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Everything posted by Mozzavfc

  1. Steve Bould Arsenal connection Good with youth/academy - won the academy premier league Been slowly learning under Wenger for the last 3 years, will probably be looking to take full control
  2. Don't think a coach with non PL experience would work, so I'm discounting Galtier, Rangnick, etc. Need someone to come in who knows the league, and how to get the best out of players So who would the options would be Nigel Adkins? Glen Hoddle? Abram Grant? Di Canio? (although we can't be that desperate)
  3. This is going to be a huge loss
  4. Tbf to game of war having more Kate Upton on tv isn't a bad thing
  5. Humble bundle this month is all star wars games. Well worth it Games included are: KOTOR Jedi Knights 2 Dark Forces KOTOR 2 Republic Commando Battlefront 2 Both Force Unleashed games Empire At War https://www.humblebundle.com/
  6. Looks rubbish from the videos I've seen Still going to download it as soon as I'm home from work
  7. Les Ferdinand takes over in charge. Didn't even realise he was there!
  8. welcome Scott Is it just a loan or do we have 1st option to buy in the summer?
  9. Have they said when the next set of dlc comes out for this?
  10. They've got a 25 year old Brazilian striker with 7 goals and 5 assists called Jonathas Sign him up
  11. I hope he isn't rushed back due to injuries to Cleverly and Westwood
  12. Also free on Android/Google store Equally as addictive as the ps4 version, but easier to play on the loo
  13. To those you have the game how different is it from the demo? I've played the demo I fair bit, but didn't really enjoy it All the reviews are saying it's better than FIFA so it's re-sparked my interest
  14. Does anyone know what it's like? I was a bit disappointed it only came out on old gen consoles
  15. Unfortunately it's the same missions as the story for strikes, which you have to do again and again. Luckily they add damage modifiers and other bits which mean you have to appoach it in different ways when played at higher levels There are sometimes new missions, which are about for a limited time. The 1st one was Queen's wrath which was a few weeks ago
  16. Also make sure you've always got 5 relevant bounties from the tower when you're playing, as at early levels it can help you level up quickly Most of the PvE bounties are things you'll be doing anyway, so its easy exp Also don't worry too much about guns and armour until you reach level 20. Just go for whatever has the best damage/defence
  17. Sorry if this doesn't belong in here but does anyone know anywhere in the centre of brum which will be showing the game?
  18. It seems the Iron 'everything has proper stats' Banner is actually is just regular PVP Great news for me as i'm only lvl 23 but its getting quite a lot of flak of high level players who aren't getting a sizable bonus Despite all it's flaws a month in and i'm still as addicted as the 1st day i played it
  19. I think it's roughly 33K Seeing as there was roughly 34K empty seats in Wembley last night its pretty clear that a nation like this shouldn't be playing England
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