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Everything posted by Amsterdam_Neil_D

  1. For me very odd. Eating is a huge thing for me, and it's always at the forefront of my mind when at work, looking forward to dinner time. I really enjoy eating and often snack. I'd actually like to put some weight on, but it doesn't seem to hapen. Dunno, I just never think about it. Given the choice between a Pizza and Football manager there is no competition. MY wife is really good at cooking as well and she tries her very best but the things I actually enjoy eating are 3 or 4 main things at most. Maybe i am a bit anorexic or something also, if I eat a big meal then that's me done for 20 + hours. I do have a few snacks at night though (Ice cream / chocolate / crisps) but this is not loads and loads. (Hard to find chocolate here anyway. Cadbury's is like gold dust). Or it could be that the "I am a bit hungry chip in my brain is damaged". The increase IQ x 4 chip that i had fitted has some side effects.
  2. I only eat 1 meal a day, that has been the case for 10-15 years. + I walk maybe 3 miles a day. (Basically I am scared to death of getting overweight with a beer belly and the like) If I am left on my own for a few days I need to actually be reminded to eat, I have totally forgotten to eat on many days and only remembered when going to sleep. Problem is it's way down my list of priorities and I don't really enjoy eating. Odd ?
  3. Well it's a good job we disagree, rubbish if we all like the same stuff. Tbh the graffiti picture was obviously chosen as the worst example that could possibly be found but hardly anyone sees the art in in the bottom one. I will find a good one
  4. Hmmmm... dunno. See, I quite like stuff like THIS: Whereas stuff like THIS makes me want to give the culprits a good kicking: Just to give it all a bit of balance, I think the 2nd type is a lot better and harder to do than the Banksy stuff, I don't rate it. So what, he makes a template from some bird in a upstairs / downstairs type thing and sprays it *shrugs*. The second one is far more skillful and difficult to do, looks easy but try it, even in pencil.
  5. No **** way! How many hours of my life have I wasted on the grill that I will never get back? To be fair they do say "versatile". There's a lot you can do with them that is currently unknown to you.
  6. It'[s the gift that keeps on giving, was flicking through the channels the other day just as the singing episode started. "Gween gween gwass of home" and all that Brilliant.
  7. Costs a lot of money though to heat stuff up, the electric thing spins like a loon. + takes ages to boil.
  8. Wine tasting? What are you trying to write ? Just wondering really, fiction or no-fiction ? Or is it a bit like the writing done in the Shining film ?
  9. I don't really get or understand how people are charged the same rate to stand on a bus / train as those who get a seat. That's just madness and I will never understand how this is even legal ? If the same logic is used why don't we stand on planes ? (Is that any less safe than standing on a bus or train ? How many times has your seat belt on a plane saved you from anything, I have flown 100's of times and not needed it.)
  10. They are perverts! Ha ha, brilliant. Proper made me laugh that did. No, because they are ....or anything like that. Just "They are perverts!"
  11. I won 350.00+ pounds when red rum died (We ran it in the office). Now that was a happy and sad day all in one.
  12. That's rather perceptive of you Mjmooney. You can have 5 pounds
  13. Weird world, I look at people walking done the road with 3 snotty kids, a fat bird in a shell suit and Lidl bags and think to myself, why do people have kids ? I have worked at the same place for 11 years so I have seen happy people get married and have 3 kids....... never the same again. There are a lot of people who will sit there and think "not me chief". Trust me it's you, never the same again. They group together egging each other on in how having kids is just ace, nativity plays, fat wife, no money, no life. I just never understand the whole "you won't understand unless you have had kids", I do that is why I never had any...that's the clever bit! It's one thing a dog eating shit but when you produce a baby thing that is 50 % you and it does it while painting a picture with it on the wall I would not really point at dogs too much. On the other hand, you could offer me 20,000 pounds for my dog and I would laugh at you. and if I had to choose between saving a random person or my dog, dog all day long. One less possible person on the bus. Do you want a hug? Erm......yes.
  14. Weird world, I look at people walking done the road with 3 snotty kids, a fat bird in a shell suit and Lidl bags and think to myself, why do people have kids ? I have worked at the same place for 11 years so I have seen happy people get married and have 3 kids....... never the same again. There are a lot of people who will sit there and think "not me chief". Trust me it's you, never the same again. They group together egging each other on in how having kids is just ace, nativity plays, fat wife, no money, no life. I just never understand the whole "you won't understand unless you have had kids", I do that is why I never had any...that's the clever bit! It's one thing a dog eating shit but when you produce a baby thing that is 50 % you and it does it while painting a picture with it on the wall I would not really point at dogs too much. On the other hand, you could offer me 20,000 pounds for my dog and I would laugh at you. and if I had to choose between saving a random person or my dog, dog all day long. One less possible person on the bus.
  15. They are having a good go though. I don't want the world, just a chance to win the games we play and a bit of nice footie to watch. I gave up on winning things a long time ago.
  16. Raver50032 - Top post by the way. I suspect most if not all are with you on that. My old man got a ticket for Bristol away, he was gutted as my brother got it him. He does not even want to go. He's been going since the later 1950's ffs. Years ago he would have been over the moon. So tell me how this fits in to the bright future aspect of it all, make current long term customers hate you and make sure you get no new ones. I actually hate the board and management now, I feel this is now personal against (me) and all the supporters. I feels like there was a meeting at VP where some said something like "I'll tell you what, I am going to make them **** (us) the most unhappy set of supports in the UK. I will make them all pay. From now on we will do the exact opposite of what is needed. Better players needed, **** em let's get injured shit ones that will **** show em, ex small heath as well. Yeah they will hate that. H ha and they still give us 500.00 quid a year. hahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaah" we are now living that.
  17. It's sickening. I actually felt ill watching the Swansea game, maybe because I thought we had turned the corner at Chelsea, now I realise we are in a round room. Same type of football. Same type of transfers. Same results. Same manager ffs..... Same aspirations, survival. Same reputation, it's getting there. We are a doormat for the big teams
  18. Went a few months ago. Forget Busch Gardens, it's not that good. Its like Drayton manor in every way. Universal 1 and 2 are brilliant. I should have done a day each for these and not 1 day for both. Disney is a bit strange / good / cultish / dunno. The people who work there are the strangest people on the planet. Sea world is quite good and worth a visit.
  19. See that's not a avatar that is a photo and the chef speaks sense. Butter on bacon sandwiches :shock: Why not jam then ?
  20. Would that make them better people though & do the people on that wing deserve to be locked up with scum like that ? I think they would get done in a wing with white people also, let's be honest we would all like to give them a slap. Little blokes in a gang killing people at bus stops, proper tough guys.
  21. Real great programme. I love how it's filmed and the music etc... 10 out of 10. The little touches for the SMS's / emails on screen is brilliant. A lot of films don't look this good.
  22. In terms of messing up at work what happened to the Police ? 18 years to get what was at the time a open and shut case is criminal, some of the Police should have got time as well. Any other profession with a similar mistake I suspect, just not the Police.
  23. Agree 100 %. Just not at the races and the complete polar opposite of Swansea's players attidute.
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