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Everything posted by dAVe80

  1. Wooden Wand & the Vanishing Voice - Dogpaddlin' Home to Live with My Lord. A simply beautiful song.
  2. 1. Boxing match entrance Bulls On Parade - RATM 2. Biopic opening scene Life - Sly & The Family Stone 3. Doing it, you know * Theme Tune From Johnny Briggs 4. Wedding dance God Only Knows - The Beach Boys 5. Funeral Sitting In Limbo - Jimmy Cliff
  3. Nice. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJvg0ImTdtg
  4. Would prefer it on vinyl, but what ever I can get my hands on! Bonus tracks are welcome mind.
  5. Now that sounds like my kind of thing. Keep my eyes open for a copy.
  6. Listened to this for the first time in ages today. Still a cracker of an album. Not a duff track on it.
  7. Mission Of Burma tickets sorted for Leeds in December! Really looking forward to this one!
  8. dAVe80

    New Look Vt

    Ooh swishy! New look for VT. New avatar for me, I think.
  9. Slightly off topic, but in a similar vein, I was talking to two plastic Liverpool fans a few weeks back, and worked out I'd seen Liverpool play more times than both of them put together! Amused me greatly that did, I can tell you! As for Villa, I'd say probably about the 500 game mark.
  10. I'm of the same opinion in most respects. What the likes of Adrian Durham, Robbie Savage, Micky Quinn, Paul Franks etc, have to say, has zero impact on my life in general. However when I hear people repeating their crap, as if it was the gospel, it just makes me wonder how we can fight against it? For example, Villa fans have got a massive reputation as being fickle. Yes, some Villa fans can rightly be accused of being fickle, but no more so than any other set of fans. This is a stereotype the media latched onto, and because of this, it's used as a stick to beat us with, at every opportunity. I've long since accepted, that we'll never get the coverage or be as popular in the media, as the usual suspects, and I really don't care about that. What I do care about, is when the club, and us the fans get ran down in the media, usually by people who haven't got a clue what's happening at Villa and then the rest of the country / football world, take that as the official line.
  11. No it's not a "Media Hate Us rant" at all. I'm taking into account the opinions of fans of other clubs into this too. I fully understand how the media works, and I understand the need to spin things, to make the story (often out of nothing). It's just something I've noticed, this weekend in particular, that's started to irk me a little, and I wondered if others had the same feeling. And what do you think those fans of other clubs who also participate (more than even just listening!) form their opinions from? It's a self perpetuating cycle... Not only that, the producers of those programmes tend to pick the participants for a particular reason. And on it goes... like the merryground that doesn't stop Who cares what the media says? Who cares what other fans think? (though the discussion with the better informed of those other fans is what makes football worthwhile sometimes) Yes I agree with the point you're making. For instance it's a constant source of amusement, that Adrian Durham and Darren Gough manage to get up so many people's noses, by basically agreeing which side of the argument to take, prior to going on air. However as the media is part of the game, it's impossible to ignore for a lot of people who watch it. Good or bad, a lot of opinions are made, based on the what peopl read, hear or watch. As much as I try not to let it get to me, I dislike the fact that myths get perpetuated, and no body ever seems to set the record straight.
  12. No it's not a "Media Hate Us rant" at all. I'm taking into account the opinions of fans of other clubs into this too. I fully understand how the media works, and I understand the need to spin things, to make the story (often out of nothing). It's just something I've noticed, this weekend in particular, that's started to irk me a little, and I wondered if others had the same feeling.
  13. WM was one of the the phone ins I listened to. Paul Franks in particular, seems to have a massive downer on us.
  14. :oops: Yes damned, not dammed! Silly me.
  15. Just a point I'd like to make, and gage opinion on. Does anyone else feel that Villa get it in the neck, no matter how we play, or the perceived direction the club is going in? Last season we get told we're not patient enough, fickle, and want things too quickly, yet now we've got a manager, who the vast majority of us back, and are willing to give time to, we're getting told we lack ambition, and a club like Villa should be aiming higher. In certain sections of the media, I've heard that we lack quality, and that we're streets behind where we used to be. True as this may be, what exactly do they expect us to say to that? Plus it's just stating the bloody obvious! We're not going to get back into the top echelons of the table quickly, without a large injection of cash are we? So we build slowly and and take it a bit at a time. We want to see a gradual improvement, which is what I think we're going to get. Yet for some pundits, this is seen as not good enough. The same pundits who slammed us last season for not giving McLeish time. Make your bloody minds up! Having listened to a few phone ins, read a few match reports, and listened to and read a few of the pundits comment, I get the impression that we as a club, and in particular the fans just can't win.
  16. Having looked on a few other sites, and read a few views from the opposition, I've got to ask, when exactly did Albion become Barcelona? Feck me! One good season, where they finish above us! They weren't that great today! Bloody hell, they have the nerve to call us arrogant!
  17. I sometimes wonder if I watch different games to some of you! That's football though I suppose, everyone has a different opinion. My take on the game, I think a draw was fair. We were on top for most of the first half, but just couldn't seem to find that little bit of quality in the final third. Second half, Albion bossed it for the most. I was very happy with the resilience shown though, and I never felt like we were out of it, which is encouraging. If we'd have brought Bent on a little earlier, I think we could have possibly took all 3 point. This is still a working progress though, and I'm so much happier watching us play like we have been. Eventually I think we'll have the makings of something very good indeed. It did strike Benteke looks a little lacking in Premier League experience, which he is to be fair. Obviously not the finished article yet, but I think he's showing signs of what may be to come. The major disappointment I have with him though, is for his size, he doesn't seem to put himself about enough. He should be giving opposition defences kittens! My MOTM was Holman, he absolutely worked his socks off again. He's fast becoming a favourite of mine, but then I do love a grafter!
  18. This evening, I'll be heading to my mate's after work, to raid my mate's CD collection, that he's getting rid of! (has them all on hard drive, and now only buys vinyl) Tomorrow, heading down home and seeing the family. May sample some of the finest ales, B23 has to offer on the night. Sunday, head to B6, few more beers, the match, then head back oop norf.
  19. "Empty seats my lord", always makes me embarrassed. I normally sing a verse of "Irony my lord", in my head after. It makes us sound like feckin' Geordies, which is just a couple up from noses, in my eyes!
  20. Just been to see Richard Hawley in Newcastle. The stuff he played off the new album, sounds very good live. Also he must have more guitars than anyone else on earth! Seriously, a different guitar every song! Next up is Spiritualized at The Sage, then Dirty Three at the same venue. Quite fancy Mission of Burma in Leeds, in December too.
  21. NSFW 2 year old pics... Thank you *Makes a mental note, to click on that link when not at work*
  22. Having watched the highlights on the official site, I thought there was a fair turn out in the Villa end for this match. All things considered, I'd not think many clubs would have had that many turn up. A bluenose mate of mine, was trying to tell me we only took 200! I don't know where they get their shit from?! Fair play to all those than made the trip! You lucky gits!!
  23. It may not be their full first team, but there are a lot of big players out there for Citeh tonight, with massive fees and wages to their names, and we've battered them! COME ON YOU LIONS!
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