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Everything posted by Sid4ever

  1. Did not see her name down on the Norwich team sheet
  2. And a Robinsons Unicorn for good measure as well
  3. Brie Larson, Skull Island, Oscar winner, is that the Brie famous on these shores or am I just confused
  4. And another League Cup goes to Manure due to the incompetence of the officials. They have a special bond with this cup competition.
  5. Had a works do in Salford Quays last night, at the Lowery Theatre they had an evening with Eric Cantona. All I heard when they were leaving was "Yes we have a friend in Jesus" and they did not know the proper words. Dirty Mancs
  6. If you smoked and were a bit overweight, we could be friends
  7. Anybody know what working hours at VP or BMH, Villa Transfers is contracted to? If 9 - 5 then presume no more news tonight.
  8. Do you think Hutton would look forward to training, if Shane was about.
  9. Now we can never be friends......................
  10. Not sure about that, my Mum has been and she only ever bought that Prawn ring thing that Peter Andre used to advertise.
  11. Such sad sad sad news. RIP Graham
  12. If we do get Brady, Lansbury and recall Veretout will we not have an abondance of midfielders to choose from?
  13. Never mind the Barnet's, this thread has reminded me of just how many shirts I still have. Looking forward to the Saunders perm for another reminder and anybody from the 90/91 season, that first Umbro shirt.
  14. Have been recommended this on a binge watch session, seems that's Thursday and Friday sorted.
  15. Come on Xela get those gifs over here in this thread. It's getting a bit serious.
  16. My mother in law who has been here since it seems ages, over 2 weeks for the Christmas period goes home on Thursday. I have had to watch more casualty and holby city in the last 2 weeks than I have in the preceding 15 years.
  17. Ian Brady Peter Sallis Ian St John Liz Dawn Lindsey Lohan
  18. And he still gets to design the latest supersonic aircraft . If I only I never listened in maths.
  19. Well surely anybody who likes gravy on their fish and chips would not have a beard like that, unless of course they had some bread to mop up the beard gravy later.
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