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Everything posted by Amsterdam_Neil_D

  1. I just wrote a nice report in SQL and output this into Excel. Sent it to a co-worker who reports the report does not work. (On inspection the report is fine (Works on my PC and everyone else's, he thinks it fine to go against the world and simple logic by using commas to display a decimal. So I send him 20.5655563, he displays it in his Excel as 20,5655563. Oh yes it's the reports fault that excel can't add up what are essentially text lines) It's now Excel and Microsoft's fault. I suggest it's regional settings but ho hum. :x How hard is it to understand the following simple life rules DD/MM/YYYY and 20,56 is not the same as 20.56 and never will be.
  2. I was listening to Collymore last night. He raised a few good points but he lets himself down by always saying the same thing to cover himself "Where do Villa fans expect to be ?". Now, that's a funny question. Where do we want to be or expect to be ? They make us out to be like Newcastle fans or something, I have given up on winning things years ago, that will never happen again so we can forget that. I expect us to be the next team down after the 4 or 5 drug cheats (Or Man kitty / Chelsea / Manure / Arsnel / Liverstool). Play attractive and entertaining football. Football that would get non Villa fans to watch it as neutrals in a pub or similar (Current football would get turned off in a old peoples home in Uzbekistan even if that was the only TV channel available ). I expect to look forward to games not dread it. I demand that we are at least joint favourites when we are playing at home. If we play anyone at home with the away team odds on to win we are doing it wrong no matter who the team is.
  3. You do drink. You suppeth the nectar of the Gods, sir. True, and on December 5th of all days, I should drink a carton! I think the 5th of December thing is dying a death in Holland. Used to be a massive thing 10 years ago, hardly hear anything about it these days. Maybe it's films etc, if all the films and characters do everything on the 25th, the 5th (No matter right or wrong day) is getting slowly deleted from the Dutch way of life IMO. (The 5th is banned in my house anyway along with Dutch TV)
  4. We all sympathise with you though.... "My father is a bluenose" ......shudder.
  5. I never go to them unless I feel I have been treated anywhere near fairly over the previous 12 months. I went in 2004.
  6. If they match the season ticket price per year to the quality of the football then there might be some takers. What would the cost be though?
  7. Proud history...Ooh look, a squirrel. I think we will find the last 3 games are part of our history also. No Slogan, just a picture of a squirrel eating a nut whilst suddenly wondering if he left the gas on. (E.Izzard)
  8. I wonder how the Manure / Spurs performances fit into the "Proud History, Bright future" If this is Bright, what's dark then ? All see is black, cold and dark. Black here.... Dark, very dark thoughts here. Dark and cold here... Not very bright here, could not give a albino mouse a mild sun tan to be honest.
  9. A random episode of Crossroads with Benny having a few comedy problems fixing a boiler would put all the Twilight's to shame. Kermode was banging on about it the other day. He might as well have soiled himself live on BBC breakfast, never heard anything so embarrassing. I was so embarrassed for Mayo having this broadcast with his name attached to it. Need to break a terrorist...make em watch the 2nd one a few times. Easily some of the worst films ever made.
  10. Lerner was at the game on Saturday, did not look happy. Villa Park is weird, you can tell something not quite right as soon as you walk in.
  11. It also depends on why yes I suppose. Is it because of the pay off or similar. Not making excuses as i said NO but people see it all different. The main thing is they voted, we should not attack people because they voted or people will stop voting.
  12. I know what you mean but we need to look at ourselves also, small heath is & we know the people and players associated with that place are scum so why is it when a leper crawls over the road & offers us a drink from his scab and maggot infested plastic cup do we drink it ? Nothing good ever comes from small heath, keep that in mind and you will never go far wrong in life. They are scum and are laughing all day long at us now. They might be in a league below but I would suggest they currently look the team with the better future !
