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Everything posted by Paddywhack

  1. It was 3 days before anybody had posted in this thread, until I had with this one. I just had a jacket potato.
  2. I saw him in London as part of the same tour... He is very engaging with the audience and you can't help but like him and laugh along with him His show on absolute radio is pretty good as well I love him, but I can't listen to that podcast / radio show, Emily Dean does my head in.
  3. If no other Premier League club would touch our players then I reckon Lambert's done a good job of keeping this bunch of rejects off the bottom of the league all season.
  4. I got back from a short break a few days ago and when I was putting my toothbrush back in the toothbrush holder, I noticed there was a very similar one already in there. Turns out I'd been using my moms for 3 days.
  5. Do you not like Lambert then?
  6. Somebody told me that yesterday's date (14/4/14) was the same backwards, but I pointed out to them that that backwards would be 41/4/41 which isn't the same at all. Some people, eh?
  7. 'Fiancé' and 'fiancée' are both rubbish. I'd rather just call her 'my boyfriend.'
  8. Oooooh, I thought it was something like 'b.... o..... bum full of c*m'. Appropriate thread...I hate using that word
  9. This. Why the hell not? Fussy goes home for a cry wank. Not fussy gets to do a BOBFOC UTWU. I can only work out the last 4 letters..
  10. When you know Paddywhack personally, you learn he's not a fussy guy ;-) Fussy, shmussy! You would and you know it. In fact, I'd put £2 on it! And I'm telling Joan what you said. Yeah, my girlfriends called Joan, so what, wanna fight about it?
  11. It used to take me months to even get close to completing sticker books when I was a kid as I only got a few packets a week. This ones only been out 2 weeks and I only need 120ish to complete it. I've been giving my swaps to my mate's son as I don't know anyone else collecting them, but sod him, I'll be back on here when I've built up some more. EDIT: After looking through my book, I need 12 of your swaps, including 4 to complete Greece.
  12. Yeah I've noticed that, my players hardly ever score one on ones with the keeper.
  13. Really sorry to hear that Mike, much love to you and your family.
  14. If I had a child they would be incredibly, redibly, edibly bored. EDIT...if I brought them to my work
  15. Yeah I'm okay, it's just I feel someti...HEEEEYYYYY!!
  16. Sitting next to someone at work who asks me if I'm alright every 30 mins. Shouldn't piss me off because she's only being friendly, but it gets a bit annoying by about 11am.
  17. It could be worse, some people seem desperate to be the first ones to update wikipedia.
  18. Everyday, even if I don't need one. 10-15 minutes to myself, away from my desk and getting paid for it, why wouldn't I!?
  19. My laptop crashed and corrupted my save. Kept telling me 'saved game could not be loaded'. After a quick google , I 'restored a previous version' and I've lost a whole season. Gutted.
  20. Too mainstream man! i was more of a Beezer and Topper kid! Got a few of them too, but I love the Beano. Although Buster was my favourite. For more alternative stuff, I have the first 5 issues of 'Nutty' featuring Banaman's first ever appearance.
  21. I collect old Beano comics. I have every issue between 1970 and 1999, a fair few from the 50s and 60s and a couple of war-time issues. My copy from 1942 is in pretty bad condition, but I don't think it's bomb damage.
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