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Everything posted by mrchnry

  1. That really doesn't narrow it down much. I hope you're not the one who refused to play damageplan because "It's just Pantera without Phil, what's the point?" no that wasn't me but i bet i could guess who it was.
  2. Are you black/mixed race? This is like Guess Who! no, i know who you're thinking of though.
  3. i did until yesterday, i'm the miserable one.
  4. the omen, suspiria, evil deads, hellraiser (asda have the first 3 for £5), i spit on your grave
  5. I'm working my way through sopranos again. Has anyone been watching boardwalk empire series 2?
  6. feel for you mate my relationship of 5 years ended last year. Amazing how women can go from loving and emotional to heartless bitches in no time. You'll get over it though it may take time, im only just starting to get over it after 7 months. Concentrate on the things YOU enjoy. No more compromise for you
  7. elizabeth fritzl just tweeted that the chilean miners are lightweights
  8. is it made from a different material to all our other nike kits?? it looks plastic
  9. where can i get a template to design a kit?
  10. wolfman is one of the worst films i've ever seen
  11. cnt find anything about official travel for this one looks like i'll have to give it a miss and waste the tickets
  12. any coach companies i can travel with for this? was booked with chauffeurs but they're leaving at 3pm which is way too early
  13. saw a prophet at the cinema yesterday, fantastic film
  14. anyone seen the french film district 13? fantastic action film
  15. jonathan ross has been caught stealing kitchen utensils from ikea & has been fined £200. he said he has no regrets as it was a whisk he was willing to take
  16. why do the sontarans need to have video communication when they are a clone race?
  17. had a look at the viewty on the three website and think im gonna go with that. just need to see if you can use the touch screen without the little stick as i think it makes people look like a bit of a clearing in the woods. can anyone suggest a good network then? i've just lest tmobile as it was the worst service i've ever had using anything
  18. anyone got one? i need to get a new phone monday and im considering this but i've heard mixed things. what new phones are good at the moment?? the LG viewty seems decent
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