesn't make sense to have a 6 way discussion while busy and distracted.
  11. I would absolutely love to live in a country where anyone could say anything and people would hold them to account on it. The problem is this doesn't happen at all. Having the likes of Paul Staines, Kate Andrews and Darren Grimes invited onto every political program in existence to challenge actual experts with presenters willing to ignore their clearly problematic views, background, methods and lack of experience has created this. That and we seem to have moved towards a lobby media system where no one challenges the government as they'll lose access.
  12. Who has been censored? Says it all really. What do you think it is about the black people that don't agree with you that makes them unintelligent? So you (and of course the intelligent black people) think this. Shame George Flloyd didn't have his mortar board, dignity and pay cheque to fight those officers off with.
  13. As for the "white power" v "black power" question, as well as what has already been explained, it's probably worth noting BLM chose a very 'soft' name and still get absolutely hammered for the temerity of using an identifier of their cause in the name.
  14. I can't even be bothered with the BBC debate anymore as it seems everyone who was bleating about it being 'left wing' for years when Blair was PM has decided to continue in the same vein without actually paying any attention to what has been happening to the organisation over the past decade. Anyone who believes there is 'left wing' media bias in the US clearly knows nothing about the news networks outside of what Trump tweets. Sure, they often discuss controversial socially progressive issues. They invite commentators sitting on opposite extremes and it tends to froth people up into a right old rage. So much so people seem to completely forget the enormous lobbying budgets and campaign donations these companies have to create political pressure. This is not particularly 'left wing'.
  15. So much ignorance in so few words.
  16. As a consumer this seems like a dreadful idea to me. Good for Sony though and no doubt a lot of kids will end up with the digital version for Christmas presents. Are these next-gen 4k games not going to be absolutely massive? My experience of internet in this country is that a very small percentage will have download speeds that make it feasible to constantly be deleting and re-downloading games. I guess somewhere like Korea could see a much bigger uptake. Edit Ok, so I guess I'm wrong!
  17. This tweet? It's also not that rare considering Wolves and Palace have the same sponsor. I don't believe you.
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