  13. Never seen football like it from the Villa, not in the 70,80,90,00's. Even when we were relegated it was better than this, we had a game plan flawed as it was. We got nothing, if someone told me that we are morphing netball tactics with football tactics I would believe them at the moment. It's easy to go over the top on a Monday but I can't think of many games I have watched in my lifetime (other teams) that have been that bad. It's gone from, looking forward to watching games to feeling like I can't wait for it to end, every minute is like an hour watching us run around after the ball. If United and Spurzz had fielded teams of 10 without the goalkeeper would we have won both games ? I suggest not, says it all really. (+ question for AMC, why play a striker ? What possible use id Bent in the squad / tactical set up currently. What is his job ? What do you tell him before he goes out, what was the plan B at half time ? "Was it hold up the ball until support arrives ? " What you gonna do, drop people in by helicopter ? The other 9 players are 50 yards back that way? I know Barry Banana is a midget (my height) but do you need to draw peoples attention to this by making sure he only ever looks like a extra in a spot the ball coupon, either give it to feet or by him the biggest stilts in the world. I could go on but I am boring myself.
  14. Not a Bad line up given the opposition and current status of sqad.
  15. The fact you typed the above means they have.
  16. Be yourself, you can't be an actor in life. If you trip up or make little mistakes as we all do I suspect that on her side life lessons have been learnt (her family as well). Or just send her a screen shot of your question from VT....... you can't actually lose with that one iMo. Good luck, just tread carefully with little nippers involved. When they call you Dad it's all fun and game until you leave ! (Happened to me a few times)
  17. Can't fault that really mate. As long as the Full Backs sit and not push up. They are both pace less and have nothing to offer past the half way line + If we play Clark (good player) I would be worried about Warnock especially to lose a player, Clarke comes over and gets a red card. Petrov to sit in between Defence and midfield to mop up a bit with the 2 RM / LM to go narrow when defending which in theory will filter them out to the sitting FB's. Nice options up front as Zog /Gab can swap around now and then. If Bannan and Gab can click with some nice through balls for him one never knows. Like it though POB. Good stuff geezer.
  18. Warnock & Hutton are never Prem full backs and never will be, simple as that really. The current defence would make most Champ teams look like Brazil. Every single time Warnock goes near a player I see a yellow card / Penalty on the horizon. Just think about players like Ashley Cole and then compare to what we have, scary as anything. Miles and miles away. Maybe we have them because they fit so snug with our current style of play.
  19. It's only the same noise as 4 Spitfires ;-) X 4 ? Or it would not get off the ground.
  20. Snob No one has ever called me that before Everything else though. I'm touched Then you understand what it is like to grow up a Catholic boy. I am supposed to be a Catholic so lucky escape there
  21. 100 % agree. I think in football terms it's the easiest to coach, easiest and cheapest to finance (We do it, enough said), easiest to beat, hardest to watch(from our point of view) & hardest to move away from (as in , Let's play like X Y Z team, What do we need to tweak?). I moan about players leaving but no matter where you work, if they are doing it wrong and someone (who does it right eg. Man Utd) comes knocking, who can blame them for going.
  22. Can't see it catching on at MacDonalds but one never knows....
  23. It was a struggle to watch the 90 minutes. When spurzz sing are we West Ham in disguise I think I and the football world know our once bright light is in danger of going out for good. We can only rely on history if there are people alive to remember it.
  24. I had money on us losing 0-3 or 0-4. If you take the team and tactics into account then losing 0-2 is a amazing result for us.
  25. I think the defence are all shit personally. The all have major problems IMO. Either too slow, can't read the game, give away free kicks, can't defend, can't distribute, can't step up as one, can't bring it out of defence and can't support. Apart from the above, solid. How long we been waiting for a right back ? We had a test drive of what we needed to purchase last year, we know the model and type we need so we spent a year getting the perfect RB ready for fuckface at spurzzz. It must be nice for spurzz to have pace down the flanks with the LB /RB pushing up, we should go out and get A Young and that Downing geezer. It looks really effective with Bale and Lennon maybe we should do the same.
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