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Everything posted by Troglodyte

  1. We're having a terrible game, and McGinn's been poor (again) but what are you on?
  2. Considering how rapid Bailey is, it looks like he's taking back in concrete boots.
  3. Been like that several times. He's not up to speed defensively at all, but when going forward he also has no support.
  4. I've used my free to bring Son in. Wondering if Reguilon for Dias is worth a hit, with the money saved ready for a potential push to get in Kane or Ronaldo in a week or two.
  5. Yeah you think it was a stupid decision until you check out my 5 point haul from TAA, Toney and Foden between them... one point fewer than Ben White who I benched, may I add.
  6. Right, I've possibly gone mad and risked it: got rid of Ronaldo and taken a -8 hit to bring in Foden and TAA. Toney comes in too (Douglas Luiz and Azpilicueta the others out). This of course means Foden won't start, Trent will get injured and Ronaldo will score a hat-trick this weekend. I've also benched Watkins even though I have a feeling he may come good against West Ham. Therefore he will rise like a phoenix, probably scoring one and assisting in our inevitable draw/loss, while Toney will of course fire more blanks than a eunuch against Burnley.
  7. I also play the Touch version so really disappointed with the news. I did try it on Switch before but just couldn't get on with using the controls - the screen on my tablet is also far better and I'm just more likely to take it around the house and elsewhere. I'm wondering about getting the Xbox version as apparently I can stream that to my tablet, but I'm assuming I'd still have to use my Xbox controller rather than any touchscreen functionality - can anyone confirm either way?
  8. It's a tough one because they've got Spurs (A), Man City (H), Watford (A), Chelsea (A), Arsenal (H) before the run I think you're referring to. They also have CL to contend with and OGS has already shown he isn't afraid to bench/sub Ronaldo - knowing my luck I'd keep him and he wouldn't play in the Watford fixture, which is three days before a big game at Villarreal.
  9. Thanks @Stevo985. Might take a look at that after this GW. Currently wanting to replace a few players and in a dilemma which to go ahead with. I want TAA back in and makes sense to get Azpi out given he isn't a nailed on starter - I can just about cover it with what I've got ITB and that's my one FT. Ideally though I'd also change my entire front 3: Ronaldo isn't working out and I fudged replacing Lukaku - Edouard in there currently but he's not playing centrally (or even guaranteed to start). My other one is Watkins which was a punt a few weeks ago that has majorly backfired. Think I'll bring Toney in but not sure whether for Edouard or Watkins. On top of all that, I want Foden and don't really want to wait until after the Palace game. Considering a -8 to get him in (with Toney for Ronaldo and 2.2m in the bank to help replace Edouard/Watkins next week) or even a -12 to lose Edouard now and get Antonio in.
  10. So how do player price rises/drops and their timings work? Are they always predictable? I typically wait until late to make any transfers in case of injuries etc, but sounds like I might be losing out on value that way?
  11. There's always overreaction on here, and Arsenal are playing well (although they should be 3-4 up but have rushed some attacking opportunities), but we've really been abysmal. The worst I've seen us for a long time. Was just hoping for 1-0 at half time and then seeing how Dean could have changed things. Now I think it's beyond us as the confidence is shot to bits - would obviously love to be wrong though. Watkins, McGinn and Konsa all really poor, and they're guys who are part of our spine that we can usually rely on. The one positive... I still bloody love Emi M.
  12. Fair point, but I think Ings looked the more tired of the two and Ollie would have kept up the press a little more.
  13. Will also add that I thought Michael Oliver was shit, and not for the first time. That's not a reaction either - his decision to give a foul on Tuanzebe when Silva got through was a joke. No need to blow at all - VAR would have had it covered if it were a foul, which it wasn't.
  14. Possibly the worst game from him since he's become established in the first team. Very poor.
  15. Mings also making **** stupid decisions again. No need to time waste when he did at all, but shit like that gives a mental advantage to them. Then he goes charging into midfield completely unnecessarily when we have players there. Said it before, he can be a great leader but at other times the guy's an idiot and puts pressure back on us.
  16. One thing I will accept that others aren't having is that DL did need to come off. He was playing well but he was also looking jaded, even including the end of the first half I felt.
  17. I still love the guy and this is nothing like calling for his head, but a lot of that is on Smith. Three single subs gives him no further options. Young isn't the right guy. Why keep two strikers on, especially when Ings' influence is lacking, etc. Wolves were beat and we gave the game back to them. Traore had stopped trying. Thought Buendia was excellent and not sure why he came off - he was still putting pressure on them and running.
  18. That's what I'm leaning towards at the moment. I'm not too fussed about taking the -4 hit and have done a couple of times this season so far with success - just have the worry about kicking myself for getting rid of Ronaldo if he bags a few, particularly if Rudi comes back next week anyway. Then again if I don't swap, I'm sure Trent will go on to rack up three assists and a brace against Watford!
  19. Dilemma time with Rudiger injured. Options: 1. Just keep him. Means subbing in either Jacob Ramsey or hoping Raphinha starts for Leeds (seems unlikely - Ramsey not nailed on either). 2. Transfer: Rudi out for Chilwell. I think Chilwell will start, but that's not nailed on with Alonso there too. 3. Take the 4 point hit on two transfers: get Trent back in (I'd got rid when he got injured) in place of Rudi, raised by funds from selling Ronaldo and putting someone else up front: Wilson, Antonio, Jimenez, Vardy and Auba all options. I'd be leaning towards Vardy or Auba given the fixtures but that choice is another difficult one in itself!
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