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Everything posted by mrchnry

  1. Man City are gonna want rid aren't they. They can blame his party lifestyle to save face for spending 100 mil. Thing is, where does he go?
  2. This is one of the worst games of football I've ever watched.
  3. I don't like Gerrard and I want him gone but some of you have been moaning since the first 5 mins. Its a real downer.
  4. Gerrard has got sunglasses tan lines
  5. Imagine the team that are top of the league and have been improving consistently for 12 months wanting to buy one of your players and still not thinking they're good enough to start. Absolutely baffling.
  6. I'm feeling weirdly optimistic about this game. I know it means Gerrard will fight another day but I'd like to start the weekend with a good win.
  7. And if you thought there was any escaping it. Everything will be shut and it will be on the majority of channels. I'm hoping that streaming services don't suspend during the funeral.
  8. Beckham is in the queue and has been in it for 12 hours I think he said. Gotta respect that.
  9. I said to my wife as we were walking around after the theatre and all the fencing was still out from the coffin going from the Palace to Westminster. If you were one of the royal family seeing all these people you wouldn't feel like the country wants rid of them. They're not going anywhere for quite some generations yet.
  10. Just got back from London. The queue really is a thing of beauty in real life. It just seems to go on forever. We went to a show last night and before the performance they had a minutes silence and then played the national anthem. Everyone stood up and sang. I felt like i was in an episode of black mirror.
  11. I've been in Central London and took a stroll down towards the Palace to check it all out. Its actually insane. The scale of it all is like a major festival. There are people walking around in full funeral outfits. It's the craziest thing I've ever seen and I've worked in a mental hospital.
  12. Offered a free ticket for Friday and still can't be bothered. Makes me sad to feel so negative about the villa.
  13. £44 to watch crap football during a cost of living crisis. Thats why there are tickets left.
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