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Everything posted by ccfcman

  1. First game and first win = good win, no matter what. To stop the rot means everything. 2 weeks ago we'd have been elated to win by 2 agaimst Brighton, even if it was late. Good day, let's see more.
  2. No interest in Gerard. I'd expect this appointment to be a slightly unknown glasses wearer from Europe.
  3. Not only is he a really good keeper, he's nasty and a born leader. He's a winner too. What on earth were Arsenal (Edu?) thinking.
  4. I get the official's walked on the pitch but after that? Help!
  5. I'm glad your wrote what you did. Is it the Dean Smith factor? Steady hands? I just don't feel the anxiety of years past. We can't go three or four games without picking up wins but I feel like Watford are kind of an anomaly. They could just as easily go out and lose to Burnley, then take points off Chelsea or City.
  6. Fair play to him for training at Birmingham airport. The baggage from Ryanair flight FR420 from Corfu will be available shortly....
  7. That's very much an Ollie Watkins problem, he has to bang em in, keep his place and continue to smile.
  8. If youre based in Qatar stop the discussion!
  9. There's plenty of clubs in the PL and below who would perceive the Aston Villa of 5 years ago, to today, as being Man City-esque. We can now raid fellow PL teams and take their best players. Not quite Galacticos levels, certainly not as brazen as City but in the grand scheme of things, only a few select English clubs can operate as we can.
  10. "Am told" blacklisted for being dumb as a brick. It's right in the "could of" domain of ignorance.
  11. We're finished replacing Grealish, but I think there's a few pound sloshing about still.
  12. Messi would probably be slightly cheaper over time than Grealish but he's a depreciating asset. He's pulling in $100m+ pa between salary and image rights. Man City would be able to shoulder this, but it feels a fools errand.
  13. Transfermarkt, pre Grealish has Pep at $1,620,473,999 or £1.163 billion gross spend as a manager across all clubs. (averaging £20m+) He's a great coach who has brought through youth and clearly improves players but with that kind of wedge available, it becomes difficult not to succeed. He is of course not a one man band either but that is an eye watering sum. At least we know football is in good hands with UEFA and FIFA at the helm. Grass roots etc.
  14. This is where we discuss our new captain in more detail right? I think to me Mings epitomizes the "new England" (team), that strong will, unbreakable fortitude under strife (Bulgaria, Patel, Johnson, EDL gammon). He is articulate and compassionate, and a tough bastard when needed. Rose tinted glasses, but he's definitely lost a lot of the "oh **** he's gonna do something wobbly here lads". Arguably composed. He knows what an encyclopedia is, he reads the Guardian and is irritated by the misspellings. He wants to present Have I Got News for You. I'm going too far now ...
  15. Your plumber's kids are gonna enjoy Oxbridge!
  16. Nominative determinism has not been kind. Cant well .....
  17. There's two facts in this post. Neither is related to Jack Grealish.
  18. There's a lot of faith put in Deano. I reckon he has a wee bit of say in some "alternatives" that may not fit the exact playbook. Lange and NSWE may not quite have the same dressing room acumen as DS. They'll lean on him from time to time too.
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