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Everything posted by Paddywhack

  1. I love The Beatles and The Smiths and that means they are good and if you don't like them you are wrong because this is nothing to do with taste or opinion!!!!
  2. My colleague informs me that his wife told him that her colleague who is married to the kitman said that nothing has changed and 'the yanks are coming'. So....there you go.
  3. Ironically? Right... must be that famous rapier Scouse wit! Nope, he was being serious, he was well pissed off. And he's from Stourbridge.
  4. When it suits him. He's a bit of a clearing in the woods to be honest, if you mention football to him after a Liverpool loss he'll tell you he's not bothered about football anyway, he likes F1. This is the same guy who after telling him he exaggerated too much, he threatened to get a sword and cut my head off.
  5. No, you misunderstand, he reckons Liverpool will finish top 10 in the Champions LEAGUE, I think he thinks it's an actual league.
  6. My Liverpool supporting colleague just asked me if I think Villa will be finally be relegated next year. I said no and then asked him how he thinks Liverpool will get on in the Champions League next year. He said he thinks they'll finish in the top 10.
  7. I'm not knocking anyone, but I find it strange how people can muster up such anger and hatred for Lerner and Faulkner. I'm not saying his whole time here has been a total joy, but we could have had a Carson Yeung.
  8. Yeah, I would have expected something along the lines of "I'm still committed until a sale takes place", if this wasn't near complete. Pretty much a farewell letter.
  9. Whenever I'm entering text on my phone if I go to type anything like 'you', 'poo', 'oh' or 'pot' etc, my phone immediately predicts I'm going to type 'POV'. Pops up about 3 times every text. I've no idea why..
  10. Might as well shut down VT then, forget predictions, opinions and speculation and just nod or tut when anything happens.
  11. Sounds good to me, I'm in. I'll probably keep forgetting to do it though, I always miss Super 6.
  12. I dreamt we won 1-0 with a header from Baker. Don't get excited though as I've never dreamt a correct result or goal scorer and it's just a coincidence for anybody that has. I predict we lose 1-0 from a Baker own goal.
  13. I think it's a bar downstairs, that has sometimes have 'nights' and a large function room upstairs for weddings and stuff, but I think that has 'nights' as well. I wouldn't say it was a nightclub as such.
  14. I have been there several times, yes.
  15. They could be relegated to league 1 in the next 24 hours and the thread with the mosts posts in on the first page of smallheathalliance.com is about our debt. Crikey.
  16. Hmm, I'm surprised only 460 members have posted more than me, would have thought it was more like...500 or something..
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