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Everything posted by saturdaygig

  1. Get stoned, attend Stiff Little Fingers gig, wait for to be played. I recommend this course of action Got me listening to Inflamable Device all over again.
  2. saturdaygig


    You have heard of google? No. Pray tell.
  3. saturdaygig


    OK, not strictly a podcast, but you can download all the 'Jon Ronson On' radio programmes from his website. The standout episodes are Series 3 Uncontrollable Responses and Series 6 Voices In Your Head.
  4. I'm amazed that you're surprised by that. Its what a contract is all about.
  5. You're gonna have to help me out guys, because I'm a pretty old fella an my memory ain't so good. I remember the book, but what's implied by the WW inscription? Its his name after all. And did we all spot the hint that the cancer may be back?
  6. So them pesky news people are reporting the Lewis has done a deal with Mercedes to replace Michael (who's retiring again) next year. But why would he do that? Its got to be an inferior car, and surely he wouldn't sacrifice the change to win in exchange for even more money?
  7. First, its a controlled waste so its an offence to take it to a regular tip. Tipping controlled waste other than at a licensed tip is a criminal offence. Apart from that minor warning, its the devils own work to remove it. Just digging out the roots won't do it, you need to also dig out a meter all around the limits of the current growth. Actually, it is legal to grow it in tubs because it spreads by its roots and not by blown seed.
  8. I work for a footsie company and recruit when I have a vacancy on my team. None at the moment.
  9. When I'm reading CVs I've never been positively influenced by someones interests, only negatively. I saw one once that had interests as train spotting and morris dancing. That went in the bin. I'd recommend not putting any interests down.
  10. I enjoyed season 1 a lot, but found season 2 rather repetetive, like they ran out of ideas. Didn't really kick until the last couple of episodes.
  11. Well, we've had the first chart breakthrough. Little Talks is number 21 this week - it was bound to happen, but in a way I'm disspointed. I liked it when it was a secret.
  12. I really agree with this. A lot of these silly smilies, particularly when used on their own, are just like sticking two fingers up at the post.
  13. I think Dexter has been great right throught the run. And its back next month I think. I've been watching the Newsroom and epsiode 9 was fantatistic TV.
  14. I went to the mightly Willowman, no doubt you've all heard of it. Its small enough that mud never really takes hold even when it rains, you can get a beer easily, sit down if you want and find toilets any time. So not a proper festival in that sense. You can wear any sort of ridiculous clothing, though.
  15. Looks quite attracted viewed from here, doesn't it.
  16. I totally agree. But so many people love it...its a mystery to me.
  17. I doubt it would solve any hunger problems. Money doesn't create food. In fact I doubt that much money has any real meaning, because there's nothing you can actually use it for, and trying to mobilise it would drive the world into impossible inflaction due to ludicrously high money supply. Just another example of the press trying to say its all someone elses fault and there's an easy fix.
  18. I don't think Walking Dead is a 'stick with it' at all. The first three or four shows are the best, so if you don't like them there's nothing to be stuck with.
  19. Stick with it ?!?! Season one is fabulous (aside from the slightly dodgy episode 2). My theory for the new season is that Walt will become the kingpin of meth supply, now that Gus and everyone else are dealt with. Since they've said season 5 will be the last one, I think either Jesse or Walt will die at the end. I'd go with Jesse. This ain't a spoiler mind, its a prediction.
  20. hey that's Mellburg ain't it
  21. If he thinks BB is slow, god help if he tries to watch Mad Men or the Wire. BB is one of the paciest shows ever made.
  22. This.. Cant beat it. Maybe you can. I moved to First Utility who are a shade cheaper than BG (they seem to track a few percent below) and I was doing the monthly meter read thing. Now they've fitted me a smart meter that reads itself.
  23. Right there is the standard opinion of someone who's only seen a few episodes. After a while you'll tire of the fact that every episode is the same.
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