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Everything posted by Paddywhack

  1. Ever had a song which was your secret treasure and which you rationed how many times you played it, so it never got worn out? Or, had a little-known song which was a personal treasure with a huge amount of emotional resonance and significance, suddenly become public property and likely to be played as lift music? That is the sort of 'done to death' which should warrant a funeral. Yes, yes and yes. Crossing over with the Books Thread for a moment, Proust has a lot to say about this in 'A La Recherche...' He has this thing about stuff that sends you right back in your mind to a specific place and time - tastes, sights, pieces of music, etc. And he makes the vital point that if you over-do it, they lose their power, so you should ration them carefully, like you say. Yeah, a few years ago, I bought the DVDs of Children's TV shows that I watched growing up. After watching the entire Count Duckula boxset, my memories of watching it as a nipper has completely dissolved.
  2. The house my mom grew up in in Bearwood was haunted by a few a ghosts, apparently. I was told the stories as a kid and they terrified me. I used to sleep in my mom's old room when stopping at my nan's and it'd take me ages to fall asleep because I'd lie there thinking about them. One was a soldier that died during the second world war, if I remember correctly. They found that out doing a ouija board. You could tell he was around because the whole house smelt like somebody was smoking a pipe. Obviously a ghost. He was also a very helpful spirit by all accounts. My granddad once fell getting into the bath and knocked loads of shampoo bottles off a shelf and into the bath. As he started to look for the bottles in the bathwater, he noticed they'd all been put back on the shelf for him. Obviously a ghost. My mom once woke up in the night, to see her dog at the end of her bed growling at the other side of the room. She looked over to see a woman brushing her hair with my mom's hairbrush. The lady looked around, smiled at my mom, walked to the window and vanished. When she woke up in the morning she knew it was real because the hairbrush wasn't in the position she left it. The key words here are..'when she woke up..'. There was a few other things that happened, but it all stopped when they had the wall between the living room and dining room taken out. The ghosts must have been trapped by the wall or something, I'm guessing. A few years later, an elderly neighbour passed away and my mom bought the house with my dad. On one of the first nights in the house, my mom saw the old lady standing behind my dad at the top of the stairs. This story makes me a bit uncomfortable, because it either means my mom is a bit mad or she's lying; she still swears to this day that she saw her, clear as day. Fast forward a few more years, after my granddad had passed away we used to get loads of hysterical phone calls from my nan saying my granddad was still in the house. Things like the radio would turn on by itself and all the cupboards in the kitchen would be open when she walked in, like in the sixth sense. One time, she got back from work and a load of gardening things from my granddad's shed were on the living room floor. I just think she just took her husband's death rather badly and went a bit mad for a bit. I don't believe in any of this bollocks, just thought I'd share as I'm wasting time at work.
  3. I think the rules are you can stay within a certain distance around your corpse or in the building you died in. You also have to turn up in the dark and when there's only one or two people around. You cannot, for example, walk onto the pitch during the world cup final, in broad day light in front of the thousands of people there and the millions of people watching on TV. These rules can be the only explanation as to why that never happens.
  4. It's all about Burton. (I typed that sentence and realised I didn't have much else to add...I just like Burton)
  5. I was going to post something in the boring thread but I clicked on this one by accident.
  6. I'll tell you what, I'm definitely going to go and watch the band Alex Kid at the the kit launch festival at 11.10am on the Sunday. I hear they are fantastic and their bassist is a really, really good looking guy..
  7. Hmm, good one. I'd have to start by saying that scrambled would probably be my favourite and omelette would be my least favourite, which I do recognise as being quite odd as they are quite similar. Life's odd like that.
  8. We have Sky News on TV at work on mute and the mute symbol was covering the 'C' and the 'L' on the headline 'CLEGG LEADERSHIP', which made it look like 'EGG LEADERSHIP'!! Hahaha!
  9. Snails are pretty cool, I probably wouldn't go to the bother of saving any though if I'm honest. I very rarely punch the clown standing up, I don't like it, I have to lie down. Our next door neighbour is noisy every now and again, but she's a bit insane so we leave her to it. I own some shoes. Regarding post cycles, I don't post very often but when I do I cover all topics.
  10. Somebody told me the other day that they're closing that ride down and making it part of Harry Potter World.
  11. So have Jacob's bought Mini Cheddars from McVitie's? Thoughts..? ...guys?
  12. The people who vote for these parties are uneducated voters, I'm not saying the people are unedcuated themselves, but they vote on snapshots they hear on the TV, Radio or newspapers. When you see a headline saying "UKIP only give jobs to UK Citizens" - it looks good. Likewise when you see a headline saying "Tories spend £4 billion of UK tax payers money into Europe every year" - it looks bad. The people who don't look into these headlines are the people who vote for them. It's why none of them should be allowed near a media outlet, let alone given an hours special attention on Channel **** 4. Sweeping statement of the year... Nah, I think it was pretty accurate.
  13. Yep, every time you knock one out there must be about 20 crammed in your room watching you. "And that's why I thought it would be acceptable to knock one out on the train, officer."
  14. What's the smallest living thing that turns into a ghost? Do you get ant ghosts?
  15. It's a win-win really. If you're right and there is an after life, happy days, we'll all be reunited with our loved ones. In the more likely event that we turn into worm food we're not going to know sod all about it anyway.
  16. Apparently there's a ghost bear that roams the Tower of London. Imagine seeing that! "Christ, it's a bear! F**king hell no, it's a ghost bear!"
  17. by the sound of it you think I'm lying ha. I'm just saying what I saw infront of my own eyes. Nah, I was only joking, I don't think your lying. I just think there's usually a simpler explanation for these things rather than jumping to the conclusion that it was the spirit of a dead person. I think we'd probably know by now and have scientific evidence if we were sharing the earth with spooks. IMO of course.
  18. Ghosts only ever turn up in people's bedrooms or when there's one, maybe two people present. They never show up in Tesco's or in a busy pub. They must be shy.
  19. Wow..PM me this weekends lottery numbers, please?
  20. I thought Merrill Lynch was a woman before googling it just. ...where's the confession thread gone?
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