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Everything posted by Rodders

  1. najwan ghrayib, although I lie, there was exciting exotic quality to his arrival, like fernando nelson.
  2. jesus he'll get the best support at least, hope he makes a full recovery. Lovely bloke.
  3. kinsella leonhardsen heskey calderwood boulding
  4. seriously? **** hell! Stan Hope he gets well soon! all stan chanting tomorrow if this is true then
  5. i didn't get it as I had never heard of the film Hunger Games, but having just heard a synopsis, bravo I say, bravo!
  6. bent young angel and also bosko balaban. i thought we were signing some kind of hidden superstar.
  7. Actually NHL is awesome though haven't seen it in years. When I was out in Canada got to see a double overtime loss for the canadiens ( montreal ) against the boston bruins. it was one of my favourite sporting occasions live. have also just got back from working at an arena where premier league darts was going on. **** mental atmosphere chock full of pissheads. though got lots of "**** offs" due to selling crates of carlsberg at £80.
  8. 2-0 everton 8) scouse derby in the semi final should be awesome. Chelsea 1-0 up look to be going to the semi finals then
  9. This is the kind of shit I fear, don't be graham chapman here
  10. rooneh 1-0. go red team for the title.
  11. what everyone else is saying. A veritable cunning stunt.
  12. I think Massa could do ok when he's out of the ferrari limelight, I think a combination of constant speculation, the accident, and Alonso annihilating him has hurt him pretty badly, but in another side, most of those factors are gone. However, I'm not sure which mid tier seat would open up for him right now. Williams look like they could have a settled pair ( early days I know etc ) for a couple of years, and there's always the competition of a returning Kubica ( if ever ) or Sutil again I suppose. Meh, I dunno, but the one certainty is that he has no future with Ferrari.
  13. well the sauber's aren't that bad a car right now! but yes, massa is not going to be there next year, and perez has a very good shout of claiming that seat next year.
  14. unlucky considering a general improvement / or better because he won't risk having stinkers against tough teams
  15. I have no idea, that's why I asked I suppose it depends how close any ignitiony type source is to the actual motor and the tanks. But assuming that there are various safety tests to pass before this is let on the market, it sounds like a groovy idea all the same.
  16. sounds groovy, excuse my ignorance of sciency-tech things but are there safety issues with running it on air? like exploding tanks etc?
  17. out for 3-4 weeks apparently.
  18. by the sun journalist technically in a typical sleight of hand disingenuous fashion. That said if he scores the goals Crouch showed himself capable of yesterday then yes please!
  19. just watched the last couple of episodes of S1 of Breaking Bad. From when he shaves his hair off - great episode 8)
  20. Sauber have been unlucky in the past, I think that was just caution on the verge of an excellent finish, nothing conspiratorial involved I don't think. After last year when they had points taken off them at australia, perez' crash in monaco iirc when he was doing well ( can't remember ), not surprised, especially with conditions still having the slight threat of doom.
  21. Vettel's interviews when everythings not all hunky dorey, not doing much to dispel a "myth" that his arrogance is misunderstood. See vettel v button postgame for assessing a disappointing race. Such a bellend. Anyway, glad to see Alonso win, and great finish for Perez! Williams and Lotus really looking decent this year which is nice, Mercedes seem to really have problems in-race at the moment it seems, though it was crazy with conditions, but they just don't last. Better for Force India as well this weekend too.
  22. Come on Emile, you giant ogre, smash a hat-trick today
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