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Everything posted by mrchnry

  1. Perhaps im greedy but i really want another one. Surely they'll know he's done for and chances are the future leader just resigned. Time to cosy up? I'd say maybe Raab but he's the father Dougal of politics so likely hasn't a clue what's going on.
  2. I'm expecting some sort of NATO/British intervention in Ukraine meaning a suspension of Parliament and Johnson keeps power for the foreseeable. Perhaps even a way to avoid a general election.
  3. Its the plan. Controversy after controversy. Very little work gets done on the governing of the country so his mates get richer and we get poorer. State of this country makes me sick.
  4. Guillotine the lot of them in my opinion. Though my opinion has been quoted as being "a bit much".
  5. Boris' latest line is that he was told but he forgot. An excuse I probably haven't used since I was at school.
  6. Very sloppily thrown together but you get the idea
  7. Gutted. Last year of getting a student discount. Absolutely no chance when the capacity is reduced. Who knows what prices will be like by the time the new stand is finished.
  8. Have season tickets sold out now? I need to stop watching my emails and getting excited when Villa email me about abseiling or something.
  9. I think we're more likely to see the lion on its own without a shield or a circle. Much like how Liverpools badge is on their shirts.
  10. You know what, I didn't notice the Man City shield in a circle. Now I hate this design.
  11. This was my attempt last year when I was bored at home with covid. I still like it.
  12. Baffles me how the Luke shirt was different and a change, sold bucket loads. Then we just go back to the same design every year.
  13. Struggling to see the point of the series other than to please the prequel fans. It's all a bit dull so far.
  14. I don't mind it. He is a European cup winning player for them.
  15. He does a lot of work with disabled fans and really shows those fans love.
  16. To be honest he's won me over again the last couple of days. He's a young man earning an insane amount of money and he's now playing for the Premier league winners and he's enjoying himself. He's an idiot with a heart of gold and it's refreshing to see amongst the boring footballers of today.
  17. Smith hit his ceiling and we all know it. That's why he's in the championship now. Gerrard is a gamble but he's our gamble so we should get behind him until he's at least had a proper transfer window and a pre season.
  18. Currently in cape Verde and when the staff saw my villa shirt they immediately started asking about Coutinho and now they call me Coutinho in the bar (annoyingly). It just shows how much it raises the Villa brand though.
  19. So sick of Watkins. I even hate his cocky celebrations when he scores, as if he's not shite the other 99% of a match.
  20. That's one of the few I haven't seen. Is it good?
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