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Everything posted by Ingram85

  1. Big C. Was a brilliant chap on here.
  2. Ingram85

    GTA 5

    NV - no plans for a next gen GTA V.
  3. Was something big happening in Moseley last night? Was driving through at about 23:00 and saw hundreds of Hawaiian shirted drunk people staggering around on their way home.
  4. And the award for most bizarrely mundane post of the year goes to.....
  5. Even their new kit is drab, dreary and depressing.
  6. Just got to live as much as you can and cram as much as you can into the time you have got. People like paddy and irreverantad should teach us that time is finite and different for everyone so have as much fun as you can.
  7. Not really. As long as its sudden or peaceful I'm not bothered. I'm more worried about whether its painful/drawn out than actually 'shutting down' as it were.
  8. Should be shot in the face to at least give her a children a chance of a better upbringing. I blame TV for giving her a platform. Vile insipid word removed of a cretinous whore.
  9. Its the pg crowd, all moms and kids who only cheer for jaaaaawn cenaaahhh!!! Sad state of affairs. That's why the Boston/European crowd at raw after WM was so special. The arena was full of fans who actually give a **** about the product but who Vince & co don't give two flying ***** about.
  10. Ingram85

    GTA 5

    You don't live anywhere near Staffordshire do you? Just in case, here's some facts about me. I do not own a nice car and the radio does not work, so no Lazlow for you If you curb crawl me, I will not get into your car The Mafia, Triads, Yakuza, Yardies and every other gang want me alive and well When I die, glowing green wads of dosh do not float around my corpse
  11. But radwanska is playing some clever tennis but gets no response from crowd or commentary. Shame.
  12. Ingram85

    GTA 5

    I think about this game pretty much everyday, I think I'm obsessing over it way too much. Ive re-read old previews, stared at some of the screenshots for ages and I've had more than one dream where I'm playing it. It has consumed me.
  13. So is there a reason for the lisicki bias by the BBC commentators and the crowd?
  14. Flight - very misleading in a good way, the film is not about what you expect it to be. Denzel superb as always. Very good. 8.5/10 Saw Man of Steel last week too. It was good, definitely the best superman film (not hard) but the last half paled in comparison to the first. Just became a lazy copycat of all the best bits of Thor/Avengers and Star Trek rolled up in a red cape. 6.5/10
  15. Bork Laser! He is back!
  16. Indeed you did. Cheers bud, yeah won't be till Monday afternoon due to work but she is the first girl I've met in a while where I'm actually looking forward to seeing where it leads to and doing the whole first date thing rather than forcing myself to go through the motions and rigmarole of the initial dates.
  17. Three quotes from The Hound in Battle at Blackwater Bay. "Any man dies with a clean sword and I'll rape his ****ing corpse"! "Eat **** dwarf" Last one, see my sig.
  18. As long as no one pays any attention to or takes seriously that recent BBC study/poll on an up to date more modern day class system. Was very wide of the mark.
  19. Typical 'me' post for this topic: is going up town, having a wander round, grab a bite to eat, few drinks, sea life centre (she likes otters) or something ok for a low key/semi casual first meet up? My plan is to see how that goes then ask her out properly to dinner. Sounds ok right? [/over analysis]
  20. She is mature, she likes game of thrones and plays final fantasy. I'm not sure I require anything else from her tbh.
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