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Everything posted by Stevo985

  1. Patient : "Is this a risky procedure?" Doctor : "Yes, only 1 in 10 survive, but the last 9 died so you're OK". Thank you Tommy Cooper. Off topic, but similar to the logic that we hear about homosexuality in football. 1 in 10 men are gay (I think that's it) therefore there MUST be a gay person in every football team. Doesn't work like that though does it? I don't think I'm being homophobic when I say that usually gay guys aren't as into sport as non gay guys, so it's logical to assume that the amount of homosexuals involved in football is much lower than your sample of average males.
  2. I love my sister, but believe me, you would be in no way impressed with pictures of her. She's regularly mistaken for a boy.
  3. Woman in my office answers her phone: "Hi it's Clare!" Pisses me off every time.
  4. That's a good one. I think I'd go house and shit car (don't tell my employers) Would you rathe rhave lobster claws instead of hands, or a rhino's horn in the middle of your forehead?
  5. I buy scratchcards occasionally and never cashed them in, but obviously kept the winners. Found them the other day and cashed them for a cool £24. It's like a really shit savings account.
  6. Its sad but true of the culture here. Because of the forced ranking that goes on people who are new or newly promoted are easy people to justify as being below the rest of the group due to lesser experience. Its not right and the word on the street is that it is about to be scrapped. More than word on the street, Straight from the HoRse's mouth. It'll be changed by your next one. And it's for the exact reasons you stated above. People are being unfairly downgraded because areas HAVE to have low performers. Even if you're not a low performer.
  7. That's where I stand. Again, if she was leaving school and decided against uni, I'd be right behind her decision. I just feel that starting and not finishing will reflect badly on her. Ultimately it's her decision but I'll be advising her to finish.
  8. I thought these had been confirmed as the Spurs shirts? Pretty sure the third shirt in that pic above (with the huge HP logo) wouldn't be allowed. NV?
  9. Yeah, I only mean I care. And if she decides to drop out I'll strongly advise her to reconsider. But I won't force her to do anything. I couldn't if I wanted to. Not a bad idea... apart from the dancing
  10. Must be as I don't know what you're getting at.
  11. why is it your problem ? (not meant in a harsh way ) Because I care about what my family does. They're just angry. They're convinced that it's pointless her going back because she'll just fail again and be even more in debt. They'll come around.
  12. If the choice was go to uni or not go to uni, then I wouldn't have a problem with her not finishing. My biggest problem is she's ploughed a shit tonne of money into getting a degree, and doesn't have one. I just feel it would be a huge waste to drop out and not finish. I'm not the kind of person who thinks everyone should go to uni or that it is necessary to be a success. I just feel she should finish what she's started at this stage.
  13. Jesus it's amazing; This must be deliberate? Erm, no they don't Newcastle's last DoF maybe? Balon D'Or Winner Joe Kinnear? Ok mate
  14. Can't agree more about the ending. Had the exact same thought process myself.
  15. she's done more than failed one, i should have sat 2 extra ones, but i only sat 1 extra one because i couldnt really be bothered and failed 1 thats why i didnt have enough credits, but i got to take the other extra module as a resit, thats how i passed its something like 6 modules a year for 20 credits each, 3 years gives you 360 credits, you need 320 to pass, if you fail 1 you should still have enough if you sit the extra one I think it depends on how much the module is worth and whether it's a core one or not. My degree was 120 credits each year. I needed to pass 100 to pass that year and 60 of those needed to be "Core modules" So even if I failed a 20 credit module and still had 100 credits, if that failed module was core then I'd still fail the year. Similarly I might fail one non-core module, but if it was a 30 credit module, I'd still fail. So she could foreseeably have failed one module and failed the year. I'll happily admit she might have failed more and is bullshitting us to save face. But I think it is possible to fail one module and fail the year. I did it myself in the first year but was able to resit.
  16. ^^^ That's exactly what has, apparently, happened to her. She failed one assignment, which accounted for the module, and she hasn't got enough to pass. But they've said rather than resit one module (which she assumed she could do) she has to do the whole year.
