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Everything posted by Troglodyte

  1. Zaha red would be delicious. Equally he could score two more.
  2. I saw him when he dug Konsa out of a hole and stopped us going 1-0 down early on. Did you?
  3. We don't seem to know the difference between attacking at pace and rushing. Such little composure.
  4. Walker's gone up 0.1 today too - that's what I get for holding off on a decision!
  5. Bringing Perisic in would cost me an additional 0.4 on Digne though, leaving me with 4.6 for a midfielder to replace Bailey - could go with Da Silva there but don't like having too many rotation risks with Perisic and even the likes of James, Cancelo and Haaland, albeit they're more likely to still feature due to 5 subs.
  6. Need rid of Digne and Bailey but not sure who to replace with. Digne could become Walker or Cucurella (rotation risks though, and already have Cancelo from City and both James & Mendy from Chelsea). Or Neco Williams - and would probably need to make that call asap to avoid the price rise - but no-one seems to stand out in terms of the extra 1m I'd get to upgrade Bailey. Awoniyi is tempting up front rather than Greenwood but need a -4 and not sure it's worth it.
  7. Yeah if I have to justify that then there's not going to be any convincing you.
  8. He clearly is an incredible player. I can agree that he's a luxury player to an extent though, but a club at our level should be able to get him involved without relying on him.
  9. Completely agree that Buendía should be starting. Completely agree that Coutinho isn't performing. But again this talk as if he's just not good enough or it's a joke that he's in the team He's an incredible player but Gerrard needs to find a way of making it work!(And I do agree if course that starting him will require a system to work around him, but they knew that when they signed him.)
  10. Loves a massive touch to the side does Watkins. Good overall today though. Typical of Digne to go from clean sheet to own goal with him being in my FPL team
  11. All I can ever smell from parmesan is vomit.
  12. I like Fred on the pitch. He's a solid player and would be excellent back-up, although KKH is the future and it's right that he's behind Cash if he's not going out on loan. I just get a feeling though that despite his outward commitment and determination, Fred is a mardy little shit who doesn't get on well with many people. Based on nothing but a hunch but surely he can't have been bombed out in so many different situations for absolutely nothing, despite his clearly strong performances in France and reasonable level of ability.
  13. Yes but apart from Vieira, Petit, Kante, Makelele, Pires, Djorkaeff, Cabaye, Ginola, Dacourt, Malbranque, Cantona, Desailly, Ben Arfa, Robert, and Nasri... what have French midfielders ever done for the Premier League?
  14. Fair point - can see that. I still feel a bit Graeme Souness about it though.
  15. Don't have to go looking for it to be pretty obvious! Would be interesting to see why it's the case - I could make a few assumptions about perception of the game, areas/circumstances in which women's football may be more heavily promoted and/or invested in etc., but in reality I haven't a clue. On another note, those 'GOAL' signs are **** atrocious. What the actual ****.
  16. She was, but I wasn't expecting to go there to essentially see someone else sing the songs. Just glad I got to see them on their previous tour pre-Covid, as it was much better then. I grew up listening to them and was so happy to actually get to see that lineup live - would have been devestated if last night was the only time though!
  17. I was also there and really disappointed. Obviously Axl can't help his voice going and not being able to hit the high notes, but the hugely reduced set and delay - plus the fact that he sounded pretty awful after the first few songs and by the end could barely sing at all - left me feeling like I deserved some sort of refund. No idea if it's possible though. I'd be very surprised if the delays weren't due to making the decision about whether to proceed with the show or not. I like that he said he wanted to carry on because the show was very important to them - maybe true, but I'm sure so is the £££!
  18. Just give the lion a massive schlong. The rest doesn't matter.
  19. 10 points today, after a few frustrating ones recently that I should have guessed earlier!
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