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Everything posted by penguin

  1. In this case maybe they are the victims? This seems to be the same attitude which creates such amimosity towards certain feminists and leads to the situations previously linked; just because one group may experience more discrimination it doesn't make issues attaining to the other group any less important or not genuine. When 75% of those who have commited suicide which are latest figures I could find for the UK, the figure is even higher at 79% in the US, are Male there clearly is an issue and implying there isn't or it isn't relevant because this apparent 'only women's issues are worthy of attention ' attitude is clearly flawed and contrary the premise of equality.
  2. Said in the midweek thread, Sunderland always seem to get that bit of luck which helps them stay up. We've had absolutely none this season thus far so hopefully it's still to come!
  3. Hemmed back to their box almost all game and get gifted goal. They always seems to get the rub of the green like some of the luck they had back-end of last season to stay up, the turd which refuses to flush.
  4. How sad. Some feminists really are a bitter bunch, not interested in equality but putting down men and belittling their issues, the fact the Uni doesn't see the hypocrisy of their actions and is appeasing them is disgusting.
  5. Getting a new right back is right down there on the list of priorities for me.
  6. I think him and Richards could make a formidable pair, only problem being who plays on the left side. Anybody any idea when he's due back?
  7. Forever destroying Anglo-American relations.
  8. I think this is a very hard one to call a lineup for, as so many players have been so terrible. They play 2 in the centre so I think it's a game where we would get away with doing the same, although I think Sanchez will be a must for his physicality and breaking up of play. I have no idea if Bacuna can play left midfield but if he can I wouldn't mind seeing him there to offer some projection for our left full-back; as bad as Richardson was against Everton he was left one-on-one with Deulofeu, who'd I'd fancy to trouble most full-backs in that situation, time and time again. It would be nice to see Traore, although I can't imagine him tracking back much he seems like he will definitely cause them problems and I have a lot more confidence in Hutton in handling any one-on-ones this could leave than anyone on our left flank. I'd also give Bunn a shot, Guzan seems a shadow of his former self and I have zero confidence in him. EDIT: I did make a lineup but can't embed - http://lineupbuilder.com/?sk=9fy8f
  9. penguin

    Carles Gil

    I'd also much rather him centrally, the same with Grealish, he's wasted out wide and again like Grealish is never going to offer much defensively to the full back.
  10. I think if he's going to play it should be in a free-role behind the striker, the same for Gil ideally, it's where he'd find the most space and be most effective. He's a liability out wide, as pointed out already, due to his severe lack of defensive contribution.
  11. Goalkeeper, Striker, Centre back, experienced midfielder and a left-back perhaps on loan.
  12. Think he's been good when played he has played in the middle, I hope he's back in next game.
  13. Time to give some young and fringe players a chance next game, can't be worse than some of these clowns.
  14. Right because Amavi would have been the difference today
  15. Amavi wouldn't have changed this. They are making us like a youth team.
  16. League 1 sides put up my fight than this against Premier league sides, ridiculous.
  17. I don't really see, it fact I find it baffling, how anyone can believe his approach was acceptable. He was taking us nowhere but the championship yet refused or was unable to change anything instead sticking with his dour brand of park the bus football which continually yielded neither points, goals or even decent performances where we could at least say we at least deserved something.
  18. It's that simple Sherwood managed it to keep us up didn't he....
  19. No it isn't. Especially when the 'plan' wasn't working or effective in the slightest hence our extremely poor points total and record-breakingly poor amount of goals under his tenure last season. A poor /average team with a superstar should look to ultilise his strengths and ensure he has gets support, not just park the bus and hope he can conjure up some magic on his own.
  20. Lambert only had a plan if you believe parking the bus and hoping Benteke can make something out of nothing constitutes a plan.
  21. Caught my dad watching the last episode of Breaking Bad S1 a month or so ago, I've already watched the entire thing a couple times yet it hooked me in enough to start watching it again from that point. On the last episode again now, I'm sure it's been said here countless times but what a fantastic show it is, definitely a contender for the best show I've ever watched.
  22. I don't think he'd be a bad edition as a part of someone's backing staff, if only as a motivator as he clearly had a very good bond with some of our players but it does seem there is a considerable gap to fill tactically for him to make it as a high level manager.
  23. It's not going over my head at all and those are terrible examples not even remotely comparable to respecting a minutes silence. If what they did was so 'normal' and not disrespectful then why has their coach condemned their actions? Some people seem to have a compulsion to find an excuse for everything.
  24. Where on earth have you pulled this from? Demi has said, and rightly so IMO, that 'culture' isn't an excuse for booing a minutes silence in respect to the innocent people slaughtered. It's nothing to do with not being able to not being able to comprehend that people have different cultures.
  25. It must still talk to the Steam servers or whatever in offline mode, although clearly if your computer isn't connected to the internet it won't be able to do this.
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