  17. How on Earth have you got that idea? All I was after was some options that I could show to her. At the moment she sees two options, back to Luton against the folks wishes (although I think I could talk them round) or forget it and have wasted the past 4 years. I was looking for some other options, like transferring as mentioned in the OP. I'm not forcing her to do anything. If anything, I'm forcing my parents to let her do what she wants. The problem is I don't think she knows what she wants yet. She doesn't lack intelligence. Not by a long shot. She's **** lazy is her problem.
  18. Not necessarily. But in a way I think washing your hands of the situation and just saying it's your life, **** it up a bit if you like, I can't be arsed to help is a massive cop out. Yeah it's her responsibility. But if she's struggling with that responsibility, even if it is through her own f*cktardery, I don't see the solution of "**** it, it's her problem" as a valid one. Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying she should be spoon fed everything. If someone was in a similar situation and was suggesting bailing her out financially or doing work for her or any of that shit then I'd say the same. Let her sort it out. But all I want to do is nudge her in the right direction. I don't want her to throw away the past 4 years of "work" and debt by not finishing. Neither do I want her to waste more money by going back to Luton if the result is going to be the same. I'm aiming to help, not do it for her.
  19. Yep, well aware of that. And I've already had that talk with her. But as well as it being her responsibility, it's my (and my parents' responsibility) to help her or guide her in the right direction to doing what's best. If keeping her in the Midlands and finishing her degree here gives her a better chance of success than sending her back to Luton then I think I should be at least suggesting it (which is all I'll be doing) It's all well and good to say leave her to it and she should sort it on her own. But if I see that option heading to another wasted year I'm not going to sit around and let her **** it up again. I see it as partly my responsibility to try and stop that happening.
  20. Cheers for the advice so far. Folks aren't funding her, apart from the odd plea of poverty. But largely she pays for herself via student loans. She has to finish, I know that myself even if my folks aren't seeing it at the moment. Better to to sink another few grand in and finish than write off what she's already racked up. I'm going to get her to speak to someone at Luton who can help explain her options. My fear is if she goes back down there she'll just **** around for another year and fail again. I'd rather she was at home so my folks could keep an eye on her, she could carry on with the part time job she has when she's around to help pay for things, and she wouldn't be able to skive off uni because my folks would be able to tell , because she'd be at home. If Luton's the only option then she'll have to go for that.
  21. No, not me. But as mentioned in the piss you off thread, my sister found out yesterday that she failed her degree (Criminology at Uni of Bedfordshire). She was aware it was a possibility but thought (or lied to us) that if she did she could do a resit and graduate in November instead. But they've told her she'd need to resit the whole year back in Luton (where she was studying) My parents are adamant that that isn't an option. She's wasted too much money to go back for another year with no guarantee that she wouldn't sit around doing **** all again and still not pass. They're furious with her at the moment. I'm the only one who seems to actually want to help and try and get her with some sort of degree at the end of it. So my question is has anyone ever been in a similar situation, and what did you do? I don't want her to throw away the 4 years and have nothing to show for it. My thoughts were maybe she could do the final year at a different university or college in the Midlands? Or even the Open University or something? She'd still have to pay for her final year but she could live at home and get a job and not have to rely on another round of loans to plunge her into even more debt. Is that a thing, or have I made that up?
  22. I'd just point out that my comment was a joke. I had no problem with the exchange. I was just commenting on the "The ball's in your court" thing which was happening at the end of each post
  23. Pretty sure they're not allowed to do that either, i.e. let someone with ID buy it when they're obviously buying it for someone without id. They may as well have just sold it to you without id!
  24. That's the one! I always remember watching the extended trailer for MGS2 on that channel. It was shit, but in brilliant way (the channel, not MGS2). Same! But Lazlow on GTIV was a bit of a disappointment so I listened to the other talk shows instead, especially the one that Bill Hader did a voice on, the one where they discuss medicine and the crazy hollistics guy winds up trying to perform trepanning on everyone I loved the bit on Chatterbox on GTAIII where Lazlow talked to Fernando Martinez who was essentially a pimp. That always cracked me up. Yeah, post GTAIII Lazlow wasn't great. But chatterbox was superb. I genuinely just parked up somewhere one day and listened to the whole hour. That coupled with the aforementioned greenday comment makes me look like a bit of a loser doesn't it?!
  25. I've only been asked for ID once or twice in my whole pub/club going life. Including when we used to go to the Academy when we were 15. Damn my old face!
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