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Everything posted by TheAuthority

  1. So I haven't played with him so I just don't know. Let me ask my old friend Maxine who's in the LSO - we met when we were 11 and she's the LSO's poster child. Re: - the edits - I type like a 3 fingered squid with dyslexia so p*** off.
  2. @mjmooney & @lapal_fan You are both absolutely right with what you say. Maybe I can throw a tiny bit more nuance on things that I've learnt from my time "under the baton." As I tell my students, the first rule of being a professional musician is Never look at the conductor Although thats a joke, there is an element of truth to it. In terms of keeping time, or as I prefer to think of it, maintaining the pulse of the music, indulge me: When a solo instrumentalist performs they are solely dependent on their internal pulse. The audience has their own pulse too and it is up to the artist to make sure that they communicate a strong pulse to the listener. There is nothing more awful than listening to a soloist who has a poor sense of pulse. The listener must be lulled and wooed by the pulse that the soloist is communicating. A smaller ensemble, say a string quartet, relies on a "group pulse" which is generated by listening intently to ones colleagues and being aware of when you should be directing the time (i.e. a set of running semi-quavers would mean that the rest of the group should usually be listening to you at that point.) There is also something of a "sixth sense" that develops in this kind of ensemble playing. The pulse and time is very democratic and the ensemble will fail if one person takes it upon themselves to dictate the tempo constantly to the rest of the group. The largest non-conducted chamber ensemble I've come across (apart from jazz ensemble with rhythm section) would be 8 players. Beyond that you are looking at having a conductor. There are several notable "conductor-less" string ensembles of around 17 string players. These entail are large amount of leading (almost like conducting) from the concert master (lead violin.) My wife incidentally co-founded a very successful conductor-less string ensemble in Boston around 14 years ago - A Far Cry. But beyond 8 chamber players, or a heavily led string ensemble, this is when conductors ruffle their hair and ascend the podium. So what does a conductor do? I would say the main bulk of their work happens during rehearsal. Sure they decide general tempi in the show, but depending on their level of competence, in rehearsals they will talk about balance issues, phrasing, bowings (how the strings use their bows) bow speed, quality of sound and articulation plus a million other minutiae that make up a symphony. That then becomes their "interpretation" of the composers intentions and it is becoming, sadly, something of a dying art-form. Here is John Barbirolli working with the Halle Orchestra on a Bruckner Symphony in rehearsal form the early 60's. He knew what he wanted even if his stick technique definitely falls into the "Never look at the conductor" realm. I was fortunate enough to know his old 1st Trumpet player in the Halle when I was a kid and he did a great impression of Barbirolli. Sir John also kept a bottle of whiskey at the side of the stage and would always take a swig before he walked out. Thing was, so would half of the orchestra. When he realized, he used to mark the bottle with a marker pen Alas these days, conductors don't spend much of time with their orchestras. Through the 50's & 60's conductors would spend the majority of the season in their home town, cultivating a sound and a style that was unique. You had Barbirolli in Manchester, George Szell in Cleveland, Ormandy in Philadelphia, Reiner in Chicago and of course Bernstein in New York. With the advent of easier jet travel through the 80's conductors started to realize that they could have not just 1, but 2 or 3 orchestras (and pay-checks) so the connection started to get lost - as did the quality. Conductors spent less and less time with their "home-town bands" and most Directors now only spend 10-14 weeks per year with their ensembles. In fact I believe when Sir Simon Rattle left the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, he was the longest serving Music Director of any European orchestra. And probably the last one that really forged a unique sound and identity. We were lucky to have him! Back to what they actually do - conductors of course set the tempo at the beginning of a piece in performances and also set the interest level of the musicians on stage! If he/she has brought something to the table during the week of rehearsals you'll see an excited group ready to perform. If someone showed up who was a jerk, or out of their depth/wet behind the ears, the group will be phoning it in. Orchestras need conductors for what we call the "corners" of music. When you get to a large rallentando, or a large climax, that is when they need to have good stick technique and clearly show that section of the music. That is what they are there for in performance - the rest is directing traffic and the really pretentious ones move around a lot and flick their hair etc. One of the best I was privileged to work under was the late great Sir. Colin Davies. Going back to the original post, I also played under John Williams at Tanglewood with the Boston Pops a few years ago. -That was cool as ****. Just to back up some of the stuff I've been saying, we didn't even rehearse the Star Wars suite! - we'd all played many times before and he'd conducted it a million times. He is probably sick of it the truth be told even though it's made him a multi millionaire! I'm glad you like the show @lapal_fan Check out some Prokofiev or Shostakovich (e.g 5th Symphony) - John Williams ripped off both of those guys! Also he stole a lot of Mahler - thats was the composer that showed me how powerful, profound and moving orchestral music could be. If I hadn't heard the opening to Mahler 5 when I was 13 my life would be very different. Just check out the 1st couple of minutes of this. This is my area and my life so I apologize for the thesis. But you asked - That'll learn ya!
