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The Fun Factory

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Everything posted by The Fun Factory

  1. This is Lambert's way so either you accept it, or will be annoyed every week. We just need the defence to be below average and I think our forward play will compensate for it. It can't be as dire as the December/January period last year though. Footbal is in the entertainment business and as Villa will never challenge for the top spots again you might as well be entertained whilst paying for your tickets. Would you either watch us or West Ham?
  2. It shouldnt be half and half. Either it carries on or my feeling, it should end with dignity.
  3. Is he better than Melberg? No. Is he better than Knight? Yes.
  4. Inter Milan-36k, Fiorentina 21k, Vlalencia 19k. Valencia was on a Friday I think. The last match of the MON reign- he quit on the Monday. I think we should be near to the Fiorentina crowd- Malaga are a simliar sized club really.Inter Milan was the biggy.
  5. I think Delfouneso is still with us but he looks like he will never make it with us. But yeah get what your feeling. Meet the new boss- same as the old boss- we won't get fooled again. But we do. There is always the next terrace hero to watch.
  6. Call me a maverick but my suggestion would be to have the same kit as this year, as the kit manufacturer and sponsor should still be the same. Mind you this hasn't happened at Villa for nearly 20 years so why stop fleecing the fans now?
  7. I am going. When they are playing half pace passing the ball square at a half empty Villa Park tommorrow, I will probably regret it!
  8. Is this dude any good? Japan looked a very decent side in the confed cup so he must be pretty good to be capped. Whilst trying to stay on topic, I will say 2 words that sum up the unimaginative transfer 'policy' of O'Neill, and why it is very likely he will never manage a top club again. Marlon. Harewood. I trust Lambert on this chap if he does make it to B6.
  9. Sounds interesting, but the bomb squad has to be cleared first I reckon before we get another signing. Re our buying policy under Lambert, there is just no way Lerner will ever allow the big signings again. We as a club, including the fans, just could not throw up enough money to balance paying 8 million for Curtis Davies and Nigel Reo-Coker, or 6 million for Luke Young. The sooner football clubs act like normal businesses, the better for me.
  10. Knowing Hodgson Daren Bent. Knowing me, knowing you- Zaha! In honour of Alan Partridge Alpha-Papa. That is liquid football.
  11. Just a fee on the whole transaction, still a bit of a pisstake but obviously not quite as bad if bulk buying. Thing is how many of us 'bulk buy'? I think this could really knock a few hundreds of the attendances this year. That few quid might be enough to persuade people to stay at home. I think it will affect the walk up on the day of home matches.
  12. Its our year for the cup. They owe us after the Bradford farce....So here comes a 2nd round defeat! Isnt it going to be our only match for about 3 weeks?
  13. Shouldnt he be near the England squad now? How many other english players scored over 10 goals in the prem last year? Not that fussed as every time a Villa player gets in the England Squad, they usually leave us.
  14. I wouldnt say its a total waste of space. If Villa, god forbid, ever won the FA Cup, wouldn't you be exicted about another trip to Wembley, another chance to win (a small) trophy? It is a glorified friendly, but what a friendly. Yes apparently still raises money for charity.
  15. Cant see Newcastle and Swansea 8 and 9th. Newcastle have to cope with the JFK roadshow, and Swansea will have to play loads of Europa matches. Other than that seems a reasonable forecast.
  16. Good article from grauniad. I wonder how long their website will be free? Why pay £1.40 when you can read all of the same stuff for nowt?! Pretty much bang on. I think there is very little in terms of quality between say around 9th in the table to 17/18th. Thats is where Villa are at present and a few wins difference could make all the difference. We are miles from the top 5 or 6, but I think most supporters understand this and will be happy with mid table and some home wins. 9 in 38 is poor.
  17. Should have done a tenner (plus two quid) in Holte as well as North. Would have got a few thou more in.
  18. Got a email from the FA in which you can buy tickets in the Manure end this Sunday. Thought it was a suprise it going to general sale as it is bascially a home game for the 'red devils' supporters? Boom-Boom.
  19. Just got my ticket. I was going to get it on the day but you have to pay the 2 quid either way so saved a trip to the ticket office. Still not happy about that, grump. The North Stand appears to be fairly busy for the match so maybe 22-26,000 crowd I reckon. Mind you that ticket avaliability thing on the website can be a load of bull sometimes. Still looking forward to it, be good to see the new boys and for 12 quid I suppose its reasonable value for a friendly.
  20. Cheltenham Town as they are my 'local' team. St Johnstone as my Scotch league side, having family around that area. And have a big soft spot for Swansea having went to Uni down there. To see them go from 1 game from being out the football league, to european football is quite incredible really. Simliarly Cheltenham were a nothing non league side until about 15 years ago, so there is hope for Villa to do something exicting in the future.
  21. Paul, how do you feel about the club ripping off fans by charging a £2 booking fee on every ticket, even though we have only seen 9 home league wins in the last 38 matches? Love and Kisses.
  22. Its been great, but time for it to end.
  23. I wonder how much game time this season he will get now Benteke is here to stay? I guess he will start as a impact sub and see how he gets along. For 1.5mil is a safe bet. If he doesnt make it, it is not going to cost the club anything. I mean we paid £4 million for Marlon Harewood about 5 years ago!
  24. As far as I can see the new legislation is designed to protect the consumers from unfair extra fees. The clubs have taken a different approach to say 'Hey lets be consistent. Lets charge a booking fee regardless if you pay by cash or card, online on the phone, or at the ground'. I just think it is very dodgy to say the least.
  25. They're an honest bunch of lads? We can't compete with the likes of Charltons of this world?
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