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Everything posted by mrchnry

  1. mrchnry

    Energy Bills

    To be fair everyone is complaining and the first sign of rebellion and we all go cynical about it, me included.
  2. mrchnry

    Energy Bills

    Got a flyer for this tonight. Interesting campaign but I doubt it's going to take off. https://dontpay.uk/
  3. The club isn't putting the prices up on everything and the only way to stop that is to stop buying from them. Something has to give with the cost of living.
  4. Remember when the letters on the wall behind Theresa May fell down during her speech and that comedian gave her a pretend P45 and everyone wondered if she could survive it? Simpler times
  5. https://news.sky.com/story/boris-johnson-live-updates-pm-fighting-for-political-life-after-sunak-and-javid-quit-12593360?postid=4126684#liveblog-body
  6. Just vocal support according to what I just read. News coming so thick and fast its hard to keep up.
  7. Apparently only 1 MP backed Boris during the 1922 committee, out of 150.
  8. Can't see Boris lasting the week. I might finally get to open that bottle of champagne I bought when he was rushed to intensive care.
  9. I feel like I should have done some pre drinking before Ian Blackford speaks.
  10. I'm struggling here but if you're being ironic for comedic value then I take my hat off to your dedication. But if you're serious I must strike you with that hat.
  11. Anyone that accepts a promotion from Johnson now will be on the back benches by Christmas. Its career suicide
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