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Everything posted by Amsterdam_Neil_D

  1. If it was in London I think the result would have been a bit different, they would have found someone else for it. As it's brum they probably don't care. There are not many bombings in history of that size in the UK where the killers were never caught.
  2. Liverpool at Anfield last season At least that game we had some of the ball and had injury problems, Petrov, Coker, Bannan, Sidwell central midfield I recall all being out, as well as Ashley Young, Heskey (who at that time was an in form player) Gabby was playing through injury. (although arguably could have been tonight) that night we had Clark, Hogg, Ireland in midfield. (which makes it difficult to 'have a go' when lacking so much quality in key areas. The team we had out tonight wasn't stupidly better but the decisions are baffling. It's not a great midfield but in between Petrov, Herd, Bannan, Gardner, Delph, Ireland ...there is a decent trio in there somewhere or central 2. I think for starts, Petrov and Bannan have to play. Then you pick someone alongside that. Bent and Gabby up top. Then N'Zogbia or Heskey, I'd have gone for Heskey just because wide threat and he works his socks off so not really too bothered about that, but part of a midfield 4? a midfield 4 without a single player who's going to create. At least having Heskey in the team while say a Bannan is in the team is that even if Heskey isn't providing a threat, can have Bannan, Gabby, Bent trying to make something happen. Even another midfield, given Gardner a chance, or Delph, given him a bit of freedom when we have the ball to break from midfield. a 6 man base is fair enough (under O'Neill, I'd argue it was 5 men, with Petrov holding in front of back 4 and then the others were all more attacking minded) with other willing workers but we literally had an 8 man base today. The two banks of four, 'try and keep it down' mentallity. Gabby and Bent ....do it your own. We're not hard to beat, we're not attacking, we're not a counter attacking side, we don't grind results out, we don't have an actual style of play. We don't go long to play off Heskey and get men round him, we don't play it short and try to keep it. We don't look to move the ball quickly into wide areas. There is no identity within this team, no structure or pattern of play that makes it easier IMO for the players to adapt too. Every game it changes, I don't think that helps. The only games we've won, we've simply had to rely on individual brilliance from one player (in all 3 wins) against poorer opposition. We don't even play to our strengths, I don't know what we play. It's just shit. Truly shocking. Top post ! Hit all the nails there I think. As you said, what is our style of play these days but I suppose when (As last night proved for 15 minutes) we don't need the ball we are that good. 81 % possession Spurzzz had, even set up games for the TV featuring the Haarlem Globtrotters is not that one sided. My mrs was on the laptop while I was watching the game, her comment "Let me know when you get a kick". Yes we all play Football manager and think we know tactics etc. Ever set a team up like that and had 20 % possession on it ? Thought not, the programmers probably thought it was not realistic enough. After 10 minutes last night I actually counted the playeys as I thought we were a man down. Shocking and a real shot in the arm for Harry, exactley what I did not want for him so well done Villa.
  3. ANyone ever read the book about the bobmingsby the MP Chris Mullins (I think that's the name, not 100%) ? Anyway, if you are from Brum it's a real good read, if not a little scary. The Police have not changed much but they must be a tiny bit better than back then.
  4. Lancaster Bomber for me. The noise of the engine + history + it looks mean as ****, you don't ever want to look up and see 20 of them on the way to your city as that's a game over message.
  5. Snob No one has ever called me that before Everything else though. I'm touched
  6. Good question. Abandoning is the wrong word though. The removal of a parasite is a more factual assessment of intellectual enlightenment I feel. Do I feel more alone, nope. In the educated world I am part of the biggest majority. The fact you ask atheists these questions makes me think that all is not well in the religious world, it's a bit.... "I have got a friend who's got this rash......." The job of an atheist as I see it is is to help people, it's basic human instinct. Cast your mind back a few million years.... I was sitting in my cave man house, a new family moves in next door from a land far far away, look a bit dodgy but hey ho. 1 st morning the new neighbour comes out with a wheel barrow moving rocks about, you know the type of thing, new house and everything, but his wheel is square and all his rocks are falling out all over the cave-de-sac, instinct tells me to help him and inform him of my new fangled futuristic round wheel design. He said "Thanks very much, I will replace my kids wheels as well. Nice one geezer". I said "Why are you using a square wheel ?"he said "My dad told me to, he said it's the only design available and I was young and I just believe what I am told". I was shocked but for no apparent reason in the back of my mind a song appeared, he continued "Did you dad say that as well ?..."he did"I said "I told him he was a clearing in the woods" If you really believe there is a god out there and someone tells you the truth, they are not having a go, they are just telling you about your square wheel and the square wheels you force your kids to use.
