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Everything posted by saturdaygig

  1. Had the bizzare experience of seeing John Otway on saturday at Willowman. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AK7m4hlLPv4is one of his classics, apparantly
  2. its sound more or less like a remake of Taken. Still, should be watchable enough.
  3. It's a lot for spare parts as well, a 7-series is fooooking expensive to maintain, not to be forgotten when bargain-hunting. I love this kind of missinformation, it keeps people from competing with me for 7 series motors and pushing the prices up.
  4. In his closing remarks the Judge said "The prosecution have, rightly in this case, come to the conclusion that they cannot ask for a conviction on the evidence they have been able to place in front of you." There is clearly a lot we have not been told in these press articles, which as usual are designed to promote outrage, where none is justified. The behaviour of the press in the Uk is shocking, particularly in my view the BBC from whom we expect so much more. When we allowed freedom of the press we did so on the assumption they would be responsible with it.
  5. My normal form would be to wait for the whole 16 episodes to play (avoiding this thread like the plague) and then watch at my own pace - but I see they're playing episodes 1 to 8 in July to September then the rest on unspecified dates next year. Looks like I'll have to treat it as two seasons.
  6. I just caught and episode of 'Episodes'. It was really pretty good, although its deep into season 2 already.
  7. I'm not sure why you think a new car would be the most reliable. I think you can get teething problems with them, although admittedly £6k new cars aren't the sort of thing that interest me so I could be biased. How about this. Dealer would do finance and it should be good for another 200k miles.
  8. I'm nearly through to the end of Borgen, which I started because I enjoyed The Killing and the Bridge so much. Its been fantastic, the mix of enclosed stories in each episode and building storyline through the series is magnificent. Short years ago this kind of programme would never have been aired, and we wouldn't have known about it. So multi channels is at least good for something.
  9. Don't go to the bank, their charges are high, its inconvenient and dealing is slow. I recommend you sign up with TD and trade online. Trading is cheap, instant and you can view your portfolio on-line. Personally I recommend investing in managed funds rather than individual shares because you can spread the risk widely, and I don't think you can ever know enough about one company to know the level of risk you are carrying. Send me a pm if you'd like some more specific ideas. It is absolutely unrelated to putting all your money on read, as Davkaus suggested. That's an instant win or lose all adventure. I'm guessing he's taken a beating sometime and can't get over it.
  10. I have a box and I always skip ads, and indeed i hardly ever watch live TV any more. However, if we all skip ads, no advertisers will use TV, TV companies will have no money and there'll be no programmes on for me to watch. How does this cycle get broken?
  11. I saw a word that Di Matteo was linked due to his dissatisfaction at not being told anything at Chelsea. It was on yahoo news _I think_
  12. Really, I thought it was dull. Never really got any of the characters well developed enough to care if they lived or died (it being obvious there could only be SPOILER one survivor)
  13. Aha, now you're not following Terry's golden rule there. Only say who is sure to vote for who after they vote, then say something like, would you believe it, I wouldn't have guessed xxx giving 12 points to yyyy. I predict your prediction will be wrong.
  14. Completely disagree. If he had any respect to the club he'd have thought about the 'family implications' before he got on Randy's plane. Perhaps he got on the plane with good intentions, but the offer he got wasn't all that great
  15. Its been picked up for season 2. Although each episode follows a formula and is an enclosed story, I though they found enough originality to keep it interesting.
  16. It started well but it becomes tragically samey. I got to E6 but I couldn't stand to watch any more
  17. I still use it. I think its more or less the same as its ever been.
  18. There's a first track from the debut Law Abiding Citizens album up on their myspace. Anyone who wishes it was 1978 and the Jam were just kicking off should be in heaven
  19. All too true, sadly. It isn't true, apparently. 'apparently'. Well, that really added to our knowledge base.
  20. If you always pay off and just use it for convenience, then Capital One is good because you get 1% cashback at the end of the year.
  21. Thing with quidco, its not for impatient people. Everything I bought up to christmas is now paid, apart from a t-mobile from november that's only just been confirmed. March and April purchases are still 'tracked'. My favourite things to use it for are mobile phone contracts and insurance, they have big cashbacks and I'm going to get them anyway. I have £444 total paid in about 2 years.
  22. Absolutely, there's a whole glut of great new bands kicking round on indie labels waiting to be heard.
  23. Its still OK as reality TV, but it hasn't really been about an apprentice since series one. The last three winners all jacked because it turned out there wasn't really a job for them.
  24. she's very pretty but have you seen new girl? Below the neck she's a bit plump with terrible legs.
  25. aha yes, quite excellent that it is. And for the impatient ones, its been screened and box-setted in Denmark so is available at well known internet 'shops'
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