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Everything posted by S-Platt

  1. Umbro would be my first choice their retro range would sell more than the official kits! Hummel as a second to this for the above reason!
  2. Jedi for teams that play long ball. Thor for teams that play footy. it's as simple as that to me.
  3. Didn't Villa Legend Ron Saunders also manage Blose and The Baggies in a season both got relegated? The man really did everything for us!
  4. you can't knock their spirit and belief I wish we had the same think it comes from the Manager!
  5. Southampton useless! they are joining the baggies.
  6. turned off watching Spain destroy Argentina. Amazed they said that but hey ho. VAR is pants think it will ruin The World Cup.
  7. each to their own but that is never a pen in a million years! he made the right call during the game and confused himself watching the replay. Give that decision to ex players as they will know the score when it comes to intent!
  8. you must be joking that is never a pen! no attempt at a tackle just trod on his foot whilst running!
  9. if Derby called it off due to lack of players that has been mentioned then they can expect a points deduction. I am sure Boro got deducted points a while back for something similar.
  10. it's true just seen the clip on Sky Sports app the guy even nutmegs a steward too who chases him down! However he was part of a charity walk so it was not taking the piss as such just typical Sunderland luck. You gotta feel for them.
  11. If it's the play offs so be it. however 9 games to go anything can happen. players lose form get injured and so on. twists and turns all the way best season in years! Kodija to come back to give us the x factor. Do you want to bet against us!?
  12. Hughes normally starts off quite well at clubs before it goes tits up. Tough fixtures but i hope they get out of it as there are far more deserving candidates for relegation!
  13. I reckon the bribed hooligans that called off the march and threatened the leftists will be supplying the security at the stadium very soon. Something very dodgy about the whole episode Saturday they were not playing too bad and only went 1-0 down with 30 mins to play or something not actually a time to invade the pitch and kick off. Would not put anything past those porn barons.
  14. 5.30 saturday kick offs are quite good for generating a noise more time to get pissed! Helps when the team are on it from the start but then I guess they could say they feed off the atmosphere. Tomorrow is massive we need to get behind the boys from the off.
  15. sarcasm? he will miss the game against Cardiff which we need Derby to win
  16. Just wanna give this lad credit he grew into the game after a shaky start and was committed good to see.
  17. lovely goal very Dean Saunders esq that near post run and finish I have missed that for 25 years!!!
  18. S-Platt


    seems Leeds were defo one of the club's not happy about Wolves could be interesting times ahead
  19. S-Platt


    Leeds are shit our best hope is they kick Wolves off the park and there are red cards galore.
  20. yep any win will do. I don't expect it to be easy tonight they are fighting for their lives and possibly the future of their club.
  21. S-Platt


    half the words removed leaving before lifting the cup in 2015 tells you all you need to know about their support! Boring Boring Arsenal until Wenger turned up but I guess the Johnny come lately fans don't remember that or want to wait around to see them lift the FA Cup for a record however many times!! Our fans may have moaned about 6th place finishes and so on but we never cried on the radio about it. I just recall constructive criticism that started mainly after we threw the towel in against CSKA Moscow!
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