  7. I see what you mean but the problem is we don't have the luxury of mistakes as other clubs do. Man UTD can buy a player (Eg Veron) and get it spectacularly wrong, Manger still there & titles won. If we make a mistake it costs us half a decade to recover, if ever + usually costs someone their job.
  8. Our recent history is littered with players who just don't perform as they had done previously, the list is massive and I have no clue why that is. Balaban, Collymore, & Ireland to name a few. Also players that leave tend to improve massively in average performance once they get out of VP. Ashley Young for one, loads better for for the next club.
  9. Watched 3 Episodes of GRIMM yesterday, top programme (8 out of 10). It has the best effects currently on show from all the series also. The strangest story lines going, it can go from proper horror to Scooby Doo in a second, don't let that put you off though. Worth the time investment so far. The effects in GRIMM are Film quality IMO compared to something like Terra Nova, those are backyard effects at best. Shockingly rubbish in places (See bit where he caught a fish.....WTF)
  10. You are both way off, Casualty is the place to be with a groin strain. See : Scarlett Conway (played by Madeleine Mantock) Is she a guilty crush though? I'm married, I'm guilty...
  11. Yep, she is way up the league table currently.
  12. You are both way off, Casualty is the place to be with a groin strain. See : Scarlett Conway (played by Madeleine Mantock)
  13. The bird from Celebrity master chef, what's not too like ? Can she cook Sausage, chips and beans though ?
  14. Alex Jones from one show, Susana Reid (BBC breakfast) & Konnie Huq for starters..... They all the the same though but what can you do :-/ (I wonder if Miranda gets a shout ?)
  15. The Dutch call it : afstandsbediening It's such a easy language I bet you all guessed that anyway ?
  16. Almost certainly. Polygraphy is almost surely pseudoscience and do not in general produce any reliable output. That doesn't stop the USA's intelligence and security services from making extensive use of them anyway (it's pretty much required to be poly'd every at least once every few years to maintain a security clearance). Their only value lies in people's perception that they work. Baltimore PD's lie detectors are as effective as the polygraph. I see, thanks. I suppose it's all in the name. If you did not tell them it's a lie detector but something about health but you could ask some questions while they were in it the results would be different. If you know people are looking for lies then I suppose the mind can cope with that, instinct maybe...everyone lies a bit.
  17. Homeland: Still pretty good to be honest. On Episode 6 and I really can't predict what is going to happen so all good. (Only thing I did not like is people flying through lie detector tests with training, can that really be done? If so, what's the point of them then?) Some nice women in it also.....
  18. Any that is so hard to spell or say can't be the way forward + no much time to learn now.
  19. Watched a couple over the weekend :- Rise of the Planet of the Apes : 6/10 - Really this is a kids film IMO. All kind of predictable, with places visited early on having significance. Nice graphics but big wow, it's 2011. "Spoiler"...... Just at the point when the film looked to be turning into something good.....it finished. (When someone who abuses apes finally gets done by a tazer + water it's time to go) Conan the Barbarian : 8/10 - Real surprise this one, was expected rubbish but it was a real good enjoyable film. This film must have as much action and fighting than most films of it's type. This ain't messing around (Like the ape film), proper kill counts / blood everywhere. Highly recommended. (in wrong thread really but....) Walking Dead - Watched the episode(EP05) yesterday, why is it the best programmes are killed off like this. Utter rubbish, one Zombie down a well, cost cutting by any chance ? Pathetic, they might as well have got the idiots to fly to a moon with a big telescope and look at the Zombies, in fact why not ruin it completely and get the dippy slag from BBC survivors to walk around in the background shouting "Peter.....PETER!!!". I could write better episodes aged 10.
  20. Hope so. I don't think you are stupid, Julie. But I DO think that the ideas that you cling to are very stupid indeed. There's a paradox for you. Agree with MJ on this. Don't forget that for all the people in the thread they all frustration one feels is the same for everyone else on the other side of the fence. It's just a dangerous thread. It's never personal I don't think, just people are poles apart. On the bright side, we still all post so it's not Armageddon or anything .
  21. Derision and educating people are totally different things.
  22. Evolution Theory. The Theory bit does not mean what you think it means. It does not mean this is the best guess or it's something like this. "Theories are intended to be an accurate, predictive description of the natural world." from wiki + This exact subject was discussed on QI the other week, the trap that a lot of people fall into is as in this thread. You have a question with only one answer, you can use the word Jelly, mole, airship after evolution but it does not really matter. 1 question, 1 answer. Do not waste your time trying to out think the universe. The Theory of Evolution is what it is. Accurate.
  23. Absolutely this. There is a bloke at work who has a sign at his desk which says: "That's MR. Drama Queen to you!" What a prat. Please tell me you are joking :?
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