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Everything posted by dAVe80

  1. Man I wish I was there! Away fans sound like they're having a ball!
  2. Neil Young & Crazy Horse playing Newcastle in June. All over that!
  3. dAVe80

    30 today

    Went to work on my 30th. Then went for some food and drinks, with some friends on the evening. I can't remember the last time I made a fuss and made a point of doing something on my birthday. Age is just a number, so I tend to treat it as another day. As long as you're feeling in good health, and you're happy, Saying that, I would sulk like a child, if my Mom didn't get me a cake!
  4. Gutted not to get 3 points, that would have been very handy, with the next two games coming up. Stoke are a horrid side mind. Westwood MOTM.
  5. By the way, I wasn't referring to the video you posted in particular Rev. Apologies, if it came across that way.
  6. Not at all Rev, I'd have to care, to be "butthurt". I just find it terrible clichéd. If you enjoy Sky, the BBC, ESPN etc fawning over them, then good luck to you.
  7. A message for all TV execs, who work on football related shows, this weekend. Having two hard up, jobbing Manc actors, facing each other (one lit in blue, the other in red), bragging, and spouting clichéd insults at each other, while interspersed with pictures of Rooney, Tevez, van Persie, Kompany etc, to a soundtrack of Madchester's greatest hits, does not make a good feature for the Manchester Derby. It only serves to make the rest of us hate their over rated city even more.
  8. Bad news, good news today. Bad news, I missed out on getting tickets to see Thurston Moore and Michael Chapman, play an intimate gig in Newcastle. Good news, My Bloody Valentine tickets are on sale tomorrow, for Manchester!
  9. Superfly - Curtis Mayfield! How did I forget that?!
  10. Ghost Dog always sticks in my mind. RZA is a genius though, in my opinion. Dollars Trilogy obviously. I know it's a musical, but The Blues Brothers.
  11. Top 10 in no particular order: Dirty Three - Toward the Low Sun Swans - The Seer Earth - Angels of Darkness, Demons of Light II Guided By Voices - Class Clown Spots a UFO Woods - Bend Beyond Dinosaur Jr. - I Bet on Sky Deerhoof - Breakup Song Alexander Tucker - Third Mouth Six Organs of Admittance - Ascent Lee Ranaldo - Between the Times and the Tides
  12. Hells yeah! High on Fire = Heavier than King Kong's dick! Have you seen this? Well worth a watch http://documentaryheaven.com/such-hawks-such-hounds/ I'll post my albums of the year, once I get chance to have a think about it.
  13. Mission of Burma last night, in Leeds. Excellent gig, but a little disappointed they didn't play Academy Fight Song.
  14. It's a slow burner, but well worth the pay off.
  15. Did well to get a point, against a side fired up for their first home game, under their new manager. I expected us to roll over, but we did what we had to do for a point. Thought Baker was MOTM. Very assured performance from the young lad.
  16. Yep agree. He's a pantomime villain, and the man we love to hate. He's also a bloody good cricketer, and worthy adversary. All the best Punter. If you fancy one last swan song in County Cricket, I'd love to see you turn out for The Bears!
  17. There's an absolute horror of a woman at work, and talk often gets round what your price would be, to do the nasty with her. I got down to £1,550. £1,500 was to pay for my holiday to Barbados, to watch England play cricket. when they last played a Test there, and £50 was to get absolutly shit faced drunk, before I peformed my duty.
  18. Scrappy game, think the nerves got the better of some of the them, but Tekers did the business. 3 vital points, and the other game went our way too.
  19. Dirty Three last night, at The Sage. Gig of the year for me, and easily into my top 10 gigs ever, knocking on the door of the top 5. Absolutely superb, a really special performance. I think I've got a bit of a man crush on Warren Ellis now too. He's just so **** cool!
  20. "All I want Santa Claus, is two fat bitches and a bag of weed, and two bag of chips, to give to the fat bitches."
  21. Got a call off Gabby, asking me if I had the number of the family planning clinic.
  22. Got Dinosaur Jr in January, and Swans in April lined up. Swans should be monolithic.
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