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Everything posted by Paddywhack

  1. Well I know that Gabby's brother Charizma (sp?) loathes Bent, so I guess maybe the same could be true for Gabby, and if so that is unfortunate. How do you know this :?: I've thought the same as POB to be honest and figured that Gabby might dislike Bent by the way his brother talked about Bent on twitter. I reckon Gabby was pissed off when we signed Bent
  2. Hmm, I don't get this. People that have definitely not been using zoosk are in it's list, including my mum who's been happily married for 28 years :| :? 55 of my friends have been on it? I only have about 100 in total
  3. Well it wasn't pretty, we made it harder than it should have been. But hey ho, we got the 3 points, so I'm going to get cosy by the fire with some red wine and mince pies and look forward to match of the day for the first time in ages
  4. I love all M.Night Shyamalan's films, like The Village, Signs and The Happening. Even though they got slated I really enjoyed them, but I'm watching Lady in the Water at the moment and it is the biggest pile of poop I have ever seen
  5. done to death, and is a song I really detest these days. But it's not christmas without it. It's as vital to christmas for me as a tree and a dissapointed girlfriend
  6. I just asked the three women at work that sit near me what their favourite christmas song was. They all said Mariah Carey's 'All I want for Christmas'. I got annoyed and told them they did't know what they're talking about and they're not talking to me now I'm sure this thread has been done before on Christmas's past but I couldn't find it. So what's you favourite Christmas song? It's got to be Slade for me
  7. I can get really good at this if I play it for an hour or two, kill/death ratio roughly 4:1, then if I don't play it for a couple of days and come back to it, I get absolutely destroyed, get annoyed and sulk in the corner with my girlfriend laughing at me
  8. I hope you have a great time. Personally, I am a bit torn with this game. As a Villa fan I am desperate for a win BUT I do feel that would be used as a rationale to keep Eck and, in the long run, I think we have a much brighter future without him at the helm. I don't understand this thinking. If he wins, whats to moan about? Isn't that the point, to win games? Personally, I'd never sacrifice a Villa win for the slight glimmer of hope that the manager, 'who I didn't quite like', might lose his job and a better manager MIGHT replace him One thing we know for sure about Lerner is he'll stick by his decisions and back his manager until the end, anyway. I suspect we'll see McLeish's inevitable early exit from this club coming a mile off and I suspect it's some way away yet. A loss or draw away at Bolton won't make a blind bit of difference in Lerners thinking IMO 3 points please Villa
  9. This! It's at time's like this the club needs supporters. If I somehow knew we'd lose every game next season, I'd still renew and I'd still love listening to the early game on the radio, waiting for the team line up announcement, walking up the Holte steps, reading through the programme, putting a bet on, getting a pint and some grub, getting angry at the ref, singing at the top of my voice, my heart in my throat when we come close to scoring. You know? The matchday experience. Some numpty in charge for a probably a few seasons max isn't gonna take that away from me. I've been a Villa fan for 18 years, season ticket holder for 4. A very short time compared to some, but one thing I've learnt for sure is that staff will come and go, the fans are there for life (well...should be). That goes from chairmen to managers, training staff to players. If there's one thing that any football club is, it's it's fans. In short, with finances and living situations pending, I'm hoping to be a season ticket for life. Villa till I die, these feckers aren't
  10. I keep get asked the same question and would love to know how to answer it. It's very easy to point the finger at McLeish, but I think we've been on a downwards slope since the start of 09. I'm just hoping we're close to the trough
  11. That whenever I stand up to go to lunch, about 3 people ask me where I'm going and want me to pick them something up. Or if manage to sneak out, when I come back I get comments like, 'You went to subway and didn't tell anyone? You could have offered' **** OFF! Why should I spend MY lunchtime standing in a queue for you, you've never picked up anything for me. Get off your fat arse and get something yourself. Ahh, I love venting on VT
  12. I've got a small lump above my bollocks. It's my penis
  13. At what point did you notice? Strange smell of fixodent?
  14. I'm 24, late 30s for me So she'd be in her mid 70s if she was born in the late 30s
  15. It's personal perception regarding what's acceptable but the half plus 7 rule does fit my perception of maximum acceptability in to the late 50's. 20->17, 30->22, 40->27 and 50->32 all seem reasonable to me. 60->37, 70->42 and 80->47 are a bit weird though. Each to their own, I suppose. :| Also, if you're 10 the youngest you go date is 12. But the youngest the 12 year old can date is 13! So kids can't date! Silly rule..
  16. I know what you mean, but I still think the old man/young woman is worse. Mainly because I'd be proud of my son shagging that, but broken hearted and raving mad if it was my 17 year old daughter with someone twice her age. Maybe that's wrong, I don't know It's a bit of a grey area this. I don't think it's close to pedophilia and it's legally acceptable. Morally, there's something not right about it though IMO. But if they're both happy, who cares?
  17. I'm a bit late here, but lapal fan told me about this. I've spent a lot of time looking up and researching old Birmingham and getting depressed about the beautiful buildings we lost in the name of progress like Mason College, Snow Hill Station and going further back, King Eds on New Street I've been hoping a video of pre-60s Brum would emerge from somewhere, thank you mjmooney, you've made my night
  18. That is absolutely shocking. But what is even more shocking is the fact that your bosses don't seem to think it matters. Anybody want to employ me as a proofreader? I don't know if they care or not really. I think they would like them to be correct, but they'd rather get all the work out and receive, I don't know, 1 complaint every 20 letters or so. Probably explains the 251,563 complaints we got the first half of the year (little clue there).
  19. Made me laugh. Would anybody really be offended by that?
  20. I work in a well known bank (I'm not sure why I can't name them, I've just seen other people say that) and one of my jobs is to print off letters that are for customers, written by my colleagues. The grammar and spelling on some of them is terrible. For example, this is copied and pasted from one letter; - "Unfotunately, we are unable to proseed until we receive you completed personel details form" I'm not a grammar nazi, I'm sure this post has many mistakes in, but this is to customers. I find it embarrassing. They're also written in Times New Roman, they can have two or three different fonts etc etc. My problem is, do I just print them off and let the customer see how stupid and incapable we are or do I correct them and not reach my targets? I've tried telling team leaders and people higher up, but they basically just shrug their shoulders
  21. I don't know how I didn't notice that. That would really put you off your stroke wouldn't it?
  22. Is Football '22 blokes trying to kick the ball in the opposite goal?', not quite. Not if you're watching the Villa. Ba dum tish I see your point though. My family love boxing, I just find it boring, personally. Just like watching the Villa. Ba dum tish
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