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Everything posted by Ingram85

  1. That's a long name for a bar, should have just called it Harry's.
  2. A Google image search of kat dennings minus her upper garments will be of high importance to some. Your welcome.
  3. Ingram85

    Top Gear

    Most of it was fine but the rower falling in, riverside diners getting sprayed and clarkson getting out of the van in the lock was just ****ing awful. They desperately need to cut out the scripted nonsense as the rest of the show and half of the hovervan skit was alright.
  4. My winning streak against Stefan and a meddling Jenny continues. Stefan, you may need to lose the arm candy, she's doing an AJ.
  5. Ingram85

    Top Gear

    It won't be good until VBH comes back.
  6. Just got my away top (no pics this year), took a medium last year but needed a large this year. Quality of the shirt and material is a lot better than last years. Remains to be seen how long all the adhesives last. Lovely shirt though. Great job by macron.
  7. I think AVFC_Hitz has broken.
  8. Ingram85

    GTA 5

    I dream that I buy it, get home and start playing then I'm actually in it as if its real life and am walking around but can feel myself holding and using the controller to direct what I'm doing even though I'm not holding it as I can hold guns and stuff etc... As far as I can remember I don't really do much, shoot some crims, chuck a few grenades and have a wander around. Its a strange experience too because when I get into a car it goes to birds eye view and the controls are unbearable. I can't be the only person to ever dream they are in a game before?
  9. Not at all, as villa rule said, a white wash would shut the Aussie whiners up pretty good.
  10. Ingram85

    GTA 5

    I dreamt about it again I think I have issues.
  11. Game of the Generation, its just stunning, even three years on it is yet to be surpassed imo, its a masterpiece. The scary thing is that you don't even need to get even halfway through the story to realise it. Amazing. The only game that will go beyond it is GTA V, which I believe will top it.
  12. Booooo! You should have left it
  13. In a WM main event iron man match. [\drooling]
  14. Risky yet strangely exhilarating?
  15. Punk v Bryan is my dream match.
  16. Oooo check Tony out liking his own post
  17. Metro Bar & Grill in Solihull. Food is fantastic. I'm taking the lady friend to Longfellow's in Catherine de Barnes tonight which I've had recommended so will report back later.
  18. Its also why I'll never hear a bad word said against Jackie Stewart as he was pretty much the only relentless driving force behind the huge changes to safety over the decades since.
  19. Yeah I've seen that one before, purley is a true human being. The sad part is that no one helped because they all assumed it was Purleys car that was on fire and seeing him out of it just drove past. Such a shame.
  20. The Tom Pryce/Jansen van Vuuren video is one of the most disturbing things I've seen. Just horrible. At least both knew nothing of it.
  21. Can I have 2% of the royalties on the use of the name?
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