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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. the dental professionals are saying it's a vague and unsuitable test and gives results of plus or minus 3,4 or 5 years Who do I trust as having the most knowledge on age checks by dental records, the dental profession, or a cockwomble MP?
  2. People got in to quite a state a week or two ago when the sun had a split front page. One part was a moralising editorial about Ched Evans saying he might be innocent of rape but he’s still a scumbag for treating women as objects. Next to that, a picture of a woman naked but with her arms placed to conceal tits and genitals and a headline that invited you to check her out on pages 3 & 4. I had presumed it was a spoof, but sadly it was a real front page. Can’t really blame somebody for seeing an easy profit to be made from mouth breathers.
  3. The west will finally stand by the Kurds, do the decent thing and make sure they get their reward, their own state run how they want to run it, guided and funded and protected through its early years until it can stand independently amongst the family of nations. Ahhhh, only joking. Wonder when we'll see the first terrorist drone over europe? Media will shit its collective pants and declare the end of the world.
  4. Well obviously I try and make sure they come from a nice european mixed race lgbt commune and not from stolen Duchy land 'owned' by a tax and benefits cheat. I suppose as long as they're imported but not from Israel then I presume they'll be fine.
  5. I love tomatoes. I use them as a snack. There's always an open pack on the worktop out the kitchen (never ever in the fridge). Once upon a time I'd have grazed on biscuits and stolen Haribo or a cheese triangle. Now I spend a bit extra and buy toms that taste of tomato and tuck in guilt free every time I end up in the kitchen.
  6. Calvin Johnson / Selector Dub Narcotic was good fun. A bit of a chat, a bit of a dance and an hour or so of really catchy tunes all knocked out on a couple of mini keyboards. My estimate of 20 people was pretty much spot on. Bought a couple of singles but resisted the lucky dip bin of cassettes.
  7. thread necro... Did anyone catch this conversation on the Eddie Mair slot on PM? I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry and clearly Eddie was struggling on how much credence to give it. A British UFO and conspiracy theorist has died in Poland. The Poles have said ‘natural causes’ but he was relatively young and had sent messages to his family and a friend just a couple of days earlier saying to investigate if he died. The problem was, the guy on the radio, his friend, was convinced he had been abducted by aliens and turned in to a weapons system and creatures from another dimension are in league with secret powers on earth. You get the drift. A guy has died, his family might be listening so you need a level of respect. But people that knew him are utterly convinced this was the work of interdimensional beings in league with Nazis and Zionists. It was a fascinating tightrope walk between news and entertainment. Huff Post
  8. programme starting now on BBC 1 Paxman asking wtf has happened that the choice is 'so awful' could be interesting....
  9. China and that's a serious answer btw
  10. The Tea Party website is interesting. It gives some insight in to how some folks think over in the USA. Tea Party on Obama All the above from one page. On another page they are fund raising to get as many children gun trained as soon as possible before communist Hussein Obama seizes all the bullets. They're not as popular as they once were, it looks like as an idea it peaked a few years ago, but they still make up a significant part of the republican party and around 1 in 10 of all americans identify with their aims and politics. So when you wonder how on earth a dickhead like Trump can be in with a shout of being President. That's a small part of the answer. There are millions of americans out there willing to vote against health care reform as it's a communist blasphemers trap to take people's guns from them. **** yeah!
  11. The Band - Baby let me follow you down (reprise)(concert version) The Band - all along the watchtower - live Dylan - I believe in you Dylan - like a rolling stone (take 4) Dylan - like a rolling stone Cerys playlist **edit** sorry, the original point of my moan, couldn't play the whole of one 7 minute track by a current 'newish' artist with a new album out, then played 5 tracks one after the other from the bob dylan - hardly an alternative artist that could do with a bit of promotion It's music, so it's each to their own and no hierarchy. But to my ear, he sounds like he's a guy with nasal problems really really straining on the loo. It's not like I ordinarily go for a refined sound, I quite like Larry Love and his voice is, er, unrefined. But yeah, if ever I can't understand why people don't like my X-Ray Specs choice or my Lee Scratch Perry choice, I have to remember how many people thought it was worth buying a Dylan christmas album. Anyway, the genius that is Larry Love.
  12. I got quite annoyed when she put that on but warned it was 7 minutes long so didn't know how much they could get away with playing. I thought that was kind of the whole point of R6? Then proceeded to play a load of the worst Dylan tracks I've ever heard, and that's a hell of an achievement. I can only presume they were recorded whilst he was recovering from a stroke.
  13. I worked in an independent off license for a while. There were two things we would do as a matter of course. First one, almost always have larger bottles and kegs at a higher price than smaller versions, i.e. 330ml bottle of something £1.00 each, litre bottle of the same 'just £3.50'. People would almost always go for the litre bottle. Second one, something was expensive and not selling, not a problem, drag out the big guns. Not selling that one bottle of £30 champagne? Get your neon coloured star shaped piece of card, write '£33 last one at this price' it would usually be gone same day. It was like working at Arkwright's. But it worked 99% of the time.
  14. pah! best before dates, Bruce just needs to give him a good sniff and check for mold?
  15. yep, sometimes they don't notice, there's a good chance an Amazon item will be a completely computerised process right up to the point a picker collects it and posts it - and a picker ain't going to query the price, they need that extra 7 seconds checking would take to save up and be allowed a full 5 minute 3:00am piss break
  16. Ahh that brought back memories. I did A level law just out of interest once upon a time. My fave case study was Donoghue vs Stevenson 1932. I can remember it now without even a quick refresh google. Anyway, on the subject of mistaken prices. I also watch out for the everyday rip offs in supermarkets. Today, in Waitrose: 3 courgettes in a pack, £2.35 (not organic or duchy or anything in any way different) Individual courgettes, 42p I used to get angry at the forced closure of the docks and being bullied by the police. Now it's the pricing strategy for courgettes in Waitrose.
  17. About 10 years ago my nipper ate an apple and asked to plant the seed to grow a tree. We went along with it, put the seed in a cup in the greenhouse. To our amazement, it took, sometime later we transplanted it out to the garden. This evening, I've taken a carrier bag full of apples off it.
  18. You've never been to Manchester, have you?
  19. Hilary Clinton wants to stop or reduce the tax exemptions for religious groups. Approximately 80% of americans self identify as religious.
  20. For anyone wondering how there is even a race still to be won... Hilary Clinton unfavourable rating at 59% amongst registered voters. There was a commentator on the radio a day or three ago, suggesting that if Trump's strategy had only been to lock himself in a room and answer every question by shouting through the door 'all will be revealed in November' he would now be streets ahead and cruising to victory, so disliked is H Clinton.
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