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Everything posted by Rodders

  1. Again, like brad g can't see why he would be in a rush to sign. He knows hes behind dunne in the managers plans so he ought to be cautious before making any commitment
  2. Not as good as the book ( a very difficult adaptation ) but still well worth watching.
  3. listened to one of the podcasts tom robinson introduces... just now, an hour of free music - was a good selection in there.
  4. words removed. another accy ruined.
  5. 2-0 stoke. thank the lord. chelski / birmingham sunderland leicester bolton stoke spurs liverpool everton in the draw for the qfs ( I presume ) everton v liverpool spurs v sunderland bolton v leicester stoke v chelsea / brum I reckon.
  6. I've been making more of a conscious effort to listen to it of late, it is definitely the station of choice. Nation radio in wales land is pretty good too, though without any of the dulcet tones of the 6 crew. But whenever I hear Lamacq speak he always sounds like a marvellous parody of a DJ for some reason. Tuned in a few months ago to a great evening with Craig Charles and a whole lot of funk and soul - top listening. Keep trying to remind myself to check out any podcasts they do.
  7. First time I really want Stoke to smash the shit out of a side today. Steve Evans is a loathsome arsehole of the highest order. Don't even feel the slightest bit dirty cheering Stoke on today which is a bit unnerving.
  8. Rodders


    come on chelsea you massive shitcunts. You're in my accy. Useless london cuntballs.
  9. I see no reason why he would. Surely he wants to play regular football?
  10. i like snakes on a plane, it has the so crap and silly thing going for it I watch it for the breezy entertaining nonsense.
  11. Woman in Black - great fun, though sadly forgot it was half term this week. Sat next to two little word removed 12 years who kept talking, swearing and mobile phoning throughout. DEATH to kids in cinema. Radcliffe is too young though and ending is lame, but otherwise, having seen the stage show, was impressed by how the suspense was translated. I'm not a horror fan normally, so this was suitably scary enough for me! Katzlemacher - Rainer Fassbinder 1968, very stark white cinematography, fascinating portrait of disaffected west german young adults, with undercurrent of violence towards the foreigner. Not for anyone looking for some casual entertainment though. Intimate Enemies 2007, Fr ( Ennemis Intimes) great film about the Algerian War, follows it from perspective mostly from a French platoon. Some great performances and reveals some of the contemporary issues, not least the infamous torture, and some of the misunderstood questions of loyalty with algerians on either side, who had fought for france in the second world war. Stylished action at times lends it a hollywood esque gloss which, coupled with its characterisation makes for an excellent blend of entertainment and thought-provokingness.
  12. last pub quiz i went to the opening line to one question went: which famous scottish expo-. at which point at least 3 people shouted irn bru out loud before the quizmaster went on to provide a multiple choice of whiskey, haggis and irn-bru. sadly it wasn't the answer.
  13. christ, Liverpoolers are a contemptible lot.
  14. At the weekend, a birthday party in the meet and greets with random people generally ran thus them: ah so what do you do? me: im doing a masters in european studies, mostly with a historical tilt them: oh interesting! any area in particular? me: yes I'm focussing on survivor holocaust testimony. them: ... oh. So that's.. me: the horrors of torture, death and the total degradation of the human essence as the ultimate means and end of totalitarianism, and a world where tales of cannibalism are spoken of with an unsettlingly surreal detached fashion, and the split necessity and impossibility of communicating this experience them: oh wow, yeah, that's erm, wow... I'm just going to meet some other people now... you know, go get a drink... maybe see you later... me:
  15. Lerner. In the first three years I was full of hope excitement and a sense of future that had never been experienced before under Ellis. Whilst there had been some good years in my supporting range ( from 95 onwards ), there was also lots of bullshit. Randy did come in, put in investment, made an effort to respect the club, and bring some refurbishment to surrounding areas - and ok fair enough people will say the team should always come first, but it does still strike me as someone who cares. He's also got a little more humility than DE which I value. 18 months of poor decisions are a big blot, but they are reversible.
  16. curbishley would be a good match for them I feel.
  17. total subjectivity here - like the pub and the people who served you? Give it back to them or as Ponky said, spend the 'bonus' there anyway. Don't like them? **** it. Life's little chance to reward / punish being nice / a rocket polisher
  18. too funny for words really. 100m spending and just above norwich in the league. KING KENNY FTW.
  19. watch film, read book tonight ( Intimate Enemies / The Tin Drum [ brilliantly bonkers ] ) possibly have pint / play poker afterwards tomorrow - choose one of a million things I need to study and do that for a while, party at mutual friends house in the evening, the hostess wishes me to come because she's invited some single women, so looking forward to utilising some well borne strategems for insulting them all within 20 minutes of our introduction, then sunday working behind the bar at the milennium stadium for the rugby match, probably watching the film version of the tin drum in the evening
  20. Le Corbeau 9/10 - superb film - a noir based on poison pen letters in a French town. In the context of being made in 1943 it has clear allegories, hints, and subtle cautions to the issue of trust in a split nation of resistance v collaboration. Really well done, in drawing suspicion over a number of the towns inhabitants and the lead character Dr. Germain who is the 'focus' point of many of these letters is excellent too. Weekend / Tous va Bien Two Jean Luc Godard films from about 1970. Will cover them both, as they are so evidently painted with the same brush. So unbelievably heavy on the political polemic - though in the world of late 60s and May 68 in particular AND being French, that's hardly a surprise. Both include some 'unexpected and slightly provocative' scenes to say the least, and some frankly very boring longwinded lectures, the content of which im not necessarily unsympathetic too, but its overkill for me. Weekend for the first 40 minutes or so is a deliciously vicious satire ( and as subtle as a mallet to the face ) on bourgeois materialism with a testing traffic scene which includes non stop honking for a good 10-12 minutes! Gloriously unsubtle though the second half does descend into some 60s new wave trippy shit that can quite simply GTFO.
  21. if there are any spare tickets for footy in the milennium stadium, i may attempt to watch some there. If not, 100m and the hockey oddy enough for me. and then the statistician in me just finds the medal tables disturbingly fascinating.
  22. This x infinity +1 albion and wolves can stay. sha can fold faster than an origami master for all I care.
  23. so far MoN is having the new manager effect. If he's magic so far, then so was JG for his amazing start with us. It'll level out when some of the squad realise they aren't the pet favorites and will never get a look in bar 10 minutes in one game occasionally and the same 14 players are flogged silly. They'll finish this season very well, top 10 maybe even take that 8th spot, but see how he fares next season.
  24. heavens, and there I was thinking it was a bit of a PR stunt. Harry to really take it now? Bet he didn't want to have that choice with the season still ongoing!
  25. Putting aside your massive gheyness for a moment; for realsies?! I can't think of an actress any more replaceable than Zellweger, she's... I'm not even sure there's a word to describe how awful she is. Terribad? Atrocinormous? Gigantuturd? "sofiacoppollaesque"
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