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Everything posted by Don_Simon

  1. Even better! He can stay this summer, next summer and be worth £300,000,000 by the January transfer window 2023.
  2. This is what I think too. The last one, absolutely. The next one, if we don't make progress, absolutely. But this one, where we are making big strides, adding quality, a world cup next summer where he will want to be on centre stage all season, this window makes little sense. I'd even say a new contract with £150 million release clause is more likely than him moving.
  3. Getting this tune on Spotify right now. Absolute banger!
  4. Embiid's knee doesnt seem too bad, he dropped 40 on the Haws last night! My previous post goes well for me wishing for the early W's for Brooklyn, but Milwuakee will surely be much better at home. From the West, I really like the look of The Suns. Barring injury, I think they're going to the finals. (So glad the Lakers are out!)
  5. I feel I've become lost in my own world of surprise / non-surprise. Allow me to be clarify... I think it's so sad you wish hurt on someone. Clarification has been found.
  6. Because you hope that people can surprise you. Even if you fear the worst, maybe they'll surprise you that they don't actually wish injuries on people. I'm the eternal optimist.
  7. Why on earth would you wish a muscle tear on someone? I mean, I'm not surprised, but, why?
  8. How it should be I reckon. Pulls the strings, behind the scenes and lets Deano and the Boys take the limelight. I **** love my football team.
  9. From the mid-point of the season they have the third best form in the league. According to press, (I have no idea of the reliability, but we believe press about us when we want to), they are going to spend big this summer. I'm all for optimism, but rewriting history probably isn't the way forward.
  10. Can't wait for the Nets v Bucks series. Its going to be a humdinger! Hoping my Nets boys get the first couple of W's, its going to be fierce when they go to Milwuakee.
  11. Has anyone seen any info about the Claret Club Memberships this year? We had them last season, giving us first dibs on tickets once season ticket holders had purchase theirs. Will hope to do the same this year but haven't seen them discussed anywhere as yet.
  12. Don_Simon


    A story gathering momentum that Nuno is Palace bound. A real kick in the teeth for the Dogheads that. Palace with more ambition The Porto Perton? Bad times.
  13. And it means he gets a looooooong rest after playing all but one games for Villa this season.
  14. A few years maybe. You said one or two!
  15. This is absolutely not what will happen.
  16. Picking a fight?! Sweet jesus. I disagreed with a comment, I commented on it. Is that not one of the purposes or a forum? I also agreed with a comment of yours, and commented on it. Take a breath my friend, its the weekend.
  17. Completely agree. But excellent servant, come on now.
  18. Never been #1 in his career in terms of status in the squad. He'll take #1 at Villa in an instant.
  19. I would imagine more than that. Surely Heaton was on 40-50 thousand on his own?
  20. Elmo and Taylor have been excellent servants. But Heaton?! He played for four months and has been injured / second choice ever since. Bit of a stretch to label him as an excellent servant.
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