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Everything posted by Amsterdam_Neil_D

  1. This story is the biggest load of bolox ever. 1. The match was moved after the wedding was arranged because of the Barca players. 2. I heard his son talk about it yesterday at length on the radio, he is not even remotely bothered in any way and as his dad has missed many occasions during his life (away managing). 3. No prem so everyone is suddenly interested in England on the TV / radio / Internet.
  2. Bit of a waste of time, it needs to be banned from import also. You can't educate people that way, it's a nice try but half hearted. Would you not agree that this would basically prevent Islamic and Jewish people from living in the Netherlands though? I am not getting into the Noah's Ark discussion again but educating people about religion and why it's wrong will include both easy lessons and hard lessons. I can't help that, they created the problem not me. They choose or are forced to believe in something that does not exist. I would say it's our duty as human beings to help them if we can and every little law change, be it dress codes or whatever is little chips out of the lies. Just my opinion expressed as nice as possible. Lets not fight :?
  3. Bit of a waste of time, it needs to be banned from import also. You can't educate people that way, it's a nice try but half hearted.
  4. The Harry Potter books are actually a copy of the Star Wars basic story. So whilst I accept Potter is a good old story(even copied), Star Wars actually happened a long, long time ago.
  5. It's not as good as the last series. It has fallen into the most obvious trap possible, bit like that survivor series on the BBC. Stupid birds crying about stupid children that put everyone else at risk for. The kids are just lazy plot devices, some get lost, some get sick and some get shot. I don't ****** care. Erm, lets guess at what's on the horizon, some bint will get pregnant and it will be a "O dear, without a X, Y or Z she will live / die or the baby will live / die / grow up a small heath and we can / can't tell Bob Crachit / Tiny tim they are the dad but he's gone looking for little Jonny who amazingly enough has managed to get run over in a 30 mph zone outside a f****ing empty school by a frigging milk float driven by a dolphin who while has the smile of a charmer is just a boy racer in an electric vehicle. How about a) get some good weapons (Flames / High pressure ball bearings / beat them to death with a flip flop but lets get rid of the predictable heart ripping family stuff go to a stadium or something where there are lots of targets, not a forest where there are a few. Kill things loads and lots in amusing ways FFS, the show would have been better with mutes as the main players. words removed.
  6. Absolutely amazing fighter. Just kept on coming no matter what hit him. One of the greatest IMO.
  7. It's not round, no where near. A few of the Disciples commented on this on the "Novelsforbegginers.com forum" A rookie mistake on day 1 to be honest, when he was making it God did not have enough water on the clay, basically he rushed it. IIRC, he stuck a pencil through it and noted that it span ...kinda OK but was not really how he imagined it. Bit of a face-palm moment really, this too went wrong. Clay on big beard, getting in a bit of a mess. Anyway quickly sorted, grabbed a towel, wiped face (Remembered to put towel in Jesus's rucksack for up and coming visit to relatives. Got my face on it, what can go wrong. With the right biological powder that will come out). In his defence, he was doing it in the dark. A bit of forward planning would have done the trick, Microsoft project or similar. Light first, then pottery but it was a really busy week. (Source Mark 7:12)
  8. Homeland is getting better and better. I Like that show.
  9. The universe is bigger and getting bigger as far as I know ? If it keeps on getting bigger though then everything dies and the universe goes dark and thus can be classed as dead? Dunno, just popped in my head. I am wrong on the above ?
  10. .........Ready to chop you down. Sharpened to cut you down...... I am pretty sure that record is in the Film : Alive and Kicking. Set in Brum with Robbie Coltrane and Lenny Henry. Brilliant if you can find it like.
  11. I agree, got all the foundations and tools to became a very good all round player IMO. What he lacks in current skill level is easily covered by his determination and desire.
  12. I think that is to do with bones. If I get a bone for my dog ...hey presto. 70's stylee dog stuff. Could it be that supermarkets don't give out bits for your dog but the old local butcher does, thats where I have to go. Thats where it went IMO. I don't even know what to ask for in English but it's "Mak ik, twee merkpipes voor de hondje AUB ?"
  13. Raves, All nighters, Not going to bed on a Saturday night, Juddering chin :-), Clubs that only served Tea and soft drinks, going out at 1.00am, seeing double, seeing triple, using peoples head as a table, falling asleep standing up, sleeping on the beech....... More to follow... I got loads.
  14. Gone back to public transport, starting today.
  15. Watching DCI Banks at the moment. Well impressed, I have read all the books and I did not even know the programme existed (No ITV) so real pleased to find it. TV show is almost as good as the books, that don't happen much. Brilliant 9/10
  16. The weird thing is that if we were going to "Start again". Why take the guns, bike, car type things with you. (I would have taken a big container full of Swedish women, not quad bikes ffs)
  17. Could not agree more, the dullest story about the dullest people. I would rather they get all the CPO's and bury them all alive there, it might be just about news worthy then.
  18. Have not watched one / heard one / looked at one for almost a year. Simple rule, if it's not on BBC then it's not actually possible to watch it live. Simple as that really. I refuse to acknowledge their existence and try not to look at billboards or any advertising at all no matter where it is. Download everything, stack it up ready and smile. They waste billions on it, it only works on a certain type of person, that's aint me If they want to change that then they need to pay me per second billing.
  19. x 10000000000000000000000000000000 Word filters are for little primary schools so little jonny does not see a bad word. We watch the Villa FFS, a certain amount of horror, pain and disappointment is assumed so a naughty word won't kill us, kills a sentence though but is so very clever.
  20. Watched S02 E01 last night, great programme. Super funny as well, can anyone get tired of crossbows through eyes or boulders vs heads, I suggest not. Its frustrating though as it's easy to beat Zombie people, I have a plan You need a cage, a pig, a car battery, rope, quarry, sound system ...that will do it.
  21. 6 New support girls started in the office last week. 20 -25 years old All Dutch and speak proper lingo (English) Scores from 6.5 to 9 Doing IT support for a bit
  22. Agree, given enough time and instructions then most people could do it. I don't like calling it magic either. Why go to the trouble of performing magic on the street or club circuit, just magic some money and retire and leave it at that.
  23. Same here. I will use KLM or BA as a rule. The rest of them are utter scum.
  24. It's kind of allright, really not sure what to make of it. I don't even know what age group it's aimed at. Dunno 6/10 for the first episode.
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