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Everything posted by Paddywhack

  1. The £2 coin, as we know it, is 17 years old this year. I have three on my desk at work, one from 1998, one from 2001 and one from 2011. The queen doesn't seem to have aged much from coin to coin, but I have noticed that the newest one is the shiniest.
  2. Eurrrgh, ouch. I dreamt last night that my missus gave birth to a guinea pig. I was gutted because I'd struggle to teach him play guitar and he probably wouldn't ever play for England. When I woke up I realised he probably wasn't mine anyway. Cheating bitch.
  3. It's gotta be fries and gravy for us then, which sounds lovely to me.
  4. Was the Tin Man from The Wizard of Oz a robot?
  5. Chips - meh, fries - bloody lovely.
  6. Just been looking at that, £25. £35 with 'Withe' on the back. Tempted. Where from? I can't link because I'm on my phone, but it's on camporetro.com £35, but I still love you. (Note: Doesn't contain the Admiral logo). Woah, woah...I said £35, ya wally! EDIT: Also, they never used to have the names on the back, so they're not exactly authentic, but meh.
  7. They don't have much luck with their strikers do they?
  8. "Two match tour" Two man gang, Two man orchestra..
  9. Just been looking at that, £25. £35 with 'Withe' on the back. Tempted. Where from? I can't link because I'm on my phone, but it's on camporetro.com
  10. Just been looking at that, £25. £35 with 'Withe' on the back. Tempted.
  11. "Pretty decent performance " You are deluded and in denial. That my friend was thoroughly shit. It really, really wasn't and you're being patronising. Back to off topic I go...
  12. That's sweet. If I was to do that my mom would be helping me within about 10 minutes, through her wanting to do it and me being totally useless at it.
  13. Do you get it guys..? Guys..?
  14. I just thought of a joke. 'Seeing as this is the boring thread, perhaps you should be asking about a blander?'
  15. That peanut butter is an odd thing isn't it?
  16. Hmmm maybe. How many Villa players will be in there? Just Guzan, Vlaar, Beneteke? Yeah, I think so. We usually have more players than that going to tournaments don't we. Oh, that's depressing. I need to leave this topic and moan on the main forum, I think.
  17. Ouch! You owe yourself a fresh start and new book for this tournament.
  18. Panini World Cup stickers out tomorrow.
  19. I'm still up! 10.59pm and I haven't got to bed yet...on a week night! I'm getting pretty tired though.
  20. Whhaaaat? Why? Iz it cos i post real mature, like?? xoxox
  21. Well that's ruined an otherwise perfect weekend. That was just an embarrassing display.
  22. Me, Rob182 and some random bloke. lapalfan and myself on on our jollies in Spain
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