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Everything posted by Stevo985

  1. I find that attitude very strange. Kind of goes against the point of organ donation, imo.
  2. I think Romario counts goals he scored while playing FIFA on the Playstation to his career total, doesn't he? No that's Pele that does that. I do it too. I still haven't broken the 50 barrier though
  3. Proof, if some still needed it.
  4. A lot of people who think Pele and/or Maradona are better than Messi never saw them play either.
  5. The bolded bit answers you're question very succinctly.
  6. Pretty much this. I opt in as it's something I believe strongly in. But I know plenty of people who WOULD opt in but don't, just because they've never gotten round to it. As long as people know about and easily have the option to opt out if they wish to, then I'm all in favour of the opt out approach. It'll save countless lives.
  7. IN terms of the bicep curl, as long as you're squeezing at the top of the lift and turning your hand out (pinky up) you're fine. That should be the very top of the lift. Hammer curls are a legit lift too fwiw. Personally, the only direct bicep work I do are DB curls and preacher curls, and occasionally hammers.
  8. No, his form was poor on a smith at 70. So on a bench I'd say he'd struggle to get near it with decent form. The numbers I gave as an example were higher. I see, but my point was he's gained strength whilst doing DB press, so I was saying he could probably manage 70kg on a bench now. I wasn't being scientific about it, just saying someone who can DB press 27.5kg on each arm should probably be able to bench 70kg. And if you can bench 70kg you can smith a lot more.
  9. That's what I meant... I think. I meant he'd manage 70kg on a real bench, i.e. implying he could do a lot more on the Smith.
  10. Yeah. Think it'll "only" work out to about £800, so a lot cheaper than we thought it might be!
  11. The world record for memorising playing cards is held by Dave Farrow. On a single sighting, i.e. he only got to see the cards once, he memorised and recalled the sequence of 59 decks. 3,068 cards in total.
  12. You make it sound so simple Only then you end up with a jumper around your biceps. Rolled up sleeves is a fashion statement, it's not practical. It's a football shirt, not a sweater. It's light enough for it to not really be noticeable. All I'm saying is if this guy wants a long sleeve shirt but is worried about the sleeves being long on the 1 day a year it's actually hot in this country, there's a pretty simple way around the problem
  13. Id bet McLaren does a better job as well He's a better manager, so would be a good move. Probably the best piece of business they've done in the past 2 years.
  14. Don't know how you made it that far. I couldn't even get into the highly regarded first season. the 1st series was superb IMO, dont know if the rest was a victim of its own success or simply down to the writers strike but its an utter mess that gets worse by the episode One of many Shows that I genuinely believe is written with purely one season in mind. Little to no thought beyond that. So once it does well and gets a second season, they don't know where to take it.# For a recent example, see Homeland.
  15. Holy Shit. Are you, in fact, me? I had all those albums. "A" were underrated
  16. regardless of the morality of it, can someone currently pulling in £130 a week turn his nose up at a circa 55% pay rise?!
  17. In general, it's a better investment than putting your cash in a bank, nope? It's a better investment than just paying rent.
  18. Update though. Turns out she failed one module, but that module was 30 credits, which causes her to fail the whole year. She claims she did the assignment and the uni "lost" it. I imagine that's bollocks and she just didn't do it or legitimately failed it. But as I understood it yesterday she had resit the whole year, as in every module. But she doesn't. She only has to resit that module, and it's only a 1 semester module. So I think she's just going to resit it again at Luton. It'll only be one day a week for 1 semester so she might even live in Birmingham and commute down, that way she can get a job up here to pay for it. So maybe not quite as big a deal as we first thought.
  19. Completely untrue. I may as well not have a degree For the vast majority of good jobs that will give you a career, it certainly is true. Again, total bollocks. And anyway, that isn't how you phrased it. You outright said 'a 2.2 is bad' therefore invalidating the degrees of millions of people. What gives you that power? It's not, the only chance you have to get a decent job with a 2.2 is to find somewhere to do a PGCE. A 2.2 isn't a very good mark, especially if that qualification isn't in a hard science or in computer science, it send a bad signal, i.e. that you spent most of your time getting pissed. If you look at any graduate job description that pays good money you will typically see '2,1 or above in a relevant discipline'. I got my graduate job with a 2:2, which I like to think is a pretty decent career with a pretty decent company. Company was recruiting 2:2 and above.
  20. Actually the guy who finished second broke the record (that he set last year) by 44 seconds. Still hugely impressive that Loeb beat him by a further 45 seconds ish. But still, the circuit changes must have helped a lot. (I don't know anything about it, I just googled it)
  21. My obsession with watching/listening to things form the start. Whenever I find something I like I get obsessed with watching it from the start. Even stupid YouTUbe series that have hundreds of episodes, I feel uncomfortable unless I've seen it from the start. Same with podcasts. It's dumb
  22. 27.5 is very decent. I imagine you'd smash 70kg on a real bench, let alone a smith machine,
  23. That's one of the options I was going to pitch to her. To save her money more than anything. If she went back to Luton that's another year of accommodation she'd have to pay for.
  24. Tenacious D (The album) was freakin' awesome to be fair to Jack.
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