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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. Of these 1.7 billion muslims you'd like to see take some action, do you imagine they all have ready access to the news and use of a smartphone? I think everyone in the 'west' needs to prove they are not selfish and should supply everyone in the east with a smart phone and a data package and decent reception for balanced news. Once we've all ensured that everyone in the east can read and write and have smartphones, then I want to see them tweeting their support for us. Once that's done, we can work on getting them food and shelter and security and maybe even a future. Meanwhile, I expect every single westerner to actively work towards making sure resources aren't stripped from poor countries. If everybody in the USA, Canada and Europe would only work together to make sure the water and the food and the money and the medicine were shared fairly, there would be less horror and death. Anybody that can't constantly prove they are working towards the solution is part of the problem. Anybody that chases pokemon whilst their are still orphans in Syria that can't get a hospital bed is part of the problem. Or is life on this planet a bit more complicated than that? Before telling others how to act, consider your own actions and consequences.
  2. Somewhere on youtube there is film of guys going around some music festival collecting signatures to get it banned. It's a good way of getting people to understand the need for a little investigation and not just accepting what they are told at face value. People might feel a little duped at first, but hopefully it's transferable knowledge and plants a seed and the next time social media tells them something they will count to ten before jumping on the band wagon. 'Tis a good thing. ...found it, but there's lots of versions:
  3. I wonder what they'd have found in my bedroom when I was 17? DNA mostly I guess.
  4. Can't be doing with old quarries and the like, spooks me out. As for the Serpentine, even the roped off area looks to be about 30% swan shit and feathers. Get in the sea. Get in and swim a long way out if you can and you're ok with rips and all that. Liberating to just bob around out there. Sea swimming in a calm sea when it's raining is a rare treat and a proper out of body experience. Bottom picture is the beach where the nippers had the local life saving competition / festival last weekend. Dozens of them smashing out to sea, round a buoy, swim parallel with shore, round another buoy and back in again. That's proper intense. Mine nearly drowned a couple of years ago, having misjudged a wave and head butted a life guard's surf board. Ah, the irony.
  5. I guess our troops regularly sing a song to God asking him to protect the hereditary monarch from assassins whilst also scattering and felling her enemies and confounding their politics. Others without our sophisticated education might think that's not particularly modern or secular.
  6. I'd be fairly confident that if a soldier on either side of the Russia / Ukraine conflict went to their priest to explain that he was fighting and killing to protect the motherland then that priest would tell him it was ok. Now that doesn't make it a holy war, but religion can be flexible on these things. I'd imagine the same was going on in the Balkans recently. Similarly, I think in our recent history we'd have had a lot of priests and ministers advising canon fodder farm hands that signing up for the Great War with your mates was the right thing to do and God was on our side. I believe that right now the military still has chaplains offering spiritual support and moral guidance. I doubt this involves stepping in the middle of a fire fight and shouting 'everyone stop it'. We aren't fighting in the name of religion, we don't shout stuff about Jesus or Spaghetti as we blow up a van from our computer screen in Utah, but it's provided quite close to the front line for those that want it.
  7. Just about to post the same thing. Really poor and lazy and relying on people seeing something they already want to believe. 15% of the House of Lords is not a majority of anything. Not least a majority of something other than the House of Lords. He article finishes by describing the threat as a threat that doesn't exist. I'd be interested to see a poll of how many people think there is or isn't a significant threat to us out there. Nukes might not be your personal solution to it, but to say the threat doesn't exist is to hope people haven't actually read that far down the article. Very poor.
  8. yea, leverage is wrong, should always say upscale
  9. to be brutally honest, I think that's a street light mate
  10. of the 3 columns I scored 0 / 3 / 3 doorways to demonic possession I suspect that on VT that might be quite a low score and I've had to include some Linda McCartney sausages I had on the weekend.
  11. thread relevance is for pussies and people on double digit warning points I was kind of riffing off A_N_D mentioning lotus 123 and modems.
  12. First computer I used was oil cooled and wrapped around the user like some cross between Space 1999 and a wurlitzer organ. Programmes were on punched cards and you could short cut writing common pieces of code by basically pulling out what looked like organ stops that already had common mini programmes on them. It was the size of a room and basically, it could do payroll. Saved the office the cost of two admin staff, but it cost so much they employed extra security and a maintenance man to look after it. I do mean maintenance not I.T., he had to replace valves, load that stripey green paper, ink the golf ball thing, keep the cooling pipes to outside wall sealed and top up the oil. Not this thing by Electrologica, but similar, with banks of buttons and switches and stoppers on three sides and a fixed keyboard built in.... To see boobs you had to type in 58008 and then stand on your head.
  13. @London_Rooftops worth checking out the twitter account
  14. it's a long time since I've been on the Daily Mail website, nothing appears to have changed, still got that side bar of long lense pap photos of other people's small children sickos
  15. ok cheers for the response, personally, I've played that clip quite a few times and I cannot here the truck driver at all but it's a very very minor point in the grand scheme of things
  16. have you got any sort of reference or source for that? has that been reported by police or eye witnesses? I haven't previously heard it so I'd be interested in where you got it from.
  17. 'Wales on Sunday' tag line: 'pride of the nation' absolute parochial shitrag of a paper that discovered football in June 2016 (not unlike the pensioner reading out 'facts' about Gareth Bale) a quick scan through suggests its actually 70% advertising for cars, estate agents, coach holidays and readers offers for spring bulbs
  18. ooooooh dear oh dear oh dear stuck in a room with an old relative insisting on constantly reading rubbish stuff out loud from a rubbish newspaper long day
  19. also, it's statistically possible that all male candidates could be paedophiles I'm not saying they all are, but you know, it's common sense not to bother with the risk child bearing heterosexual females for me, everytime
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