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Everything posted by Paddywhack

  1. Fantastic! I'll do it tonight when I got back home, I can chronologically order the family photos over the weekend.
  2. Due to my bedroom being a loft conversion I don't have regular windows and thus no need for a curtain pole. I have two velux windows; one a GGL C02 3059 with a centre pivot and a GPL3050 CK04 which is top hung. Obviously the GGL C02 3059 is discontinued now, but it still works just fine. (I can see out of it, I can open it to let fresh air in or shout to a somebody outside at ground level, etc.) I have cream blinds on both windows. They don't just block out the sunlight, they also help insulate the loft and keep it cool on hot days. I cannot confirm these features are intentional or just an accidental bonus, it's just what I have noticed so don't quote me on that. I do have all my temperature and humidity readings written down though if anyone is interested?
  3. Cricket's not that bad.
  4. An unfunny colleague of mine has nicknamed himself the joker and has it written next to his name on his drawers. He also told a hottie in the office who wears short skirts and low cut tops that she needs to start dressing more appropriately and respectfully for work. She listened to him and has been wearing trousers and cardigans for the last few weeks.
  5. I stood too close behind the batsman playing cricket at primary school and he smashed me round the face. I cried.
  6. You've just reminded me of the time a kid at primary school brought in a yellow and red card and he showed me a red for tackling him. I cried.
  7. True. It is 6 years old though, every other post on that forum mentions 'the vile' .
  8. From one of the many Villa thread's to appear on a blues forum: "I really couldn't give a f*ck if every one of the dirty pieces of dog sh*t that supported them got a particularily nasty form of terminal cancer." "that's cuz we had so many years of you lot giving it the billy big bollocks whilst we were languishing in the lower leagues, we either had to put up with it and doff our caps to our supposed superiors or just smash your fans all over the place for years on end until everyone knew we ran town and you lot were running scared of us" "I don't envy Vile, I pity them. This evenings victory is a bright spot in a sea of beige. At least following the Blues there is always worry/excitement/elation/disappointment, real emotions rather than stumbling along existing. " "It would be beautiful if that cow pat of a club ceased to exist. The joy of watching/listening to those deluded arrogant pigs frantically groping about for some other worthless 'big' club to cling on to, whilst whimpering about the great ast*n v**la being allowed to die, would be sublime" "Feck the vile I hate them,I hate their stupid pink kit their ground their shitty songs but above all I hate the arrogance of their scumsucking six toed sister/brother/mother shagging fans,if they went bust tomorrow I could die a happy man" They really don't like us do they?
  9. Yeah...yeah...erm...but have you got a spring roll!? Eh!?
  10. To celebrate St Patrick's day at work we're having samosas and spring rolls. Traditional, like.
  11. Reading through Chelsea forums pre and post match threads this morning. Sorry to go on topic, but it's more appropriate here.
  12. I liked the bit where Delph did a score and we winned the game.
  13. The year 3000 is 986 years away. We probably won't live to see it.
  14. I burnt a hole in a bee with a magnifying glass and felt awful after, it looked like a fuzzy polo. I didn't realise bees could scream. I wasn't a really young kid either, I was about 13-14.
  15. Seems the 70s were evil. My dad and his mates used to catch bees, wasps and flies, tie cotton round them (lord knows how) let them fly off and then yank them back. They'd take them for walks. Well...'flies' I guess. They also used to stick straws up frogs arses and blow them up, apparently.
  16. I'd have fallen at the first hurdle, I could never get them off.
  17. Horrible thoughts aren't they?
  18. Your parents are going to have sweet sweet sex tonight. They're going to do allllll the things that lovers do. Accept it. You dribbled off the end of your dad's cock too, you know!
  19. I'm going for a meal with mom and dad tonight...I hope my dad doesn't order steak.
  20. Paddywhack isn't my real name.
  21. Our place is littered with them chairs, people leave and don't take their special chairs with them. 'Special Chair Graveyard' - great album name.
  22. Ooh, that's an idea. He's in earlier than me though, it'd involve me getting up earlier.
  23. I said 'Morning' to somebody at work, but I think I already said 'Morning' to them about 15 minutes ago. How embarrassing.
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