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Everything posted by dAVe80

  1. Oh and for the record, Jay Rodriguez is a dirty **** cheat.
  2. I'm now in no doubt Villa will be playing Championship football next season.
  3. I know it's bad for me, and I always end up getting hurt, while I kid myself "it'll be ok this time", but I just can't keep away. Yep, you guessed it. I've just got a ticket/
  4. Aside from people who have already been mentioned, one from my school days, Sir Josiah Mason springs to mind. A real rags to riches story. Taught himself to read and write, and went on to become a captain of industry, as well as opening an orphanage in Erdington. Also, although he had a tragically short life, it makes me burst with pride that Harry Moseley was a Brummie. A remarkable young man.
  5. They are still available. I often buy a packet, out of the vending machine at my work.
  6. I am Connor MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod. I was born in 1518 in the village of Glenfinnan on the shores of Loch Shiel. And I am immortal.
  7. Clown shoes! Sacking Lambert would do us no favours at all in my opinion though. Who the **** would want the job for starters?! We need some experienced heads in that side now, and Randy has got to hang the wage structure, and pay what it costs, otherwise he needs to sell up and **** off!
  8. **** off 2012! Aston Villa's annus horribilis. Get your cheque book out in 2013, Randy, you Yank clearing in the woods, or **** off and sell up!!
  9. My name is dAVe80. I am the 80th of the dAVes, I live in the North, half way between Winterfell and The Wall, but am originally from Middle Earth,
  10. Ain't counting chickens yet, but you'd have to say that's a good draw!
  11. dAVe80

    Joe Bennett

    Yeah, the Boro fans I know rate the lad too. I asked them about him, before we signed him, and to a man they all said he's better going forward than he is defending. Seems to be about right, from what I've seen of him. I think the fact we seem to be going with five at the back, will mean he has a lot more license to push on up the pitch.
  12. Watched the last in the series of Boardwalk Empire the other day. Holy shit, what a good episode to end on! The only issue I have now though is, I'll have to wait till next year for series 4!
  13. A series win in India is a fantastic achievement. Nice to see Yooouuu Beeeaaarrrsss, Trott and Sir Ian Bell put tons on too!
  14. Minutemen - Double Nickels on the Dime. 45 songs, not one over 3:05 long, and containing a massive contender for my favourite song of all time: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4_dqZA4v00
  15.   My mates saw them in Leeds, last weekend. They both said they were amazing. Fairly jealous of all three of you! On the plus side, I got tickets for Neil Young and Crazy Horse this morning!
  16. Although I prefer In Utro these days, I'd have to go for Nevermind by Nirvana. It changed everything for me.
  17. Had a bit of a chuckle reading a few Naawrrrch forums this morning. Some of them are so bitter, they sound like bloody noses! Apparently it's better to go out in the QF, as you don't have to play two extra games. Also we're going to suffer big time, due to us doing well in the cup, and we'll go the same way as sha. Oh and it's small time to celebrate winning games, and it was our cup final last night. Got to love the revisionism of modern football fans!
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