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Everything posted by dubliner

  1. The way we've been playing it's hard to imagine there's such thing as a backwards move
  2. Agree with this and because such a song and dance was made about the captaincy it feels like Gerrard is afraid to admit he's got this one wrong by taking him off when he should/not starting him in the first place.
  3. I'd say no. A couple of injuries to key players and we are gonna struggle badly (even worse than we are now) I'm thinking Cash, Kamara, Luiz for example
  4. Like everyone else I think the manager change is inevitable in the next few weeks. But I would love to see us somehow get a result and start a turnaround in form that saves SG's job. (Highly unlikely I know) All I want is a Villa win every game no matter who's in charge. That being said I think we'll be beaten fairly comfortably
  5. I'd be interested to see him deployed as a DM alongside Kamara at some stage. Take McGinn out and start Luiz as an 8 and possibly get Buendia and Coutinho in as well. Chambers is so comfortable on the ball that he could easily play anywhere so if Konsa and Mings are fit I don't see the harm in trying him alongside Kamara
  6. To be fair to Lambert he did as well as could be expected with the squad/resources available. He had a thankless job really.
  7. This is such a massive game given the fixtures that follow it. Lose this and there's a good chance we lose the next two as well. 3 points from 6 games would be a disaster of a start and surely Gerrard would be gone. If we win Sunday though I'm hoping it'll give us a bit of a bounce and even if we get 1 or 2 points from the two games that follow things would be looking a lot better.
  8. Thankfully none of our club legends are complete wordsmiths like Ryan "William Wordsworth" Giggs. I'll take that as a win at the moment.
  9. This topic belongs in Other Football. Aston Villa have no team shape or tactics
  10. Shocking. This is worse than Bournemouth. We'll be relegated if we keep up this form. Time for change very soon
  11. Agree completely. I'd rather see Feeney get minutes.
  12. Jores Okore sadly not one of the goodun's. Crazy to think he's still only 30
  13. Temporarily forgot about him But still think we could do with another proven player up front.
  14. If we let Davis go out on loan again I honestly think it will be madness to go into the season with just Watkins and Ings as options up front. I get we probably need another midfielder but for me I'd love to see us go after a number 9. Not sure exactly who we could get but neither Watkins or Ings are going to fire us into the top half imo... especially if the only competition they have for a start is each other.
  15. I've defended him plenty of times on here but that was atrocious. Don't get a result next Saturday and he could be on borrowed time.
  16. Delighted with that fee. Good riddance. Glad this saga has been put to bed. Wouldn't be surprised at all if he's one of those players that you'll have to Google in 5 years time to see where he ended up to find he's now plying his trade in the Cypriot second division.
  17. He certainly shouldn't be condemned for not accepting if a contract offer if he's not happy here/would rather be somewhere else. It's also not a huge deal for us if he goes in the next year. How many young players labelled the next big superstar actually become that superstar? Far more fade away than actually fulfil their supposed potential.
  18. I really hope nobody pays either of those prices for a shirt. Disgusting the prices they're charging for pretty much everything in the club store. The only way this nonsense will stop is if sales numbers take a dive. I for one won't be buying anything at all. Have not seen one item that looks decent value.
  19. I have a feeling we're gonna be hit with a surprise one that nobody has really mentioned like Danny Ings last year. Lange will pull something out of the bag.
  20. Agree 100%. I really hope he goes there and has a fantastic first season in the Premier League. A likeable guy who always gave his all for us. Also riled up the Blues fans this season which gains him even more respect
  21. Beale has been there the whole time as well though. Far too much emphasis being put on his importance imo. Gerrard will get a replacement no problem
  22. It's only one coach from a whole team of coaches. Gerrard has played under some top managers and played with some top players so will have picked up endless amounts of experience over the years. As others have said it's not like Beale decided everything. Gerrard is the manager and hopefully with better players he can prove now how good he is. Not as if he'll be short of contacts for a replacement either
  23. dubliner

    Ezri Konsa

    If he starts the next game it sends out an awful message after Gerrard being so vocal about players fighting for the shirt. Still not gonna write him off as there's a good player in there but he's been absolutely awful for the majority of this season
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