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Everything posted by saturdaygig

  1. Somehow this one passed me by until yesterday, which is crazy because Tom has been one of my favourites artists for 35 years
  2. Where at? According to ents 24 there ain't no gigs
  3. Well, I don't listen to it so much but there's one album I couldn't be without....Hasten Down the Wind, Linda Ronstadt
  4. saturdaygig


    There it is again. They will 'loan' money. So it has to be paid back. So its no help at all.
  5. After nothing happens, someone will 'realise' the date was wrong again and its really 2022.
  6. He's not as paranoid as you think. I work for the police and we do follow him in black helicopters and listen to his calls, because so many people are out to get him.
  7. A friend of mine has MS. It was in the family so he was kind of looking out for symptoms but also to some extent in denial when it started. First thing I remember him talking about was numbness in his fingers when he was about 20. He's 50 now and it has very gradually deteriorated and these days he walks with a cane and is rather shakey and twitchy and very thin. Still makes us laugh like drains with the twitching thing you can never quite be sure if its real or he put it on as an excuse to spill beer over someone. I don't know if his case is typical or not. His father's case was broadly similar but I guess it would be. Certainly its been slowly moving - 30 years and counting.
  8. Its a classic. For those who don't know its one of the original 'if the germans had won the war' stories. A cute twist is that within it someone is writing a book about what would have happened if the allies had won the war, and is widely derided as ridiculous. NB, this is incidental to the main storyline, not a spoiler. I first read this because it was referred to by David Mitchell in 'No 9 Dream'. In fact I went on to read Miss Lonelyhearts by Nathaneal West, which was mention in Man in the High Castle, and then Brothers Karamazov that was mentioned in Miss Lonelyhearts. After that the trail went too historic for my taste...I had hoped the journey would be longer.
  9. Now that I have 6 episodes in the bag I've started on this. Its dynamite, as good as seasons 1 and 2. They've got three big storylines running and some scenes that are fabulous.
  10. I heard a story on R5 today that Obama has a 91% chance of victory, because although the voting will be roughly equal in terms of person votes cast, the way it breaks in the state constituencies its almost certain to fall that way. They had me convinced, maybe I should hit the bookies.
  11. I saw one once on an A-Board outside Grange over sands railway station new stand. It had on it a headline from the Westmorland Gazette: "Grange man refused planning permission for garage" Top that.
  12. Hey, I got one I took in Corfu a few years ago
  13. Actually, it was a masterpiece of comedy double-entendre, you could hardly be expected to know which way it was facing
  14. Its a decent venue now, apart from the bizzare bar rules that you have to pay first then they get your beer. Saw Ian Hunter there on Thursday, which was good in parts. I just wish he'd rock it up more of the time.
  15. my favourite song of the moment, I've been spamming it all wek
  16. I sold a few things on ebay recently with no problems. The fees are the same as they've been for the last 3 years and I don't think there are any more muppets, although there were always a few. That was true in the days of selling stuff in the paper as well. They do expect a high standard from sellers though so you do have to be ruthlessly accurate with your descriptions. I've tried sellling on amazon but the charges are truly extortionate and for business sales I couldn't turn a proft and be competitive. Its not set up at all for private odds and ends.
  17. Have austerity measures ever failed? On this scale they've never been tried, no have we really needed to.
  18. Agree, I quite like to do this. I'm going to the boozer tonite, beer is only a coupla bucks in there. Not sure why I do it though, maybe its just the fact it winds people up some.
  19. Extraordinary. I'd rate that as the worst epsiode of them all, and yes, I include the fly episode in that. E2 was a rather slapstick and silly, I was worried at that point that E1 might just have been lucky.
  20. Is there an irony smiley? Now there's a challenge.
  21. Are these 'ages' equally long? If so, average life expectancy for men and women is 82, so your young until 27, then middle aged til 55, then old til you die.
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