  3. The apple doesn't fall form the tree and all that
  4. Pffft. Luxury. When I watched Pans Labyrinth it was on a 37" and only in 1080p
  5. Wow, they get those porn parodies out quickly these days
  6. Well I really appreciate the sentiment but 2022 is already going to get off to a bollock for me Myself and my top graduate ensemble were invited to go to perform at a big conference the weekend of January 14th - 16th. It's been booked for months. The Chancellor of the University has just announced that they will be no in person classes for the 1st 2 weeks of January. Zero. Zilch. All students must return to Colorado but stay off campus and just get tested. So as well as Zoom lessons (which are shitty anyway) my grad group can't rehearse at all. My Department chair has already emailed me to say that they can't circumvent the process by rehearsing off campus and I should carefully consider if should be flying out of state to perform due to the contagiousness of omicron. This pandemic s**t is really starting to wear on me. I got my grad group to meet up on a zoom chat in 10 minutes - I can't believe they are having to go through this s**t at their age.
  7. Nothing strange here mate. A few months after my dad died my cousin (my dads brothers son) said "I came across your dad's number in my phone - how could I delete that?" It's absolutely true - I have never deleted my dad's mobile number or his email from my phone or contacts. He's still there digitally in photo's etc. I'm 46 and I understand that if your daughter sent a message to a digital version to her grandma it's just her expressing herself and her grief. It's just the world we live in nowadays that texting/social media pages are how we communicate. It's a really sweet gesture and nothing to worry about.
  8. I read this in Lionel Ritchie's voice for some reason.
  9. 10/10 for storytelling with font sizes.
  10. The expectation to send cards/ remember my niece/sister's birthday.I don't speak to these people. I sent gifts/cards for 20 years of their lives and they never once sent a thank you card, phoned or even wrote a text. Finally my wife said, why bother? So I didn't and now it's a thing.
  11. How loud my dog can snore. He'd win a bloody competition FFS
  12. Whatever turns you on bud VT is an all inclusive place - live and let live.
  13. I want a Ronaldo injury time winner. (I will shower after)
  14. I can't remember what I got them for and we've had 2 stock splits since then. I'd have to dig through a bunch of old folders to find out exactly, but before the stock splits it was around $75 per share I think. From an initial investment of $7.5k to which I added a few shares over the years, the gains we've made definitely paid the deposit on a summer house in Santa Fe, NM. I bought a couple of stock this week when it dropped to just over $900, down from over $1200.
  15. I woke up to find I'd ordered a cashmere hoodie No recollection
  16. I got a Desmond! Average!? Pffft - If you got above a 2-2 you weren't being a student right.
  17. I think Mings is suspended and possible Konsa too. It will be Tuanzebe & Hause at CB
  18. Can some VT'ers who've tested positive for Covid go over to the Chelsea hotel tomorrow morning and cough a lot at breakfast?
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