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Everything posted by ccfcman

  1. I feel you've committed the preface of poor/bad/dire/rubbish/comical in relation to quality. Given the repeated nature of the post, I am most certain of this now.
  2. 10/10 Terminator impression though.
  3. That's a lovely little ground, wasn't aware it was quite so nice.
  4. Being linked with a striker who is clearly in demand by some relative middle weight teams in Europe & the PL yet, still have cannon fodder on the books who want away. It is incredible that blogs and shitshow newspapers are allowed to pass this kind of tosh off as fact. It's loosely based around fiction let alone fact. Unless 'Arry's dog or "a source close to" turns up, I will be disgusted, once either or both appears I will turn my focus to be appalled.
  5. FFP would come into question to a degree but I think we would be able to absorb the cost itself. I'd put the lads out to pasture. Enjoy the reserves, let their agents orchestrate a way out.
  6. I would suggest even some of our more senior citizens, diabetics, asthmatics and cardiovascular surgery patient members could still given Odemwingie a run for his money.
  7. There's better players on this forum that Odemwingie
  8. Actually they're a little more pragmatic you'll find. People hated Bush and Blair, not the US and the UK.
  9. Interesting this went straight into this thread. He's Tunisian/French, nothing certain about this being an ISIS attack yet it's lumped in here.
  10. How much are we expecting to charge Man Utd. for his services in 3 years time? Surely about £12-18 million I imagine
  11. Still an improvement over last season,
  12. Marseille's owner is a billionaire heiress. How could they be strapped for cash? Surely she could share a bit out since you know, she was given it for doing **** all other than popping out of the right womb! Regardless, suits us.
  13. Most of them have a level of footballing quality that would suggest - Made in China
  14. Rosberg (perhaps intentionally, he claims not, reckless regardless) causes a crash it is the end of the world. Lewis smashes both of them out (accidentally but recklessly), it's just one of those things. The bias here is something extra-ordinary.
  15. They're a joke of a club, I'm sure they'll say the same about us but in reality, that lot are a nothing club as you said. If it wasn't for SSN I scarcely reckon anyone would mention them. SSN banged the "big club" drum from the second there seemed like a danger of relegation (even the first time around) and haven't stopped since.
  16. This, all day long.
  17. Already under way, Cameron whitewashing it. No sense of horror at all the innocent deaths. Frightening how one's political leanings can work so hard to cover up their human nature.
  18. Absolutely love that plinky plonky off kilter bleep sound, proper DBX style. Classic & quintessential Peacefrogs.
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